Publicist Essays

  • They Cannot Have it Both Ways

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    through media onto our youth’s minds and attitudes whether it be developmental or consequential. When making the decision of becoming a celebrity, people open the doors to a life without privacy. When first starting out celebrities hire agents and publicists that will use the media to expose and increase their fame. So before choosing that career path, they should think about whether they will be able to handle the media or not. They should also think about whether they will be able to handle not having

  • Persuasive Essay On Life With Fame

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    Many people see the life with fame as a great life, yet, most of the time, it is not as glamorous as it seems. Life choices of many celebrities were not the best. Through the years, these celebrities have been more open about life behind the scenes, but people still think they have a great life. Life with fame is not as what it seems. Life with fame leads to negative paparazzi encounters, haters, and poor personal choices and issues. To begin, when famous, a celebrity’s life is always on camera—whether

  • A Career To Be A Publicist

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    The career that I would love to have is to be a publicist. My career goals consist of being a founder and CEO of my own PR firm. So, for my career research, I was trying to find a person who is similar to my race, gender, and spirituality. I wanted to understand the field that I am interested in by interviewing someone who has the same background as I do. By interviewing someone with the same similarities as me, I would get a sense of what my obstacles would be as well as how to overcome the obstacles

  • Sports Broadcasting Research Paper

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    With the constant growth of sports media, there are more opportunities available in the field of sports broadcasting than ever before. It is widely believed that one must be a journalist or broadcaster to be involved in sports broadcasting or the broadcasting industry in general; however, this is not the case. In order to properly convey any type of broadcast, an entire team is required in order to create the best broadcast possible. In any case, this broadcasting team must be composed of a variety

  • The Negative Impact Of Public Relations In Popular Culture

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    Over the course of time, the idea that surrounds popular culture is mainly the fullness of ideas, perspectives and attitudes. Also within the mainstream of a given culture there are other phenomena’s such as images, videos and outlooks that shape the idea of how public relations is looked upon in the society today (Street 2004). In the past decade or two public relations has been portrayed through different texts, images, movies, shows and ideas that provide a critical analysis of how it is looked

  • Role Of Public Relation In Fashion

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    Relation in fashion, public’s of fashion Public Relation, arguing if Public Relation is single unit or apart of different unit, giving examples of organizations or practices work in fashion Public Relations, revealing public relation in fashion publicist and their qualifications and providing models of projects

  • Bill Caplan Research Paper

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bill Caplan's life as a publicist began when his brother-in-law got him hired to work for his boyhood idol, former heavyweight champion Joe Louis. Louis took a liking to the energetic kid, even though the champ couldn't remember the young man’s name and always called him brother-in-law. Caplan had listened with his dad to many of Louis' fights on the radio. Years later, Caplan found himself traveling with his boyhood idol to promote a fight. It was just the two of them. Caplan never forgot how

  • Why Do Celebrities Should Be Off Limits To The Media

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    When it comes to the topic of the celebrities lives being off the media, most of us will readily agree that celebrities’ lives should be kept private. Where this agreement usually ends, however is on the question of if their lives should not be kept private and be off limits to the media. Whereas some are convinced that celebrities have the right of privacy and media should be off limits to the media, others maintain that the private lives of the celebrities should not be private because it gives

  • Growing Up Narrative

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    Growing up, I was deeply involved in my high school where I learned to be an effective communicator which is something I continue to perfect. Beginning my sophomore year all the way until graduation, I served as an outreach coordinator but also as a publicist. It was during my junior and senior year international project when I worked closely with the Area Director. Working as outreach coordinator, my duties included running all social media accounts for my high school’s interact page and organizing

  • Taylor Swift Do Coke Analysis

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Taylor Swift's representative denied the allegations that the 'Bad Blood' hit maker is doing cocaine. A video entitled 'Taylor Swift Doing Coke?' has been circulating around the internet recently. It garnered 6,700 views before it was removed from the web. The clip showed that Swift was holding something near her nose while she was at the backstage of the MTV Video Music Awards. After the video garnered its momentum, many viewers presumed that the 'Shake It Off' singer is possibly using drugs.

  • Redbook Case Study

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    photograph from more than one source as Huvane claims, did Redbook cross an ethical line? An ethical line was crossed by Redbook in this case. Redbook changed the integrity of a Jennifer Aniston photograph without gaining her personal approval or her publicist team’s approval. Aniston is an actress that is seen as a fashion icon. Therefore, her hairstyle, whether she’s wearing her wedding ring, and her outfit are all important factors for her image. So Redbook did not only approach an ethical line by including

  • An Artisan Community

    979 Words  | 2 Pages

    An Artisan Community Star Artistry is a community of artisans. The musicians, photographers, journalist, managers, record labels, producers, promoters, and publicists/press departments work together to facilitate the growth of emerging artists. Established successful artists are also featured who share their feats and experiences which double as a lesson to new bands. Creative collaborations amongst artisans allow music aficionados to see a broadened view of the music they naturally incorporate

  • Analyzing Kathryn Hawkins 'The Office Bully'

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    The author of the chosen article is Kathryn Hawkins. The article is titled "The Office Bully". The author uses the article to write about bullying in the working places. Evidently, bullying has gone beyond the walls of school and has now extended to offices. Bullying is known to result into emotional and even physical effects on the victim. The perpetrators of bullying are known to have a bullying background. The issue of bullying has become wide spread and it is even present at working places now

  • The Mind of Kurt Vonnegut

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    war in Slaughterhouse-Five. Vonnegut created short stories and novels that dealt with events in his life. One of the most obvious self examinations is in "Deer in the Works". The short story is based on his experiences as a publicist at the General Electric Company Research Laboratory in Schenectady, New York. "Deer in the Works" takes place over two days in the life of David Potter as he begins his employment at the Ilium Works of the Federal Apparatus Corporation

  • Public Relations

    817 Words  | 2 Pages

    Robert I. Wakefield probably gives one of the best definitions of Public Relations when he stated, "All public relations should exist to preserve a consistent reputation and build relationships" (This is PR 1). This is a very broad and generic scope that does not necessarily infer any type of ethical behavior nor implies any sense of right or wrong with what is generally referred to as "spin. The bottom line for any company is to make a profit. Why else would they be in business? The book, This is

  • Carl Von Clausewitz: The Vietnam War

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    one of the most respected classics on military strategy. In this classic, he had 28 sections that all discussed what there is to a war. He had an ideology of what a war was, and gave a thorough meaning to it, without perplexing the definition like publicists did. In his own words, “War therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfill our war”. He compared “war” to “two wrestlers”, in regards to using physical force to have the opponent submit to his will. I would say this is an accurate

  • The Real Public Relator: What People Do Not Know

    1505 Words  | 4 Pages

    In Public Relations, the purpose is to represent those who cannot represent themselves. We are the voice of the people, and the reason why we are invested to do so. Whether we are Publicists, Advocates, or CEO of companies; we are the voice of the projects we have put our time in. As I read in an article about Public relations it was described, “Fighting creditability is important battles. If a negative story is not dealt with fast, it can badly damage the brand.” Figuratively this explains why inner

  • Baseball and Statistics

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    Ask The Professor: What is sabermetrics and why do baseball teams care so much about it?. Retrieve from Souders, Mac. (N.D.). Baseball’s First Publicist Henry Chadwick. Retrieved from

  • Harry Emerson Fosdick and the Controversy Between Modernists and Fundamentalists

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    modern Christians could doubt doctrines such as the literal truth of the Bible and the virgin birth of Jesus and still remain faithful. He spoke out against the segregation of modernists and their views in "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” A Fosdick publicist mailed it to United States churches, stimulating the controversy. Fosdick did not want national fights with Presbyterian conformists, so he left and became pastor of Park Avenue Baptist Church. The church moved in 1930 to Upper ...

  • Zodiac Killer Book Report

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    book there is a picture of his dad and it looks just the guy in the police sketch of the zodiac killer. He also shows a picture of his hand and it has the same scar as the finger print collected on a taxi which was the zodiac killers finger print. Publicist