Teaching Reflection on a Single Variable Equation Math Lesson

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I selected to do a small group math lesson. At this time of the year eighth graders are reviewing for Standardized Testing. One of the things they need practice on is their algebra skills, such as solving linear equations. The focus of this lesson was on solving linear equations with one variable. There are various standards that deal with solving equations, but for these students I narrowed it down to single-variable equations: Solve linear equations. The Alabama standard used from this lesson was 8. EE.7.b Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.
The necessary materials were prepared in advance which included:
• Expo markers
• Dry erasers
• Worksheets “When are the equations true?”
• Assessment worksheets “When are the equations true?”
• Pencils
Lesson Outline:
1. Activator:
Student will work individually on the assessment task designed to reveal their current understanding and difficulties. The teacher will walk around to review and evaluate students work. Afterward, the teacher will select two students to go to the board (for Sally and Jim) to explain that character work. The teacher will evaluate student’s response and demonstration of their work.
2. Teaching/Instruction:
Give each student a copy of the assessment task “When are the equations true?” Give students seven minutes to work individually to answer these questions, without assistance. Explain to the students not to worry too much if they do not understand how to solve the equation, just do their best. In this unit they will work on similar task that will help them understand better. By the end of this unit, they will be a...

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... addition, I will encourage students to relax when a lesson is being taped in the future.
I believe that everyone should reflect on what they do to find ways to improve it. I learned a lot from taping this lesson that will help me in the future. I will always continue to praise all students on their work. I will always encourage students to ask questions if they do not understand something or how it is done. I enjoy the use of peer helpers when they are available because it gives the student a chance to help demonstrate their knowledge when helping another student. I believe in getting feedback from students at the end of any lesson to assess their learned knowledge. Also, it allows me to know who and what areas I need to focus more attend on to improve the knowledge and skills. I believe that increasing students’ knowledge is the purpose of teaching.

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