Nehemiah Essays

  • the book of nehemiah

    721 Words  | 2 Pages

    The book chosen for this report is on the Book of Nehemiah. The theological theme of this book is centered on Babylonian time and the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, the rehearsal of certain divine laws and the restoration of ancient ordinances. Nehemiah was a priest who serves as a cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. During his time of serving this King he felt a prompting to go and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah understood his position as a leader not a cupbearer and took of advantage

  • Nehemiah

    821 Words  | 2 Pages

    The prophet Nehemiah is known too much such an interesting character within the Bible; the meaning of Nehemiah is “The Lord comforts.” Not many people today know who Nehemiah is in the Bible. However for those who do know, they would say that Nehemiah was probably one of the most influential characters in the Bible. Many do not commonly know Nehemiah because he is not commonly mentioned throughout the Bible. In fact, he is only mentioned in the Old Testament and in the only book that bears his name

  • Tobit, Ezra, and Nehemiah

    1289 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ezra and Nehemiah are accounts complementary to one another. Both books of the Hebrew Bible speak of men who serve God as leaders of fellow men. Ezra, “a scribe, well-versed in the law of Moses” (Ezra 7:6) is concerned primarily with the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s temple and following the prescriptions found in the Mosaic covenant and Nehemiah, is concerned with the rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall as expressed in a portion of Nehemiah 2:17-20, “‘You see the evil plight in which we stand… Come, let us

  • Exile

    1797 Words  | 4 Pages

    Controversy of the Exile After reading 2 Kings 25 and the two articles, the main source of contrast between these two sourcs is the amount of detail they go into on different aspects of the Exile. The Biblical reading mentions King Nebuchadnezzar and his capture of King Zedekiah, the efforts of General Nebuzaradan and his detailed destruction and pillaging of Jerusalem and the Temple, the capturing and execution of Judah’s chief officers and priests, Judah’s revolt against Gedaliah and

  • Nehemiah the Servant Leader

    1442 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nehemiah the Israelite leader displays numerous traits of a Servant Leader in the biblical book, Nehemiah. Nehemiah sets out on a quest to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the wall that surrounds his beloved home. During this time, he encounters many obstacles and will overcome all roadblocks put in front of him. This paper will provide an analysis of two significant events, building the wall around Jerusalem and organizing Jerusalem’s people to rebuild the city. The analysis will define two

  • Leadership Essay

    757 Words  | 2 Pages

    With God’s help the Biblical leaders Ezra and Nehemiah were able to fulfill their roles as leaders in the Jewish community. These men of God were chosen to be leaders to pray for the Israelites, relay Gods commands and encourage the people. As God’s leaders Ezra and Nehemiah carried out their respective duties even if fierce opposition awaited them. According to scripture, Ezra was the son of Seraiah. His lineage makes him a priest in the line of Aaron. His duty was to teach the law and work as a

  • A Vision In Andy Stanley's Nehemiah

    909 Words  | 2 Pages

    is a crucial trait that leaders must cultivate. Further, a leader’s vision for an organization should elicit enthusiasm for what is possible, inspire dedication, chart a course for the future, and render a reason for being. Through the story of Nehemiah, Andy Stanley sets out to guide a leader from the birth of a vision to the maintaining of the vision. By following Stanley’s building blocks, leaders will effectively construct a vision that will continue to serve an organization. Andy Stanley

  • Biblical Motivators

    1694 Words  | 4 Pages

    can spread the Gospel Works Cited Fields, Dan. Nehemiah: The Courage to Face Oppression. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002 Maxey, Al. The Minor Prophets: Haggai. Available from Internet; accessed 9 June 2010. Potts, J.H.. Our Thrones and Crowns Or the Golden Way to the Highest Attainments. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2003. Stapleton, Robert. 66 Sermons from God's Word: Nehemiah. Bedford, Texas The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth

  • Nehememiah Leadership Analysis

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nehemiah was a God-appointed leader who used a strategy. When God laid it on his heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah began to establish and then work through a well-planned strategy to accomplish the vision God had given. He analyzed the need and had a specific goal. He laid out the plan, put his team in place and he organized the work. He gathered and secured the resources, established leaders and distributed the assignments among them. Nehemiah is the quintessential leader and is

  • Reflection Of The Book Of Nehememiah In The Bible

    1388 Words  | 3 Pages

    The enemy entered into your, and now you are sitting in a pile of debris of your shattered life. In the book of Nehemiah in the bible, Nehemiah gets the report of his home Jerusalem is destroyed and what is left of the city is a big pile of rubble. The report of his home being destroyed breaks his heart and he does not want to leave his home in this state. I know when we have been broken feel like what is the use, we will never be the same again. Our lives are ruined, and we don’t have a clue on

  • Prayer Operations: Intercession

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    Prayer as defined by Houghton Mifflin (2009) is a reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship. However, when we make an appeal how do we capture His attention? It is through prayer that we are able to petition God and ultimately develop a consistent prayer life that pleases Him. Reading the word of God and prayer draws us closer to Christ. We begin to have His mind and His spirit living in us because of this Holy communication. Most Christians pray all the time. Our Prayers

  • Art from the Colonial Period

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    The first artist that I would like to discuss is named Nehemiah Partridge and his painting during the 17th century. Nehemiah Partridge is a painter from the 17th century and he painted colonial art. The painting that I chose is named “Portrait of Catherine Ten Broeck”, and was created in 1719 on oil canvas. The painting is of a young girl holding a rose in her right hand while holding a bird in her left hand. The girl in the painting is very young, and she seems to be very happy being painted. The

  • High Performance Teams Case Study

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    According to Holmes, T (2013), “a high-performance team is a group of interdependent individuals who work together in a specific manner to achieve a common objective.” High-performance teams are differentiated according to their knack to operate at high levels for long spans of time and with efficiency and effectiveness. Teams like this can come in different forms and proportions. Also there are no perfect team models that will fit every organization, but there are many basic traits that appear to

  • Essay On Characteristics Of An Effective Team

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    Pastor Dave spoke on the book of Nehemiah and how he led help the citizens of Jerusalem rebuild the wall as a team. Nehemiah and the people endured much opposition from the enemy on multiple occasions. Even though the people grew tired, he kept up morale, by putting them in groups. What was interesting was that the group was their

  • The Connection Between The Temple And The Garden Of Eden

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    a veritable garden sanctuary” (Stager 1997: page 10.). Stager suggests that the garden-like decorations that are present throughout the temple’s design draw a connection between Solomon’s Temple and the Garden of Eden. The garden was also filled with lush greenery and had cherubim that guarded its gates (Genesis 2:4-9, 3:24). Furthermore, God is described as roaming freely in the garden among Adam and Eve (Gen. 2). Likewise, the Temple housed the ark of the covenant, which is associated with God’s

  • Neehemiah Wallington Torture

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    were the accused would tortured by various devices for various amounts of time. Some of those devices include, the rack, thumbscrews, and the breast ripper. It is unknown what type of torture was used on Rebecca West. In the journal kept by Nehemiah Wallington, that torture was used to coerce a confession from her. It is not clear if Hopkins ordered her to be tortured or not. The witch-finder general, Hopkins, main method of extracting a confession from his victims was torture. In Wallington’s

  • Critique on Kirstie laird

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    Critique on Kirstie laird Orange Girl I chose to critique and analyze the works of Kirstie Laird. I liked the variety of her works, and the bright, brilliant colors in most of them. I think the one that fascinated me most, however, was “Marionette” because it didn’t have any of the orange colors or motifs prominent in her other works. This puzzled me, since the title of her showing was “Orange Girl” and every other picture in the showing fit the title well. I found Laird’s works quite

  • Deuterocanonical Book

    2396 Words  | 5 Pages

    As I was helping my brother with his Bible study, I trembled over very two important words: Deuterocanonical Books. It took me a minute to realize that not everyone knows the true significance and the fight it took to prove the incense of these books. The Deuterocanonical Books are recognized by the Coptic Orthodox Church as completion to the Holy Bible, and just like anything in the church understand the meaning and importance of these books is essential. After all we should study every valuable

  • The Significance Of Judah In The Hebrew Bible

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    Within the culture it was commonplace to name children after historical figures and the first happenings of children named “Judah” appeared in the fifth century B.C. (Ezra 10:23, Nehemiah 11:9, and Nehemiah 12:34, 36). In all, the recorded numbers of occurrences of the word “Judah” in the Hebrew Bible point to the significance uses of the name. “Judah” acts as the name of an individual 40 times, represents a people 290 times, and names a land

  • The Democratic Promise Summary

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    community and came up with a solution, “Nehemiah Plan” which was a plan to build affordable homes in their community. Again, similar to Alinsky, the organization applied pressure to the mayor by putting him on the spot. This tactic was to see if they can get him to say or agree with something he wouldn’t normally say or agree to. EBC threatened to stage a rally if the mayor didn’t attend their rally. The mayor showed up and it was confirmed that the Nehemiah project would