Quintic equation Essays

  • The Cold Equations Play Summary

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    Our group selected our play presentation on “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin. This play is about a girl named Marilyn who was ejected from the Stardust aircraft. Our group selected this play so we could create an exciting, interesting, and suspenseful alternative ending. We titled our alternative ending, The Slightly Warmer Equation because of the happier and lighter storyline that our play has in comparison to “The Cold Equations” dark and dreadful storyline. The reason we did this was so that

  • Teaching Reflection on a Single Variable Equation Math Lesson

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    practice on is their algebra skills, such as solving linear equations. The focus of this lesson was on solving linear equations with one variable. There are various standards that deal with solving equations, but for these students I narrowed it down to single-variable equations: Solve linear equations. The Alabama standard used from this lesson was 8. EE.7.b Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive

  • The Quartic Equation and Lodovico Ferrari

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    The quartic equation is used by geometry teachers around the world and in computer graphics. This formula originated in Italy in the 1500’s. It was rare for someone to find a solution and achieve fame in doing so. The chances of that happening were slim to none due to the lack of education during this period. A mathematician named Lodovico Ferrari beat those odds and created a formula that still has applications today. Italy in the 1500’s was a different place than what people know now. They had

  • Triminoes

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    set of Triminoe cards and the largest number used on the cards. PLANNING These are some of the formulas I will be using in order to complete the tasks: f (n) =an+b (Linear equation) f (n) =an2+bn+c (Quadratic equation) f (n) =an3+bn2+cn+d (Cubic equation) f (n) =an4+bn3+cn2+dn+e (Quartic equation) METHOD 1. First I am going to the number 0 and find out how much different possibilities I can make with the one number, this is obviously one. 2. I will then try two numbers

  • Newton's Method

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    most common such formula is, perhaps, the quadratic formula. When functions reach a degree of five and higher, a convenient, root-finding formula ceases to exist. Newton’s method is a tool used to find the roots of nearly any equation. Unlike the cubic and quadratic equations, Newton’s method – more accurately, the Newton-Raphson Method – can help to find roots of nearly any type of function, including all polynomial functions. Newton’s method use derivative calculus to find the roots of a function

  • Physics in Everyday Use: Nympsfield Gliding Club

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    Bernoulli’s Equation. The Bernoulli equation states that, [IMAGE] but only when · point 1 and 2 lie on a streamline, · the fluid has a constant density, · the flow is steady · there is no friction. Although these restrictions sound severe, the Bernoulli equation is very useful, partly because it is very simple to use and partly because it can give great insight into the balance between pressure, velocity and elevation. Bernoulli's equation is the explanation

  • The Open Box Problem

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    can calculate the side lengths minus the cut out squares using the following equation. Volume = Length - (2 * Cut Out) * Width - (2 * Cut Out) * Height Using a square, both the length & the width are equal. I am using a length/width of 10cm. I am going to call the cut out "x." Therefore the equation can be changed to: Volume = 10 - (2x) * 10 - (2x) * x If I were using a cut out of length 1cm, the equation for this would be as follows: Volume = 10 - (2 * 1) * 10 - *(2 * 1) * 1

  • Magnetic Fields of Stationary Magnets

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    Missing figures/equations My goal in writing this paper is two fold. Goal one is to try and understand how a stationary magnet exerts force by means of a magnetic field (even across a complete vacuum). Frequently, electromagnetic fields are compared to the gravitational field. Goal two is to explore the similarities between the two types of fields to see if comparison throws any light on the mechanism of magnetic field generation. The term action-at-a-distance is often used to describe forces

  • Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Future

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    creative and find ways to keep pushing the student onward as well as upward. In order to devise the ultimate plan for educating students, a teacher must acknowledge that the “students” are what teaching is all about. The most important factor in the equation is unequivocally the STUDENT! All humans are different in some sort or fashion. But the fact still exists that we all have only this place to function in. So help by putting forth an effort to make it a better place for us all. I’m a firm believer

  • Fractal Geometry

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    imaginary numbers, real numbers, logarithms, functions, some tangible and others imperceivable. But these abstract numbers, simply symbols that conjure an image, a quantity, in our mind, and complex equations, take on a new meaning with fractals - a concrete one. Fractals go from being very simple equations on a piece of paper to colorful, extraordinary images, and most of all, offer an explanation to things. The importance of fractal geometry is that it provides an answer, a comprehension, to nature

  • history of algebra

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    17th century. The simplest forms of equations in algebra were actually discovered 2,200 years before Mohamed was born. Ahmes wrote the Rhind Papyrus that described the Egyptian mathematic system of division and multiplication. Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, Erasasth, and other great mathematicians followed Ahmes (“Letters”). Although not very important to the development of algebra, Archimedes (212BC – 281BC), a Greek mathematician, worked on calculus equations and used geometric proofs to prove

  • IMP 2 POW 8

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    to find 3 equations, that would give me an answer, if I had certain information. The first was to find one that if you knew that there were four pegs on the boundary, and none on the interior, you could get the area. The second was if you knew that there were 4 pegs on the boundary, and you knew how many were on the interior, you could get the area. And last, if you had the number on the interior, and the number on the boundary, you could get the area. Process The first two equations, were a preparation

  • Investigation into elastic potential energy

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    involved means that the potential energy is greater therefore the kinetic/moving energy will also be greater. Variables: Force to pull the band back. This will be between 3 and 11 Newton’s. Equations: Distance = Speed Time Speed = Time Distance Time = Distance Speed I also have Equations for EPE in my research. Method: 1)     Attach an elastic band to the hook on the end of a Newton metre and stretch the band until the Newton metre reads three Newton’s 2)     Then Release the

  • Math And Owning A Restaraunt

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    things in a restaurant could not happen without math such as paying for your meal. Math is used to add up the total cost of a person’s bill as well as adding in the sales tax. More advanced math is used in the restaurant business as well. Using equations to determine what your business can afford to buy as well as the difference in the cost of the product and the profit it turns over is all determined by math. Jobs you might not even think require math do, such as portioning products or prepping

  • How To Analyze The Regression Analysis Output From Excel

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    straight line relationship, expressed as Y = α + βX + e. Here, Y is the dependent variable, and X is the independent variable. α is the intercept of the regression line, and β is the slope of the regression line. e is the random disturbance term. The equation Y = α + βX (ignoring the disturbance term “e”) gives the average relationship between the values of Y and X. For example, if Y is the cost of goods sold and X is the sales, and α = 2 and β = 0.75, and if the sales are 100, i.e., X = 100, the cost

  • Utilitarianism in Crime and Punishment

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    society.  However, a true follower of utilitarianism would be outraged at Raskolnikov's claim that murdering the old woman can be considered morally right. Raskolnikov arbitrarily leaves out some necessary considerations in his moral "equation" that do not adhere to utilitarianism.  A utilitarian would argue that Raskolnikov has not reached an acceptable solution because he has not accurately solved the problem.  On the other hand, a non-utilitarian would reject even the notion

  • Education and Virginia’s Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own

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    “Only the gold and silver flowed now, not from the coffers of the king, but from the purses of men who had made, say a fortune from industry, and returned, in their wills, a bounteous share of it to endow more chairs, more lectureships, more fellowships in the university where they had learnt their craft” (754). This is a quote from Virginia’s Woolf’s essay, “A Room of One’s Own”. Here she is making a point about universities and the funding that they received from men that had gone to school there

  • The Determination of a Rate Equation

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    The Determination of a Rate Equation Aim --- The purpose of this experiment is to develop a method to determine the rate equation for the reaction between Magnesium ribbon and 2.0mol dm Hydrochloric acid, HCl. Hypothesis and Theory --------------------- When I react the magnesium ribbon with hydrochloric acid they will undergo the reaction according to the equation below: Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) à MgCl (aq) + H (g) For a reaction to be successful the molecules must collide with

  • Investigating the Bounce of a Squash Ball

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    and temperature. Boyle discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the pressure is inversely proportional to its volume. So in equation form this is: pV = constant if T is constant Amontons discovered that for a fixed mass of gas at constant volume, the pressure is proportional to the Kelvin temperature. So in equation form this is: p µ T if V is constant Shown below this is represented on graphs in (oC) and (K). [IMAGE] P [IMAGE] [IMAGE] q/oC

  • Change of Sign Method - Mathematical Essay

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    Mathematical Essay In order to find the roots of an equation that cannot be solved algebraically, I can use numerical methods to do this instead. One of these methods is the change of sign method. From looking at a graph of my equation I can find two integers that my root lies between, then from there, using spreadsheets, I can use the change of sign method to discover where the root lies to five decimal places. I have chosen to try to solve the equation: 5x3-7x+1=0 First, I drew the graph of y=5x3-7x+1