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Descriptive epidemiology of lyme disease
Descriptive epidemiology of lyme disease
Descriptive epidemiology of lyme disease
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Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in the United States. It was first observed in a cluster of children from Lyme, Connecticut who presented with symptoms of arthritis. The sickness is created by Borrelia burgdorferi, sensu stricto, which was initially recognized in 1982. In spite of the fact that the greater part of cases are accounted for from the northeastern, north focal, and Pacific waterfront districts of the nation, a few hundred cases every year are accounted for from the southern United States. People and a few creatures get this illness when they are bitten by ticks tainted with borrelia burgdorferi.
Symptoms in patients generally start about 7 to 10 days after contact with a tainted tick, albeit some individuals do not hint towards any sickness until months or years after the fact when symptoms appear. Early side effects are irregular and changing, which can make judgment troublesome. One manifestation appears as a bulls eye reminiscent skin rash called erythema marginatum (EM), which happens in most Lyme malady patients. The rash is for the most part particular to Lyme disease, despite the fact that there are numerous different sicknesses that bring about impulsive and not all Lyme disease patients show EM (Stricker RB, Johnson L.; (2011). Other early side effects may incorporate a general feeling of disquietude, exhaustion, fever, cerebral pain, firm neck, muscle and joint torment, and expanded lymph nodes. Lyme malady side effects could be connected with numerous different sicknesses, which additionally makes the examination findings more troublesome to diagnose. In the event the disease is left untreated over months to years, Lyme malady can come about heart, joints, and sensory system issues, manif...
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...ivities or working in tick environments. Instructive sessions incorporate paid radio publications, boards, blurbs, in addition tick-borne infection preparing for nearby open wellbeing office.
American Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc., last updated April 26, 2010: http://www.aldf.com
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases. last updated May 7, 2014 http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/
Halperin, J.J., Baker, P., and Wormser, G.P. "Common misconceptions about Lyme disease"
Amer. J. Med. , jan 12, 2013
Kuehn BM. JAMA. 2013 Sep 18;310 (11): 1110. Doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.278331
Ostfeld, R. S. 2011. Lyme disease: The ecology of a complex system. Oxford University Press
Stricker RB, Johnson L (2011) Lyme disease: The next decade. Infect Drug Resist 4: 1–9.
Dickerson, James L. Yellow Fever: A Deadly Disease Poised to Kill Again. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2006. Print.
The biting midge (Culicoides imicola), which is responsible for this disease’s transmission, is usually contained within Mediterranean Europe; where the conditions have been exactly what the midge demands to survive (Society for General Microbiology NP). However, with an increase in average temperature of six degrees, the midge has been allowed to travel northward threatening the cattle throughout the area and even as far as England (Society for General Microbiology NP). The spread of the midge’s territory has led to an increased number of their population, along with the amount of infected cattle.
Since Plagues and Peoples covers several subjects of knowledge, he helps the reader understand key concepts by fully explaining parasitism and its dependence on humans and animals. People in the field of history, which make up a majority of this books audience, would need more insight into epidemiology to grasp its key concepts. It would not be likely for a historian to be knowledgeable in a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in populations.
Mosquitoes carried the diseases and when a person got bit he would give a disease to the mosquito and the mosquito would pass it on to the next victim ("Historical Overview").
the animals and cattle as well. The disease was so contagious that touching even an object that had
This disease may be on the brink of being eradicated entirely but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the grossest things that anyone has ever seen. The parasite enters the body via unsafe drinking water. When people drink water infected with water fleas that have have been hosting the larvae of the parasite. There are no symptoms, to begin with, but about one year later, blisters on the feet or legs begin to develop and then the adult fully developed worm crawls out of the host body over a period of a few weeks. It’s said that the pain is intense and can incapacitate a person for weeks at a time. The pain can also continue for months after the infection. The parasite needs to infect a person at least once a year in order to continue. There were an estimated 3.5 million cases in 1986 but the disease has been greatly reduced over time and only 22 cases were reported in 2015. This disease will probably be the first parasitic disease to be completely eradicated in humans.
Roos, Anna Marie E. "Plague, Early History." Infectious Diseases: In Context. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2008. 627-634. In Context Series. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
A disease is transmitted in one way or the other. Lyme disease is transmitted through a vector. The vector of the disease is an infected deer tick. The deer tick has to bite a person to spread the disease. When a deer tick bites a person (sucks blood), the Borrelia burgdoferi bacteria is transmitted into the persons body.
Legionnaires disease, characterized as a form of pneumonia, is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Legionella. Legionnaires disease accumulated its name after it spread to more than 4,000 World War II Legionnaires, as well as their family and friends, which all gathered to participate in the 58th American Legion's convention in Philadelphia, about 600 of whom were staying at the hotel this convention was being held at. The day after the convention was being hosted, a great number of the people began feeling ill. No one began to think anything of it, because the symptoms were beginning to be very similar to any other stomach flu. It wasn’t until the American Legionnaires started dying of an illness no one could figure out what was, that endless tests were completed, and Medical specialists came to a conclusion that a bacteria, Legionella, was spreading through the air conditioning vents in the convention hotel. (Legionnaires disease: A history if its discovery). This non contagious infection enters the body through contaminated bacteria into water vapor that we breathe in, affecting the bronchial tubes, and lungs. Legionnaires disease was then given it’s name in 1976, after it killed 34 people from the convention in Philadelphia.
Imagine being sick for months and months. Each day you discover new symptoms, and the ones you already had are continually getting worse. You go to the doctors because it has reached a point where you have Googled all your symptoms, Web MD says you are dying, The doctor says that your labs came back normal and therefore “it's all in your head”. The eventual diagnosis was Lyme Disease which is a vector-borne illness, that is transmitted by an insect bite, spider bite, and in some cases sexually transmitted. The effects of the disease on a Lyme patient’s body differentiates from person to person due to the fact that Lyme is not the only infection you acquire when you develop Lyme Disease. Lyme bacteria
Some of the children treated reported having been bit by a tick before the rash develop. By the mid 1970’s researchers had named this new disease Lyme disease and began describing the signs and symptoms in order to help physicians diagnosing patients. Still, it was not until 1981 when a researcher from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) at the Rocky
Lyme, like all other bacterial infections can and has been successfully fought off by healthy individuals.
Next month I’ll be visiting some great friends on the East Coast. A vacation I’m thoroughly looking forward too and have earned. As my friends and I excitedly plan our excursions, like sightseeing, hiking and swimming in grand lakes I suddenly remember and blurt out; don’t forget to bring bug repellent spray, specifically for ticks—ticks and Lyme disease beware! My friends giggle at my “worry wart” ways, but they take heed to my concern. They know that as a Neurofeedback and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy specialist, I’ve treated many people living with the disease, including my sister and cousin, who are completely cured of the disease today. When my patients came to me for help their symptoms were quite daunting to their every day life style and health. Among a list of other symptoms, they experienced an overactive nervous system, which caused them a great deal of stress leading to agitation, obsessive compulsive thoughts and stress related fear. Lyme disease is something to take very seriously and is more common than most people think.
Malaria (also called biduoterian fever, blackwater fever, falciparum malaria, plasmodium, Quartan malaria, and tertian malaria) is one of the most infectious and most common diseases in the world. This serious, sometimes-fatal disease is caused by a parasite that is carried by a certain species of mosquito called the Anopheles. It claims more lives every year than any other transmissible disease except tuberculosis. Every year, five hundred million adults and children (around nine percent of the world’s population) contract the disease and of these, one hundred million people die. Children are more susceptible to the disease than adults, and in Africa, where ninety percent of the world’s cases occur and where eighty percent of the cases are treated at home, one in twenty children die of the disease before they reach the age of five. Pregnant women are also more vulnerable to disease and in certain parts of Africa, they are four times as likely to contract the disease and only half as likely to survive it.
Stage II of Lyme disease is known as the disseminated Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a multisystem targeted disease. During this phase, cardiovascular system and central nervous system is significantly affected. The Inflammation level dramatically increases during that stages of the infection, and the longer it goes unchecked it leads to tissue damage, further leading to myocarditis (heart inflammation), meningoencephalitis (inflammation of membrane of the brain and cerebral tissue) and polyradiculitis (inflammation of nerve root connected to CNS). Research has shown that during this phase symptoms from phase one still occur, if not worse. Such as the flu-like symptoms of joint pain, stiff neck, headache, fever, swollen lymph, fatigued and