Presidency of Barack Obama Essays

  • Obama´s Universal Healthcare Reform

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    Obama promised change, then he took on one of Washington's toughest issues; Universal healthcare reform.Obama said that he wanted to be the generation that says, "universal health care in America, we can do that!" He spoke no less than remaking America, but in the end were they just pretty words? "Another day, another headache for president Obama." The president had staked his entire first term on this, and if it fell through his whole presidency could have gone downhill, fast. Everybody loved the

  • A Rhetorical Analysis Of John Oliver's In Wage Gap

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    “Women! What do they want?” John Oliver exclaims sarcastically as he begins his segment on the wage gap. John Oliver always begins his segments with sarcastic and witty comments in order to initially engage his audience which is largely young adults. His use of a news station background is what grabs the attention of news watchers. While he does discuss serious issues he does it with wit in order for his audience to come to the same conclusion as him. Knowing that the majority of his audience holds

  • Hiding the Tilt in the New York Times

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    works and less in others, depending on the topic. A reporter focusing on an account of the presidency is likely to take it on with a one sided judgment. The actions of President Obama are so controversial that it is hard not to express the news without a tilt in one direction or another. The New York Times tries to hide this unbalanced spectrum but it still can slip in some instances. President Obama is portrayed by the New York Times with viewpoints that express a negative impact for the United

  • Van Jones: Fighting for Social and Environmental Equality

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    translate that vision into reality.” (Bennis, 188) There have been many visionary civil rights leaders in the history of the United States such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, Angela Davis, Reverend Al Sharpton and Barack Obama. Recently the most promising civil rights leader is Van Jones. Van Jones sets himself apart from these other influential leaders by merging his enthusiasm for social equality and his passion for environmental activism. Van Jones believes that combining

  • George W. Bush Stimulus Package Vs. Barack Obama Stimulus Package

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    President Barack Obama signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on February 17th, 2009 into law. This Act was an effort to jump-start the economy, and also to save and create millions of jobs in America. Obama selected Vice President Joe Biden to over look the application of the Act, while working with cabinet members, the nations governors, and mayors to make sure the implementation of the Recovery Act are not abrupt, but as efficient and effective as Obama intended. The Recovery Act called

  • The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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    A Hillary Clinton presidency will lead to nothing more than the continuation of the disastrous policies implemented by Barack Obama in the last 8 years. It will be no different than electing Obama for a third and possibly fourth term. She will continue the assault on the constitution that Obama has led throughout his presidency. Whether it’s the constant assaults on the first, second and fourth amendments, his sympathizing with anti-American regimes such as Iran and Cuba, his economic policies that

  • Argumentative Essay About Barack Obama

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    Barack Obama This is a biography with Barack Obama the former president of the United States. People choose to believe that different things about Obama but there are the things that I believe about Obama. Barack Obama is inspirational, hardworking, and determined because of his childhood, his education and his presidency. He is hard-working because of his childhood “he grew up on the Southside of Chicago,Illinois and that is where he met his wife Michelle” (Source A). Barack grew up in a rough

  • Barack Obama Interview Analysis

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    During Professor Dyson’s interview, he was discussing President Barack Obama’s role as a Black President in “White America.” During the interview, he was stating that President Barack Obama made sure that White America trusted him during the election. President Obama made a bargain with White America. He made sure that the white people in America were comfortable. He ensured that he did not make White America feel guilty about the past including slavery. He ensured White America that he would not

  • Compare And Contrast Essay On 9/11 And Obama

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    republican president have the same choices but different consequences. Barack Obama is known for the killing of Osama bin laden. George W Busch is the known for when the 9/11 attacks happened in 2001. Both presidents had positive impacts on the United States during 9/11 and after 9/11. Both Barack Obama and George W Busch had similarities in their presidency's. Both presidents were reelected for second terms in their presidency. Both presidents had to deal with al-Qaida and the Taliban. George Busch

  • Criteria For A Good President

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    When distinguishing the criteria, citizens believe a president should have, he or she might realize their favored presidents do not possess the same criteria. Many democrats see past president, Barack Obama, as an impeccable president. Some students may view Roger Briggs as an ideal candidate for presidency. Comparing their qualities and values may show they are not as perfect for the job as they may seem. Having perspective is

  • Barack Obama Biography Essay

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    Barack Hussein Obama was the 44th presidential elect. He was elected president in 2008, then reelected in 2012, winning the popular vote against Mitt Romney. Many people across the United States do not like Barack Obama and they tend to not believe that he is a U.S citizen even though he was born in Hawaii. He was the first colored president of the United States. This is a summary on the life before, during, and after the presidency of Barack Obama. President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii

  • The Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama And Post-Racial America

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    The article “Reality or Rhetoric? Barack Obama and Post- racial America” (Love and Tosolt 4) focuses on the impact that Obama’s election had on racial segregation in the country of the United States of America. The article seeks to identify whether or not President Obama’s ascent to the presidency is the beginning of a new post- racial era. The argument raised is divided into two portions. The first argument for discussion raised is that the acceptance of Obama as the president shows tremendous

  • My Hero Vs. Barack Obam A Historic President

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    Obama: A Historic President. While some people think being a hero consists of a person wearing a cape and saving a city, my vision of a hero is different. A modern day hero should be able to help others through words and actions, without having any special powers. My hero, Barack Obama once said that, “I am more optimistic about the future of America than ever before” (Obama). This quote is significant because it puts the minds of American citizens at ease in a society where we face many challenges

  • Compare And Contrast Reagan And Obama

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    Reagan vs Obama Back in 1980, Republican president nominee Ronald Reagan pledged throughout his campaign that it was his goal to “restore the great, confident roar of American progress, growth and optimism”. Restoration, reinvigoration, and reclamation of values believed to be lost by the presidential treachery he was succeeding. Fast forward to 2008, Democratic president nominee Barack Obama did not see a need for restoration, he saw a need for new waves with his slogan “change we can believe in”

  • Has Barack Obama Made Our Debt Insurmountable?

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    Imagine that you just won the Presidency of the USA and you are faced with all the problems from Presidents past. The argument in this essay is whether or not President Barack Obama has made our debt insurmountable. Some people, mainly republicans, find that The President has completely ruined our economy by putting us so far into debt that we can not possibly pay it all off. The other argument is that President Obama has done well at keeping the National Debt in reasonable proportions and not “blowing

  • The Life of a Leader, Barack Obama

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    that is educated and embodies the ability to assess the other group's skills and talents in order to utilize them to accomplish a goal. Barack Obama was the first black senator for the state of Illinois. Barak was also the first black United States President. Barak made a healthcare program that has been modified to include more people it is called Obamacare. Obama is a good leader because he is persuasive and a diligent worker. As a leader he does many things which include visiting foreign countries

  • Gender Wage Gap Analysis

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    Conveyed through these comments, former and current United States presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, have contradicting views on how the White House should be run, especially in terms of female salaries. When compared to the former Obama White House, the Trump White House may be perceived as a degeneration of Obama’s. During Obama’s presidency, women working at the White House were paid 89.25 cents per every dollar to men based on the female and male salary medians (Perry; Lopez). This presents

  • Obama's Foreign Policy: A Mixed Evaluation

    1045 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction In 2009, President Obama inherited many foreign policies, like the wars between the U.S. and Afghanistan, from the previous president George W. Bush. Most Republicans think that George W. Bush did better than Obama with foreign policies, most Demarcates disagree with most Republicans. Most Demarcates think that Barack Obama did a better job with foreign policies than George W. Bush. Many candidates are using Obama’s foreign policy to make people vote for them. Obama has done a mix between a

  • Descriptive Essay On Barack Obama

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    Lizbeth Ramirez English 1301 MWF 10 a.m. November 27th, 2017 Mr. Welsh Barack Obama Being the first African American President of the United States is one of the many reasons why Barack Obama is loved so much by society as well as by history. He is known to be a novel, determined, hardworking, and successful man, which has been proven with his actions throughout his life. Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th president of the USA, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. Growing

  • Barack Obama: An Unexplored Journey and Accomplishments

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    Barack Obama “What did Barack Obama really do” as some might say. Well, he did a lot of things that most people might not really know about. Obama is the first African American to ever become president in the United States. He has a strong bond with his family and loves his wife and children dearly. Barack Obama was always there to help make the people’s lives better and fight for equal rights. In Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961,Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to Barack Obama who was named after