Learning by teaching Essays

  • Teaching and Learning

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    communicate. Also by observation we are able to understand children’s point of view better and are able to enhance their learning. Observation, assessment and evaluation in planning for children’s learning within early childhood setting come hand in hand. While observing we are able to see the child’s development and are also able to identify the interest in different learning areas. During the observation, the time and date should be recorded along with a little bit of information about the setting

  • The Teaching And Learning Process

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    knowledge.” “Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.” Albert Einstein, German born Physicist and Nobel Prize winner (1879-1955) Teaching and learning activities are twin activities involved in the total education process. Teaching and learning are closely related and they are reciprocal to each other. Teaching cannot be thought without an idea of learning and learning is not possible without teaching. The main focus of teaching is to facilitate

  • A Vision Of Teaching And Learning

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    There are three essential components that resonate with me when establishing support for a vision of teaching and learning of a school that is consistent with the overall vision and goals of the district. The first is to establish data from all stakeholders and use the data to drive the process to the creation of the vision. This first step is crucial so that all stakeholders will feel included and avoid unanticipated circumstances when problem arrives. The more people involve in the process,

  • Reflection Of Teaching And Learning

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    Teaching and Learning “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all” – Aristotle Underpinning my teaching philosophy is the notion that I, as a teacher, will need to connect with my students on a personal level before creating rich learning experiences for them to engage in. I believe that every student is unique as they all have their own knowledge, skills and interests that they bring into the classroom. I feel that it is my responsibility to continuously nurture and

  • Importance Of Teaching Resources In Teaching And Learning

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    to provide a source of learning experience for our learners, assisting the process of interaction between students and teachers during the teaching/learning process. At the same time, they help students to learn and increase their experience, meeting different learning needs. Used effectively they help learners to build knowledge for themselves, developing different learning strategies as in values, attitudes and generic skills, laying the foundation for the life learning process. As a teacher, is

  • Theories of Teaching and Learning

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    There are many theories that are relevant to classroom teaching today. Marsh (2008, p. 17) states that “each theory is nothing more than a set of reasonable suggestions”. A teacher should look at the information available to them and take what is necessary to achieve a positive learning environment in their classroom. This may mean taking a little part of one theory and combining in with another part of a different theory, there is no singular theory or theorist that encompasses everything that is

  • Reflection On Teaching And Learning

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    Teacher content knowledge is significantly essential to the development of teaching and learning. How a teacher processes curriculum and their teaching style go hand and hand towards a student’s education. A teacher’s pedagogy and curriculum impacts and affects student achievement and the student’s education that they are teaching. I know that when I first started teaching my pedagogy was direct instruction. This paper provides a brief overview of my pedagogical content knowledge of math, describes

  • Learning-Teaching Context

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    beginning of the school year, each student also participated in a survey to determine their learning styles. After conduction these surveys the teacher objectively observes the class. Combining the results of both exercises the teacher determined the learning styles. While some students learn best at stations, others seem to do better when the teacher is teaching as the student listens. Different learning styles are addressed in this classroom through song and dance, listening, and hands-on stations

  • Paradox in Teaching and Learning

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    Palmer’s third chapter speaks about paradox in teaching and learning. He describes paradox, overall, as the inner tension experienced in the heart of every teacher, competing and pulling between laughter and pain, joy and sadness, engagement and apathy. He embraces the soul of the teacher pungently: “teaching...can only be expressed as paradoxes”. Push them yet coddle them, inspire them yet give them thinking time, challenge them yet celebrate their established riches. Parker’s description brings

  • Theories of Teaching and Learning

    1940 Words  | 4 Pages

    Teaching theories are as much part of the classroom as the student and the teacher. The effect individual theories have on an environment depends how they are incorporated within the classroom in addition to the influence they have had on the curriculum construction. This essay will briefly look at how motivation theory, cognitive and social cognitive theory along with constructivism have impacted on education and the classroom. “Motivation is the process whereby goal-orientated activity is instigated

  • The Importance Of Language Teaching And Learning

    1033 Words  | 3 Pages

    Background: In the last century, there has been major shifts in attitudes towards language teaching and learning. Language was previously viewed as a system that can be acquired through focusing on grammar, that view influenced some teaching methods such as Grammar Translation Method, Audiolingual Method and Situational Language Teaching (Nunan 2001). Scholars started to question the validity of such methods, because they have noticed that although students had a good knowledge of the language rules

  • Humanism and The Teaching and Learning Process

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    and observations, I will describe the effects and impact it had on students and their learning outcomes. Reflecting on this process will help me to analyse their response to different environmental and behavioural situations within the classroom. By developing strategies based around the three main theories of learning, I will explain how to use these methods to manage learner's behaviour and influence the learning environment. By identifying the main features of the current legislation and implementing

  • The Importance Of ICT In Teaching And Learning

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    the use of ICT technology in teaching and learning is expanding rapidly in this twenty-first century. As a result of that, studies about the importance of ICT technology in teaching and learning are also appearing in a growing numbers. Previous research shows that the use of technologies, particularly the new ones could “facilitate communication, reduce anxiety, encourage oral discussion, develop the writing/thinking connection, nurture social or cooperative learning, promote egalitarian class structures

  • Reflecting on Creative Teaching and Learning.

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    Introduction This paper will attempt, within its restricted parameters, to reflect all the learning that has taken place during the university sessions on the Creative and Effective Curriculum and synthesise this with my individual practice experience in school. First we will explore the contextual background to the focus on creativity in schools today. Where did the idea of creativity in education stem from? We will travel rapidly through the twentieth century research before coming to more recent

  • The Importance Of Contextualized Teaching And Learning

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    Learning theories are diversified in scope but relate closely to contextualized teaching and learning. Another type of learning theory which gives highlight on contextualized teaching and learning is Motivation Theory. According to Biehler and Snowman (as cited in Brennen, 2016), to enhance the students’ interest, the school should find a way to motivate the students. To motivate the students, the teacher should give an interesting problem as the basis of instruction (Hannum, 2015). According

  • Teaching and Learning Activity Assessment

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    key element in teaching and learning activity is assessment. There are several types of assessment. However, in the context of Aceh, most of teachers still use traditional forms of assessment, specifically summative assessment. There is critique on traditional assessment, “The critique has been based on the assumption that these forms of assessment do not support high quality of leaning associated with ‘deep’ learning, critical thinking, sustainable knowledge and lifelong learning” (Havnes & McDowell

  • Aspects of Culture to Teaching and Learning

    635 Words  | 2 Pages

    Relate aspects of culture to teaching and learning. Give examples of how to create a cohesive learning community. Culture is “The knowledge, values, attitudes and traditions that guide the behavior of a group of people and allow them to solve the problems of leaving in the environment” (Woolfolk, 2013, p. 206). Knowing what culture is, I will relate these aspects into teaching and learning the following way: In the U.S. classrooms, we face diversity everyday. As teachers we should recognize all

  • The Effective Teaching and Learning of Writing

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    all areas of the curriculum, and enables them to express themselves and be assessed in various ways. Learning how to write involves expressing ideas through various textual means, attention to editing, and attention to text structure (Seely Flint, Kitson, Lowe, & Shaw, 2014). Effective teachers will make decisions on how they teach writing based on students needs. The effective teaching and learning of writing through the linking of theories such as behaviorism, constructivism, and sociolinguistics

  • The Importance Of Classroom Observation

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    observation, mentors should attempt to provide the mentees with opportunities to gain deepening awareness of their teaching practices, personal values and beliefs (Gebhard, 2008). This awareness is shaped by enabling the mentees see their teaching differently by showing them how to make their own teaching decisions through systematic observation, and exploration of their own and other’s teaching (Gebhard, 1999; Oprandy, 1999). Put it differently, to make observation systematic and guided, it is essential

  • Teaching Styles and Learning Styles

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    heightened as reading through the article. As obviously showed on the paper, there was a change in today students’ perceptions of what constitutes a good language teacher compared to those of students in the past. The author has a firm background of TESOL teaching and teacher training. Plus, she utilized a lot of appropriate sources to back her points of view up. For instance, Mullock’s respondents were experienced and intending teachers, so she compared her respondents’ answers to findings of other studies