Cervical Spine Injury Research Paper

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The cervical spine is a very important aspect of the body. It is responsible for protecting the spinal cord, supporting the head while allowing movement, and facilitating blood flow to the brain. Cervical spine injuries occur most commonly from diving among the recreational sports. Among organized athletic activities, football is also a sport that the injury commonly occurs in. Injuries have also occurred in ice skating, hockey, rugby, snow skiing, baseball, gymnastics, soccer, and other activities. In the United States, the most common sports associated with vertebral column injury are football and wrestling. Football, wrestling, and gymnastics are the most common activities resulting in neurologic deficit from cervical spine trauma. Anatomy
The cervical spine or c-spine is divided into two distinct regions: the axial and subaxial. The axial contains the first two segments, the atlas and axial. The atlas rotates around the axis to provide rotation. C3-C7 are connected by Facet Joints. These are responsible for forward and backward motions. The developmental anatomy of the axial vertebrae is different from the subaxial anatomy. The atlas has three primary ossification …show more content…

Urgent surgical intervention is more common in patients with an incomplete spinal injury. If the neurologic dysfunction worsens, urgent surgical intervention is necessary. The decision to operate depends on many circumstances. The cause and extent of the injury and spinal stability issues is to be taken in consideration. The type of surgery to be performed is decided by the surgeon. Surgery to treat a spinal injury involves decompressing the spine and stabilizing the spine. Surgery may not reverse spinal cord damage. However, decompression and spinal stabilization are important to prevent pain, deformity, and progression of neurologic deficits such as weakness, tingling, bowel or bladder

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