Paresthesia Essays

  • The Symptoms of Paresthesia

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    sensation? (How Stuff Works 1) This tingling sensation is caused by paresthesia. Paresthesia is a vibe of shivering, tickling, prickling, pricking, or blazing of an individual's skin with no obvious long haul physical impact. The sensation, which happens without cautioning, is generally effortless and portrayed as deadness, skin slithering, or tingling. The appearance of a paresthesia may be transient or endless. (Paresthesia 1) Paresthesias of the hands, feet, legs and arms are regular, transient side

  • Fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a musculoskeletal illness (which causes chronic pain) and a chronic fatigue disorder. It can also change sleep patterns and cause the following: digestive disorders, chronic headaches, painful menstrual periods, temperature sensitivity, morning stiffness, numbness or tingling of extremities, and even cognitive memory problems. The name fibromyalgia comes from "fibro" in Latin meaning tissue, "my" in Greek meaning muscle, and "algia" (also Greek) meaning pain.(source

  • The Excessive Use of Technology

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    Technology has been an improvement to society, making people's lives easier to complete tasks or give a better standard of living. However, technology befogs society's realization on the amount of reliance they have on it and it has become a problem. The younger generations that are raised with technology do not notice the dependency they have on technology since they have used it all their life. The tendency to be on technology can be a great harm in one's health. Nowadays it is a requirement to

  • Acute Occupational Therapy Case Studies

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    Julia is a 43 year old female initially referred to acute occupational therapy due to a recent onset of symmetrical numbness, tingling, and weakness in her hands and feet. Julia reported having an upper respiratory infection two months prior and reports showing symptoms shortly after. Julia lives with her husband in Washington State and has two adult children who are out of the house and reside in different states. Julia initially only had numbness and tingling in the feet but over the past eight

  • Sesamoiditis Research Paper

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    Symptoms And Treatments For Sesamoiditis Caused By Cycling Cycling is an intense sport that is physically demanding. It's important to use proper equipment to protect your body from harm due to posture problems and the repetitive motion of cycling. The sport can be particularly hard on your feet, especially if you don't wear proper shoes and maintain good form. Stress on the feet can cause foot and knee pain. One injury you can get from cycling is sesamoiditis. These are the symptoms you notice

  • Multiple Sclerosis Essay

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    diagnostic methods, especially OCB investigation, and clasical and modern threatments of the disease. The practical part is an investi... ... middle of paper ... ...of minutes but can reoccure many times a day. The group inculeds paroxysmal paresthesia, trigeminal neuralgia, painful tonic spasms, paroxysmal dysatrias and ataxias, paroxysmal diplopia, paroxusmal dyskinesia, facial myokymia. Here we can also include the symptom of Lhermitte. 11. Tiredness Another of the common sympotms. Generally

  • Childhood Vaccinations: A Game of Russian Roulette?

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    Ingredients of Vaccines-Fact Sheet. (2011, February 22). In Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 12, 2011, from Paresthesia. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from Should Vaccines Be Required for Children?. (2011, July 15). Retrieved from Vaccine Injury Problems & Law. (2009). In Minnesota Medical

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis Teaching Plan

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    a clot. Common sites where thrombus is formed are valve cusps of veins, where venous stasis happens (Wipke-Tevis & Rich, 2014). Some signs and symptoms of a DVT is that a patient may have unilateral leg edema, pain tenderness with palpation, paresthesia, and warm skin. When a DVT is not treated, a clot can travel to the lungs, and become a pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolisms are considered a medical emergency. The patient can display dyspnea, chest pain, sweating, fainting or coughing up blood

  • Essay On Gastroenterology

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    large intestine, teeth, liver, tongue, salivary glands. (Mayo Clinic, 2010). Part II: A 21 year old woman was referred by her gastroenterologist to the gastroenterology department of the local hospital after frequently experiencing bloody stool, paresthesia, stomach and head aches, tiredness, and asthenia. Patient was given an fecal occult blood test, which resulted in positive finding of Hematochezia. Blood tests also showed leukocytosis and an abdomen examination of the right lower quadrant hypogastric

  • Anxiety Research Paper

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    Anxiety disorders are the 2nd most diagnosed mental illness in the United States. Anxiety comes from the “fight or flight” physiological response in ones body. The fear a person experiences is an intense emotional alarm accompanied by a surge of energy in the autonomic nervous system. The surge is what motivates us to flee from danger, cueing the “flight” response. However, some anxiety is good for us in moderate amounts. Most people perform better when we are a little anxious (Yerkes & Dodson,

  • Orthopedic Physical Assessment and Physical Therapy

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    spasticity, and no change to gait or bowel and bladder function (Magee, 2008, p. 142). These symptoms correlate to what the patient reported as a result of her injury. She stated that her pain is in the posterolateral upper and lower arm with aching and paresthesia in the thumb and index finger, which is in the dermatome pattern of cervical root 5 and 6 (C5, C6) (Magee, 2008, p. 25). She also reports lancinating pain with extension or rotation to the right of her head. There are several tests and measure that

  • What Is Polydipsia?

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    not been recorded by the ancient Egyptians. The list of presently known symptoms now includes, frequent urination, excessive thirst, increased hunger, weight loss, tiredness, lack of interest and concentration, a tingling sensation or numbness/paresthesia in the hands or feet, blurred vision, frequent infections, slow-healing wounds, and lastly, vomiting and stomach pain (which is often mistaken for the

  • Rosebud Reservation Case Study

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    After traveling to Rosebud Reservation, I found it eye opening of the cases that presented in the outpatient clinic at Indian Health Services. One patient that was out of the ordinary to me was a man that came in with a fractured tibia or fibula, as he had a cast that was put on within 72 hours of being seen at Indian Health Services Outpatient Clinic. I was unable to gather the required information due to fingerprinting not being approved. The patient presented with common signs of compartmental

  • Cervical Injury Essay

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    TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION • Group of injuries involving the neck due to a rapid, forceful, backwards motion6 • May involve the following: 6 ○ Injury to vertebral and paravertebral structures (fractures, dislocations, ligamentous tears, and disc disruption/subluxation) ○ Spinal cord injury (traumatic central cord syndrome secondary to cord compression or vascular insult) ○ Vascular injury (vertebral artery or carotid artery dissection) ○ Soft tissue injury around cervical spine (cervical

  • Respiratory Acidosis Essay

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    When the lungs are unable to remove all of the carbon dioxide the body produces, it results in a condition called Respiratory Acidosis. This condition causes body fluid, especially the blood to be too acidic. There are levels of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in that shows whether or not the blood pH is balanced. “Normal levels adult/child: 35-45 mm Hg, Child less than 2 years: 26-41 mm Hg” (National Library, 2014). Elevated amounted of PCO2 indicates a sign of respiratory acidosis. HCO3;

  • Why I Want To Be A Medical School Admission Essay

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    Although I have had some minor difficulties my first year as an undergraduate, I feel that I have worked extra strenuously in academics. I have done this in order to put myself in a position to succeed, and think that I would be a good fit for medical school. I have consistently improved my grades as well as contributed a 4.0 semester. Along with this, I believe that my present, as well as future studies, in Neuroscience will have granted me the opportunity to study what I love. My love of Neuroscience

  • Complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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    Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious disease with complications that may have fatal results in some cases. DKA is defined as an insulin deficiency that occurs when glucose fails to enter insulin into muscles such as: liver and adipose tissue. When there is an accumulation of ketones, it leads to metabolic acidosis which causes nausea and vomiting, as a result fluid and electrolytes are lost (Gibbs). There are many complications of diabetic ketoacidosis, some of the most prevalent are: Cerebral

  • Lyme disease

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    Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the United States. It was first observed in a cluster of children from Lyme, Connecticut who presented with symptoms of arthritis. The sickness is created by Borrelia burgdorferi, sensu stricto, which was initially recognized in 1982. In spite of the fact that the greater part of cases are accounted for from the northeastern, north focal, and Pacific waterfront districts of the nation, a few hundred cases every year are accounted for from the

  • Dehydration and Hypocalcemia

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    Dehydration and Hypocalcemia Shonna Dillman Maryville University Dehydration and Hypocalcemia Why are the very young and very old people at higher risk for dehydration than individuals of other ages? The very young and very old people are at a greater risk for developing dehydration quickly for some very different reasons and some similar reasons. The very young have higher metabolic rates, loss of fluids through diarrhea, and possibly immature kidneys (McCance & Huether, 2010). Children are also

  • Cervical Spine Injury Research Paper

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    Introduction The cervical spine is a very important aspect of the body. It is responsible for protecting the spinal cord, supporting the head while allowing movement, and facilitating blood flow to the brain. Cervical spine injuries occur most commonly from diving among the recreational sports. Among organized athletic activities, football is also a sport that the injury commonly occurs in. Injuries have also occurred in ice skating, hockey, rugby, snow skiing, baseball, gymnastics, soccer, and other