Kryptonian Essays

  • Analysis Of Zack Snyder's Film Man Of Steel

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    Zack Snyder’s film “Man of Steel” fosters diverse philosophical ideas about society and their perception of free will and the acceptance of truth. Plato’s “The Republic” plays an imperative role in contextualising Krypton’s structure that ultimately gave way to the Kryptonian’s deterioration. The corrosion is caused by the rejection of the idea that society should be free to make their own decisions and live their own lives. Also by the denial of society on Krypton to acknowledge that their organisation

  • The Man Of Steel Superman's Destruction

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    The people of Earth should be more grateful than angry because they have been saved by Superman, a heroic icon. The destruction did not happen in everyone’s backyard. The destruction only happened only in two locations which was Metropolis and Smallville, Kansas. The people of Earth should celebrate superman because he was the only being who was able to defeat General Zod. The destruction of businesses, areas, and towns happened only in certain places. The chaos could have been more devastating if

  • Which One Would You Choose

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    enormous amount of strength. They are heroes and people around them relied on them, because they fought the bad guy. It’s also known that they come from completely two different types of worlds, and lived centuries apart. Superman isn’t even human but kryptonian which allows him to have other powers besides strength. In a dark ally being robbed, or a meteor heading toward earth, or the government (which ever kind it is) has gone whack, or any other kind of sticky situation you find yourself in, who are

  • 'Homosexuality In Perks Of Being A Wallflower'

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    In the DC universe, an element named kryptonite is originated from a planet named Krypton. Kryptonite is operated as a weapon to undermine Kryptonians but is used as a power source for villains such as Metallo and harms Kryptonian like Superman. Like kryptonite, relationships in Perks of being a Wallflower will bring certain individuals together but it will also produce divisions between someone else.  Secrets help bond us together with one person but splits us up with another person. Brad has secrets

  • Biotechnology and the Modern World

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    Advances in biotechnology can be looked at two ways; both positive and negative. People can also differ in what would qualify as positive and negative. Some may think that tinkering with Deoxyribonucleic acid also know as DNA, should not be allowed at all for any reason. Others believe that manipulating human DNA can have many different benefitial outcomes. Biotechnology or genetic engineering, can be be potentially misused and result in negative outcomes. Misuse can consist of manipulating or exploiting

  • Superman And Beowulf Similarities

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    There are many superheroes in the world with many different abilities. Many people would argue that many heroes are connected by some point or another. Though it is true that there are several correlations between the hero Beowulf and Superman, also known as Clark Kent, there are also quite a few differences. Beowulf is the hero of the of an old English epic passed down form word of mouth. On the other hand, Superman is a comic character in the DC universe. Even though Beowulf and Superman’s stories

  • Essay On Injustice God Among Us

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    Injustice: Gods Among Us is a comic book based upon the fictional universe of DC comics. Going through the scenes of the book, there are a lot of conflicts in the book where some of the readers will say this is not fair and wrong and in the opposite hand some will say it’s fair and right. Taking the death of Green Arrow by Superman as an example of this conflict. Does Superman has the right to kill Green Arrow? In Superman point of view, he is doing what he feels is right and he should do. In my

  • How Does Barthes Use Wooden Toys?

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    and dolls should only be enjoyed by girls, and the color blue and trucks are for boys? Society! Some of Superman's facts such as his inverted triangle is a symbolism of the female or feminine side of situations. The “S” is not for super, it's a Kryptonian symbol for “hope.” The color red is used to depict anger, sacrifice, or alerts. Superman had full body protection hiding any wounds and making him bulletproof with a red cape signifying liberation and

  • Dehumanization In Superman

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    Superman II (1980), directed by Richard Lester, the continuation of Superman: The Movie (1978), is a film that tells the tale of Superman’s identity, romantic relationship and battle for the greater good. The film follows Superman as he progresses his romantic relationship with Lois Lane, unaware of the three Krytonian criminals’, General Zod, Ursa and Non, insidious agenda. In conjunction with the three criminals, Lex Luthor escapes from prison determined to destroy Superman once and for all—only

  • Use Of Irony In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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    The word is full of hatred and anger, but hope and happiness always save the day. For example, take Superman. The machine that the Kryptonians made is tearing apart the world, and Superman comes in as a beacon of hope to save it. What if Superman never came? What if happiness and hope didn’t save the day? “The Lottery” is placed in a small village. There are parents and children gathered for the drawing of the lottery, and a winner is chosen. The winner receives their “prize”, and the village goes

  • Differences And Similarities Between Marvel And Dc

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    Marvel and DC are comic book companies that have expanded to movies and TV-shows. Your favorite superheroes and villains are probably part of the Marvel or DC universe. Besides the obvious difference in characters, they also differ in origins, tone, location, villains, and how the heroes acquired their powers. Although there are some similarities in characters and their abilities, there are mostly differences. First, Marvel has been called many different names like Timely Publications and Atlas

  • Batman Research Paper

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    of Justice hit theaters this Spring in 2016, backed with a 250 million dollar budget, director Zack Snyder pits the Dark Knight against the Man of Steel. Years have passed since our hero Kahl El battled and defeated the evil General Zod, the two Kryptonians left the world to recover from the desolation of their skirmish - including billionaire philanthropist, Bruce Wayne. After Superman demonstrates his abilities are capable of turning mountain valleys to rubble, the Batman

  • Compare And Contrast Batman Vs Superman

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    After they stopped making The Dark Knight movies, everyone wondered if DC Comics would ever create another Batman movie. When Warner Bros announced that they were going to make a Batman vs Superman, directed by Zack Snyder, I was super hype because I know that Zack Snyder produced other high recognized Superman movies. Everyone was talking about how Batman vs Superman was going to be the movie of the year. People had high expectations for the movie and thought it was going to be just as good as The

  • Myths or Fictions: Gods vs. Superheroes

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    While it’s easy to dismiss the concept of beings with supernatural powers and mythological fictions, superheroes and fictional Gods have various similarities and differences. The most common superhero, of course, is Superman, while the greatest warrior in Iliad is Achilles. These two characters clash with one another in personality, weaknesses, strengths and characteristic. There are various stories on the history of Superman causing one to believe that he was mischievous insurrectionist. Superman

  • Batman Criminal Justice

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    for good, following the laws and rules of the world and never taking it into his own hands (or at least never killing anyone). In the film Man of Steel, Superman is forced to break an almost cardinal character rule and kill General Zod, a fellow Kryptonian who was threatening the lives of innocents and had to be stopped. In the real world it would have been viewed as acceptable for the death of people viewed too dangerous to be allowed alive, and thus Zod’s death was allowed (even if it did break

  • What Makes a Superhero?

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    Superheroes have always been very popular since they first originated. They use their superpower or super-gadgets to serve a purpose. Superheroes protect innocent people and help fight crime, which is why they tend to live a complete meaningful life. They also use their strengths as confidence booster to keep on saving lives and defeating villains. To be a superhero there are some element s someone need to have to call himself a superhero. Most of the superheroes have the characteristics of courage

  • Compare And Contrast Batman And Superman

    1230 Words  | 3 Pages

    Most children, growing up, have had some sort of favorite superhero or fictional idol. Children have gone crazy these heroes merchandise like action figures, tee shirts, backpacks and cool gadgets. Two of the most famous superheroes that came to be is Batman and Superman. These two super-beings have caught and inspired the imagination of children from around the world. Out of all the comic books, movies, and cartoons that have been made about these two fictional characters, one question still goes

  • Myth Of Superman's Ethos

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    faces a xenophobic and untrusting public who disagree with an alien actively guiding the conflicts of the human race. It is paramount to realize that this Superman may be the closest to perfection that an audience may ever witness. Superman meets Kryptonians who want to destroy humans in an effort to rebuild their lost home world. A cross-road is faced: betray his morality and humanity to kill a member of his own race

  • Pink is for Girls and Blue is for Boys

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    Gender roles are taught to us early on in our lives. At the hospital, when babies are newly born they are wrapped up in either a pink or blue blanket depending on the sex of the child. As early as our first few moments in the world, we are inundated by ideas of what it means to be a girl or a boy. Learning about gender roles is an important aspect of a child’s socialization. Ideas about masculinity and femininity can come from a variety of sources - parents, media, the school system and so much more

  • The Thematic Paradigm by Robert Ray

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    have. Superman’s image has remained unchanged over the years. A blue suit accompanied by boots, a belt and cape have always been the Superman style, along with the Superman emblem on his chest. Superman’s real name is Kal-El, a descendant of the Kryptonian family of the house of El, with his father known as Jor-El and mother Lara. Krypton was discovered to be in the last seconds of life due to the coming supernova of its sun by Kal-El’s father. The other members of Krypton did not believe Jor-El