Medical history Essays

  • The Importance of Taking an Accurate Medical History

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction “A guide to taking a patient history” is an article appeared in volume 22, issue 13 of the Nursing Standard Journal in December 2007 written by H. LLoyd and S. Craig. The article talks about the steps and strategies to follow when taking a patient history. It is important to acquire good techniques in assessing a patient starting by the environment, communication skills, and a systematic approach. One must be able to collect accurate data in order to facilitate the procedure. Summary

  • History of Medical Marijuana

    1938 Words  | 4 Pages

    across the world for over ten millenniums and it will, undoubtedly, be the medicine of choice for millenniums to come. Works Cited Grinspoon, L. (2005, August 16). History of Cannabis as a Medicine. MAPS. Retrieved from Guterman, L. (2000). The Dope on Medical Marijuana. Chronicle of Higher Education, 46(39), A21. Retrieved from EBSCO. Ludlum, M., & Ford, D. (2010). Lessons From California's Compassionate Use Act. Allied Academies

  • Medical History Forms

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have researched medical history forms and dental examinations forms. I am going to give you my opinion on what I think would be the best choice from each one. I found three forms for each category. When looking over each set of forms, I will be looking for certain things. I will be looking to see if the forms have information pertaining to allergies, current medications that the patient is taking, and any heart issues. Patients that have a heart issue have to take antibiotics before having dental

  • Medical Patient Records

    625 Words  | 2 Pages

    Medical patient records are organized domcuments created to obtain patient medical history and previous care. Medical records are personal documents stored by his or her health care provider. Each medical record has enough information to distinguish each patient . It contains their first and last name with gender and age. Every patient's medical records are different some contain more information due to their medical history. If a patient has alot of problems and have been treated then their

  • Benefits Of A Medical Office Assistant

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    their supporter i.e. nurse, medical office assistant. When someone walks into a medical office the front desk is the first impression one would receive and would determine the likelihood of ones visit for the duration of the time. One would question, are my needs being met? Were they courteous? Was I able to correct all of my information? Are they capable of their work duties? Or for whatever reason, do I feel comfortable in this environment.

  • Medical Record Security

    1278 Words  | 3 Pages

    Medical Record Security In the world of technology there are many types of threats to be considered when a hospital or health care facility depends on keeping their clients personal information private and safe from unauthorized people from viewing. When information safety, and regulations are considered by a healthcare facility it is held at high regards and high standards to assure that there is no chance of any information being leaked that should have been protected. A patients personal information

  • Exploring Different Patient Scenarios: Respiratory, Diabetic, Abdominal

    813 Words  | 2 Pages

    pulses Skin color, temperature, and condition Pale, cool, and clammy. Lungs: Inspiratory and expiratory wheezes in the uppers; diminished in the bases, allergic to penicillin, medication that the patient been taking is Proventil inhaler, patient medical history is high blood pressure and asthma, last oral take was breakfast, and was sitting in a chair. Diabetic patient Arrived on scene with patient who responds to verbal commands, patient has a medic-alert bracelet identifying him as a diabetic. Patient

  • My Experience As A Medical Assistant

    981 Words  | 2 Pages

    enjoyable, less stressful academic experience.I got a chance to take patient histories, examination and patient’s vital sign monitoring and charting. I didn’t feel much difference in observing my mentor taking the history and when I was taking the history, it could be related to my past experience. However, every time I was curious to know what is happening with the patients and what caused him to seek naturopathic medical advice. During this clinic shadowing, I saw genuine interest of my mentor and

  • Health Information Management Career Essay

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to the American Health Information Management Association, Health information is the data related to a person’s medical history, including symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, and outcomes. Health information records include patient histories, lab results, x-rays, clinical information, and notes. The data can be analyzed to see how a patient’s health might have changed. I took interest in Health Information Management when it was brought to my attention by a doctor. He told me that is a very

  • Case of a Women with Multiple Myeloma Analysis

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    A 73-year old female presented to St Vincents Emergency Department, with a 3 week history of progressive dyspnoea, cough, and lethargy, on a background of a 6-year history of Multiple Myeloma. Just prior to presentation, she had also developed a fever. In terms of her presenting complaint, she described herself as an active lady, who ran her own pub, but her recent symptoms rendered her unable to carry out her normal activities, such that her husband recommended she should go to hospital. Following

  • Comprehensive Health Assessment: A Case Study

    1900 Words  | 4 Pages

    author of this paper conducted a comprehensive health assessment of patient and portrayed in the first section of this paper .second section explains about the variables such as age, spiritual values and cultural variables affects the heath and health history interviews. In this section the author indicates that by understanding and respecting of patients culture, traditions, practice of community, as well deep personal awareness helps to avoid unconscious bias and imbalances between clinician and patient

  • Taking a Patient's History

    881 Words  | 2 Pages

    Guide to Taking a Patient's History” is an article published in an August 24th, 2007 issue of Nursing Standard. Written by H. Lloyd and S. Craig, the process of taking a history from a patient is outlined. Many aspects pertinent to obtaining a sufficient health history are discussed. In addition to providing a framework for completing a thorough health history, guidelines and interview techniques are explored. Summary of Article Obtaining a thorough health history is an important piece of a patient’s

  • Osteoarthritis Research Paper

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    with right knee pain and was admitted to the medical surgical unit. Her knee was swollen and she was unable to walk on it due to the pain it was causing her. She had synovial fluid drained from her knee and there were no signs of any organisms, but many white blood cells. Before her discharge they decided that the swelling and pain was due to inflammation arthritis due to her osteoarthritis. DT also has diagnoses of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, history of nephrolithiasis, and an arrhythmia

  • Medical History Case Study

    1813 Words  | 4 Pages

    accurate history is the crucial first step in determining the etiology of a patient illness. So, one of the most important thing to reach a suitable treatment is a good medical history. The good relationship between the patient and physician can facilitate the process of obtaining a medical history. medical history is an information obtained from the patient about his illness to aid in establishing a medical diagnosis and developing a suitable treatment plan. B. Background and History: When I went

  • Multigenerational Medical History Essay

    905 Words  | 2 Pages

    History can tell people many things about the past, about where people came from, how they developed. People can learn many things from history, and this can prevent humans from repeating the past and making a better future. This becomes especially important when taking into account medical history. Medical history can prevent harm of a specific patient, but also prevent harm and asses risks for their family members. Multigenerational medical history covers many generations of close and distant

  • Kill Or Cure: An Illustrated History Of Medical Science

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    Many Americans visit the hospital but never really appreciate how medical science evolved through the years. Medical science is one of the most important aspect in human history. Yet Some American’s lack the knowledge, and schools do not stress upon students to have a much better understanding on how medical science has improved. If schools have a creditable program for college, then more Americans will have interest in medical school and more contribution would be put towards increasing the technology

  • Medical Records Importance

    1766 Words  | 4 Pages

    Medical records serve many purposes. Immediate access for facilities to get current patient medical records in any place in the world is very important. As we probably all know the facilities which are responsible for keeping Medical Records are small doctor offices, hospitals or laboratories. Often the patient does not have chance where to heal, because the disease can surprise anyone at any time and place. That why right now more medical records are saving electronically, what can help for patient

  • Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy Case Study

    1153 Words  | 3 Pages

    because hearing loss due to repeat ear infections. e. Religion: No preference f. Barriers to care: i. Noted in home life, past medical history, social history, etc.… ii. Developmental Stage and development history issues: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt/failure to thrive, concerns for speech development g. Other: pertinent information related to admission 2. Client History a. Chief complaint: Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy with OSA b. Admitting Diagnosis: Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy (Oversized tonsils and

  • Revenue Cycle Management

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    Synopsis - Integrated solution for Revenue Cycle Management and Medical Records Overview Physician practices are being called on to do more than ever before. Today’s physicians must treat more patients, document interactions more meticulously, wrangle with more complex managed care rules, keep track of an ever-expanding array of drugs, submit and track claims and pay rising malpractice insurance bills. In many cases, physicians must treat 20 percent more patients than they did five years ago to

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Health Record

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    Advantages and Disadvantages of an Electronic Health Record Technology has tremendously impacted the world and has brought about many changes, especially to those in the medical field. Prior to having such an advanced technological based society, medical charts were all on paper. With the advancement of technology, Electronic Health Records were created. According to the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society(HIMSS, 2012-2014), the Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a longitudinal