Newspaper editors Essays

  • College Essay On Video Editing

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    I would like to be a video editor because I think it would be a great experience. It would help me make videos much better looking for an audience. I would love this as a lifetime job and do editing for big businesses like FOX or YouTube, things like that. I want to be a video editor because I have always fantasized of being a big person and doing a job with computers. I love working and making films better. I used to make videos better for people when I lived in Houston. Video editing has gone a

  • A Career as an Editor In Chief

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    Being an editor isn’t like most jobs. The days are long, the work is overwhelming, and at sometimes it can be the hardest thing in your life to deal with, or so people say. With the job as an editor comes great responsibility, the need for a special skill set, and the drive to do what you love, whatever it may be. Since the beginning of time, there has always been that one guy who always seems to have his eye on you, it’s because he does. His job is to assist, correct, and at the end of the day

  • Live and Breathe Fashion

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    came to be. If ones striving to become a fashion editor one has to have prior knowledge in the fashion industry, but sometimes some editors may take into consideration of ones knowledge and passion and get a feel for the industry. Hiring for candidates, editors are always looking for positive energy and positive attitudes. Editors want to feel the employee is eager about the clothing or whatever it happens to be that the editors are working on. Editors crave someone who shows love and enjoys the aspect

  • John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor

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    John Clare and the Ubiquitous Editor Editors have always played an important and powerful role in the works of John Clare, from Clare’s own time until the present. An Invite to Eternity presents a model of that relationship between text and editor in microcosm, from its composition inside the walls of a mental institution to its transcription by an asylum attendant, to its early publication and its modern re-presentation today. Written in the 1840s, no extant manuscript of the poem exists in Clare’s

  • Letter To The Editor About the Industrial Revolution

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    To the Editor: Working conditions today are usually good and pretty safe, right? That’s what we know, is that all factories are safe, that all of the laws are followed, and that everything is great. Look at what you are wearing today, maybe a jacket mad in the U.S., a t-shirt made in Malaysia, jeans made in Mexico, and socks made in China. To stay competitive, large companies contract out to manufacturers all over the world to buy at the lowest possible costs. This often ends in horrible working

  • letter from john foulcher to editor

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    Dear Editor My name is John Foulcher, renowned Australian poet. I have recently been surfing the World Wide Web and by accident I come up with your site, “Online Anthology of Australian Poets”. The subject matter of poetry attracted me to wonder around your website. I believe my poetry should be included in your collection for I have lived and breathed Australian culture for just over 50 years now, I have recorded my way of life in my poems, and in particular I have a specific poem to refer to you

  • Harry Forster Chapin: Musician, Song Writer, Film Editor and Political Activist

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    (1942-1981), he managed to distinguish himself as a creative genius in multiple fields, ultimately leaving a distinct mark on this world, though he received only moderate public recognition. Professionally, he was a musical performer and songwriter, a film editor, and a political activist and lobbyist, able to reach remarkable heights in all three fields. In the field of music, Chapin rose to stardom as a rock and roll performer and songwriter during the 1970's, introducing the world to a new style of music

  • Stress and Responsibility: A Year as Co-Chief Editor

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    I initially thought this year’s yearbook was going to be a bit more challenging than last year, but less stressful; however, my expectation was very wrong. Sadly, this year was very stressful, but I was a Co-Chief Editor, so that definitely added to the stress. This year I expected I would contribute by talking to staff members, answering questions, and checking a few spreads on the weekends or nightly. I assumed Katie and I would split the final checks and each of us goes around helping staff members

  • The Role of Women in Society Expressed in a Magazine

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    in a magazine therefore showing that this article is a gossip article which therefore shows that editors think women like conversational articles. This increases a larger range of women audience, and therefore telling us that women enjoy ‘gossip’ magazines therefore telling us they like to get involved in public ideas and therefore take part and interest in society’s problems. However the editors also increase their audience by placing degrading ideas towards women therefore portraying an idea

  • Power And Conflict In Carol Ann Duffy's Poem 'War Photographer'

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    How does Duffy use language to present the themes of power and conflict in her poem ‘War Photographer’ In the first stanza, Duffy uses juxtaposition and metaphors to portray a theme of conflict. The poet’s use of juxtaposition, “Spools of suffering set out in ordered rows”, could suggest that the photographer is feeling a sense of inner conflict. When Duffy uses the noun ‘spools’ it could suggest that the conflict and suffering is ceaseless; the suffering he witnessed is forever imprinted in his

  • Roy Wilkins and the NAACP: A Life Dedicated to the Civil Rights Movement

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    porter), waiter, stockyard laborer, and a night editor. While in college he worked as the night editor (to help pay his way through) of the Minnesota Daily, the school paper and a black weekly, the St. Paul Appeal. After working all these odd jobs he managed to put himself through college. After graduation, he took a position as a journalist for the Kansas City Call, a black weekly paper. He stayed there for seven years, acting as managing editor from 1923 until 1931. Although the job at the

  • Editing the World One Magazine at a Time

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    style. I aspire to become the editor of a major fashion magazine similar to Elle or Vogue. Throughout this essay, I discuss the various ways and requirements to one day editing my own fashion magazine. The job environment for an editor continues to vary due to the advancement of technology. Many editors are able to work from home and the road, but often they also have a main office. Editors are required to travel often to conduct onsite research. Sometimes editors of large cooperation’s have many

  • Decreasing Newspaper Readership

    1986 Words  | 4 Pages

    Decreasing Newspaper Readership Newspapers are nothing without readers: no argument here. “They are the reason we produce the paper in the first place,” Noah Bombard, editor of The Beacon in Acton, said. Many newspapers across the country have had yearly decreases in readership and circulation numbers for years. These decreases have added up causing newspaper editors to worry. “We’ve lost 5,000 subscribers in the last decade. That’s not unusual,” James H. Smith, executive editor, The Record-Journal

  • The Times: Revolutionizing War Coverage in the 19th Century

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    heightened importance to the newspaper press as the disseminator of foreign and political news. More often than not during Great Britain’s imperial nineteenth century, there was a war or uprising happening in a far off corner of the Empire; but not until The Times and its network of correspondents, did the press so extensively cover foreign news. The Times coverage of the Crimean War serves as the finest example of its role in increasing the importance of the newspaper press. W. H. Russell, the first

  • Front Page News

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    through a “test” where the editor of that newspaper company decides whether the story is good enough for the front page. The editor makes the decision of whether or not the story is news worthy. The editor uses various different values to help him/her in their decision of what actually goes on the front page. Sometimes this judgment by the editor can be based solely on whether or not the story is going to grasp a lot of readers’ attention which would then boost newspaper sales. Other times the value

  • Journalism

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    rights and the democratic political environment of the united states have contributed to the uninhibited growth of the news media in public and private communication.”1 the world of journalism has changed dramatically from the colonial days. When newspapers were just channels or devices of commercial and political information. SKILLS AND/OR APTITUDES With the new changes in technology, it has changed the nature of the journalism industry, making it vividly sophisticated and requiring a wide range

  • The Pluralist View of Mass Media

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    that the reason some newspapers or other forms of media seem biased is because they “simply respond to demand.” The public has the buying power and the media are simply trying to appeal to this. If they begin to put forward their own opinions or beliefs about certain issues, then they are only appealing to the people who share these ideas. If these ideas are extremely controversial then a very limited amount of people would buy the newspaper. Therefore, if the newspapers want to sell very well

  • The Impact of Electronic Media and the Internet on Print Media

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    the print media. This essay will investigate the influence and impact of current technology of the electronic media and World Wide Web on print media, and how future developments in technology will affect the future direction of the traditional newspaper. The way in which “Bloggers” have influenced traditional journalism will also be explored and how this has affected the journalism profession. In addition, the negative impacts of how the electronic media is being used as a political forum will

  • Roy Wilkins

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    father was a college graduate and a minister, the only work he could find was tending a brick kiln. Wilkins's mother died of tuberculosis when the boy was four. In his book, Standing Fast, written in collaboration with Tom Matthews, a Newsweek senior editor, Wilkins revealed that his mother, knowing she was terminally ill, had written to her sister in St. Paul, Minnesota, asking her to rear her children. His father, fulfilling her last request, sent Roy and his younger brother and sister to live with

  • A Brief History of The Printing Press and Communication

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    printing press in the 16th century, the earliest newspaper was born. According to Bellis (n.d), the earliest paper that published weekly is called Relation in Antwerp. The emergence of the internet created a new age in communication across time and distance, becoming a preferred medium for the newspaper industry. As the internet grew, we start to see printed newspaper circulation has starting to decline in the 20th century (Li, 2006). A digital newspaper is defined as a publication on the World Wide