Recruiter Essays

  • Recruiter's Flaw

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    Recruitment depends on the recruiter’s ability to understand the organization’s requirement. If the recruiter is someone from outside, it is normal to not to recognize the business’s necessities. This is a human nature to consider self first. With this attitude some recruiters are more focused to close the deal, doesn’t matter if they have obtained the right ones or not. Rather than finding the best one for the open position, they try to get the job done with the ones who were acquired through the

  • Improving College Recruitment

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    future candidates. Due to the cost both in time and in resources, a recruitment process deserves a solid training program that covers a variety of issues. Thought should be given to the topics to be covered in a training program, aids or materials recruiters will need, practical skills to be covered in the training, the person most appropriate to conduct the training, and any additional needs to be considered to ensure the training is most effective in achieving the goal of developing strong recruiting

  • Key Characteristics Of A Recruiter

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    What are the key attributes of an excellent recruiter? Discuss the competencies, values, attitudes, and behaviours that you think support high performance as a recruiter. Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization. A manager must ensure that a recruiter is aware of the need to properly match the recruiting process with an organizations corporate culture and have well-defined monitoring programs in place for

  • Becoming A Military Recruiter

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    Becoming an United States Military Army Recruiter Introduction The land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom isn’t free though. Men and women dedicated to servicing there country help maintain the beliefs of our fore fathers. The military is a very special part of America. Although each branch plays a very significant part, I am specifically interested in the Army. I chose this area because I believe the army plays an important role in the pulchritudinous purlieu entitled America. I already

  • The Importance Of Nurse Recruiters In Nursing

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    where minority groups are drastically increasing, it is pivotal that the nursing population accurately reflects the diverse range of race and ethnicities of the U.S. One way that health care leaders are attempting to correct this is by using nurse recruiters. These professionals who are assigned this duty actively seek out individuals from lower socioeconomic neighborhoods and school with the intention of educating them about the field of nursing. Students who are in middle and high school are targets

  • Military Recruiters in School. Why Not?

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    young as seventeen years old. However, many people do not want recruiters in high schools and the debate of whether high schools should allow military recruiters inside has transpired. Numerous reasons exist explaining why schools should allow recruiters on campuses. High schools should allow military recruiters because, although many say that recruiters don’t tell the whole truth, students usually already know the information. Recruiters inform students of the benefits and opportunities that the military

  • Stereotypes And Model Recruiters At Vogue Magazine

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    Dear Ms. Wintour, Editors and model recruiters at Vogue Magazine My name is Luis Abreu and I currently reside in Highland Park. I consider myself an avid fashion lover and it infuriates me when I detect the bias against people of asian descent in the fashion industry. Vogue Magazine has been able to move forward and encompass a wider range of clients, yet Asians and all non-white models are still not accepted and approved as creative forces in the industry. In order for Asians and non-white models

  • Military Recruiters Should Not Be Allowed In High Schools

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    be prohibited from sending recruiters to high schools in order to show future graduates a potential alternative to college. High school students should know that the US military is a viable option following graduation due to the great benefits, great job prospects, and ability to acquire very low cost college education available to the US military.

  • Should Military Recruiters Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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    Military recruiters have the right to come to classes to recruit students that perhaps don't know what they want to do or get enticed with the “benefits” that come along if they join the Military or any other branch. It's what they need to do, they need to recruit people/ students so they can get paid or possible not fired. The Military isn't bad coming once and awhile but, when they start to constantly bother you., then its gets quite problematic. Some students just get tired of them going on and

  • White Feather Corporation’s College Recruitment Program

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    three department managers to be recruiters preparing them only with a briefing to keep their questions specific to qualifications for the job. The three managers conducted 64 interviews over one week at four different college campuses and most failed to file interview reports in a timely manner. This year Marianne recognized that last year’s schedule was perhaps too rigorous for only three managers so this year she has instead selected twelve managers to be recruiters on just one college campus each

  • Beck Case Study

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    In order to recruit people, organizations must have a strategic plan in place, identify vacancies, and have detailed job descriptions that describe the job. The Human Resource department will provide recruiters the needed information to start the process of filling the candidate pool. Recruiters will do

  • Importance Of Cover Letter

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    company recruiters know that they don 't share with you: Secret #1: Recruiters (and hiring managers) seldom read cover letters. The reason? Recruiters, especially in mid-size to large companies, are extremely busy managing the entire end-to-end recruiting process for multiple jobs at a time, each with hundreds upon hundreds of resume and cover letter submissions. Hiring managers are extremely busy managing their teams, department and their business. There is no time for either recruiters or hiring

  • The Effect Of Social Media On Recruit And Selection

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    created positions has changed over the past 5 years. Recruiters now have various new options for posting and advertising for these positions. Just as there are numerous ways to advertise there are various ways for recruiters to screen and find potential candidates. In this paper I will explore how social media offers new options that recruiters now have compared to what they had in years past. There will also be a discussion about how recruiters use social media and what needs to be done to avoid

  • College Career Fair

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    Timing is important when it comes to scheduling a college career fair. Doing it at the wrong time of year will ensure you get few attendees and even fewer recruiters. Since it's likely you don't have the budget to hold countless career fairs throughout the year, you need to schedule your career fair carefully. How a College Semester Flows Think about a typical college semester. The students arrive and get settled into the dorms before the first day of class. The first week is spent finding new

  • Career Trajectory: How Can I Become A Recruitment Manager

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    of searching for prospective employees for organizational vacancies is a highly competitive field where recruiters innovate the newest and most effective strategies and tools to find quality talent. The career that will be focused on is a Recruitment Manager, which is a position that leads the recruitment process as well as overseeing the Human Resource Recruiters (HR recruiters). The HR recruiter 's role is to identify what resources are needed in the organization, and then the recruitment process

  • The Halo Effect and Recency Effect: What's Your Greatest Weakness?

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    centers on the question “what is your greatest weakness?” The table on 7-2 present varying responses that the recruiter can have. A halo effect is where there is an overall impression of the candidate and it influences other ratings about the interviewee. An example is when a person meets all the qualifications on paper but their interviewing skills may need a lot of work. The recruiter may be willing to overlook or not judge as harshly because on paper they have everything they want in an employee

  • Future Trends in Talent Recruitment

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    During the pre-digitalisation era recruiters had to rely on paper resumes and job applications. Job posts were advertised either in industry papers or tradeshows or in public recruitment centres. In many instances, jobs go advertised internally and hiring involved referrals by other employees. The selection process also followed a different pattern. The recruiters went through the paper applications and resumes, shortlisting suitable candidates for

  • Personal Narrative

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    Because of this, I was not able to support myself and have deprived me of life necessities and has drowned me in debt bondage and peonage. EXTREME HARDSHIP 47. My recruiters and employers collected huge sums of money and deceived me that they will provide better employment opportunity for me but in vain. I came to America to lift my economic condition but I suffered instead. This was the greatest frustration in my life

  • The Facebook Profile: A Right or a Violation?

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    Facebook have created a new ethical dilemma for many businesses. Corporations, small businesses, and even universities are struggling create policies to manage their employees social networking behaviors. Social networking access, particularly for recruiters, can provide personal information about potential employees, which would otherwise not be available. A business must follow statutes and guidelines when disclosing information to the public. Individuals on social networking sites have no such

  • The Importance Of Recruiting In The Military

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    being a part of the Army. It wasn't until 2005 when I decided to join the United States Army, and this when all my concerns and questions were answered during recruitment. My Recruiter explained and guided me through the whole process of entering and prepping for the Army. It was my confidence and the motivation of my Recruiter that made it possible for me to join the Military as I proudly wear this uniform today. I believe that becoming a member of the United States Army Recruiting Team is a great