Katy Perry Essays

  • Wide Awake: Katy Perry

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    media. As a result, the evil conspiracy makes the worlds entertainment look wicked. Katy Perry’s, a successful pop artist in this country and around the world, popularity skyrocketed with her danceable music and bold approach. According to commonsceneconspiracy.com (2013), her hit song “E.T.” made many believe Katy Perry “sold her soul to the devil” or the illuminati to reach prominence. In other words, Katy Perry joined the Illuminati and her music video ‘E.T.” gives proof of her joining the “dark

  • Teenage Dream: Katy Perry

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    have us begging someone to inspire, entertain, agree with, and shock us. Many teenagers today find their inspiration in music and in specific artists, such as Katy Perry. Katy Perry plays the role of a teen-idol on stage, producing songs of empowerment and living in the moment that both teenagers and adults desire to hear. However, Katy Perry has not always been such a mainstream source of inspirational and upbeat music. The history of her persona and direction of her music has changed over the years

  • The Good Vs. The Bad: Katy Perry vs. Jon Lajoie

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    that influence others for the worst ,Monsters. Jon Lajoie is an example of a monster, he displays this in his song “Show me your genitals” when he degrades women to a lower standard, and talks about them like the are property On the other hand, Katy Perry represents a muse when she influences people for the better when she talks about being the best that you can be, never giving up, and that everything happens for a reason in her song “Firework”. Jon Lajoie is a monster because in his song, “Show

  • Proactiv Advertising Essay

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    includes a picture of Katy Perry in a brownish background with her hand up to her mouth. Her eyes are greenish and bucked as if she were shocked about something. Her skin looks as smooth as a baby skin. Katy Perry also has a pair of small white pearl in her ears. On her face says “I’m Not Polite I’m Proactiv”. There are three bottles of Proactiv 3 steps solution shown at the bottom right hand corner and a number at the bottom of the photo. Underneath the quote says Katy Perry typed in white. Her photo

  • Katy Perry Feminism

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    The song Rise by Katy Perry has similarities to the unit gender theory. Katy Perry is a woman who often writes song with messages about empowering women and this song is no different. The reason why this I am using this source to represent unit two is because it shows the major ideas that were learned in this unit: gender theory and critical thinking, along with lenses as well. To begin, gender theory is extremely prevalent in the song. At the beginning of the song you can see a woman saying, “I’m

  • Katy Perry Meaning

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    The Meaning of: “Rise” by Katy Perry “I’ll fight it, I’ll fight it/ I will transform/ When, when the fire is at my feet again” These three lines of lyrics written by Katy Perry are quite beautiful. When I think of these lines I can feel the emotion that Katy must’ve felt during the process of writing this song. The song “Rise” is very inspirational and moving to someone who has gone through hard times and have conquered that troubling time in their life. As a musician I enjoy listening and discovering

  • Katy Perry Firework

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    The struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) people for human rights, civil rights, and equal rights has moved to the center stage throughout the world. Inspiring artists, such as Katy Perry and Macklemore, shared their point of views in regards to LGBT through their songs. Katy Perry’s song “Firework” from her album Teenage Dream (2010), focused on the idea of revealing your true self to the world, instead, of keeping it a secret or a hidden darkness inside of you. It tells us

  • Katy Perry Thesis

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    Did you know that Katy Perry’s Firework music video got 176,758,000 views on YouTube? The Album it was on is Teenage Dream What year was the song released? 2010 Anything interesting about the song?It is the tenth most viewed video on youtube Thesis Statement In Firework, Katy Perry shows that This song shows pride by proving that you should always be yourself by using belonging, courage, and pride.My First Thesis Point is metaphor Metaphor is used in Firework to show that you got to embrace you’re

  • Still I Rise By Maya Angelou Essay

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    Tony Marrero, a survivor of the Orland shooting in June of 2016. A guy who just wanted to have a nice time out with his boyfriend and friends at a club turned into one of the most terrifying nights ever. This survivor listened to one of Katy Perry song Rise from the day he was sent to the hospital till now to overcome this huge obstacle in life and reform a new life. Listening to this song has helped him move on and be such an inspiration to himself and many others that he does not know. Finding

  • Katy Perry Essay

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    This video depicts Katy Perry's transformation from a damsel in distress to the queen of the jungle as she embraces nature through her experiences with it. In turn, finding self-empowerment and coexistence with nature. The three meanings of nature are portrayed throughout the video. The first meaning of nature includes everything that is non-human. Hence, this range from the plane, the jungle and animals to the geographical features such as the waterfall. The second meaning of nature is the essence

  • Katy Perry Accomplishments

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    Imagine Katy Perry or Lady Gaga walking the red carpet before giving an outstanding performance at a fancy award show. Thousands of fans scream the second they walk on stage. When I was eight years old, I was convinced someday that would be me. I was going to grow up and become a famous singer. I would jump around my room and belt out nonsensical notes while Avril Lavigne was blaring from my radio, obviously practicing for my debut. I even tried to write my own songs, but could never finish one.

  • Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson

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    count. I specify a hero as someone who is thoughtful, someone who never gives up, and someone who inspires other people. Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, mostly known as Katy Perry, is thoughtful, never gave up, and inspired many. She is my hero. Many people don’t have a mere idea of what thought is, but there are also many who do. Katy Perry is definitely one who does. She has been involved with many charities involving humans and animals ever since her rise to stardom. During her most popular, successful

  • Katy Perry Firework

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    young girl to die just because no one was able to come to her rescue, and builds up the courage to enter the deep end of the pool. He dives in just in time to rescue the drowning soul and conquers his fear of deep water, all because of courage. In Katy Perry’s “Firework” music video from the album Teenage Dream, she

  • Katy Perry No Terrorist Barriers

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    They can even be called insensitive and idiotic. Katy Perry’s ‘no barriers, no borders’ political agenda are a perfect example. Katy Perry is famous for singing pop bubbly songs, which are quite in contrast with her attitude and opinion in everyday life. In case you have forgotten, this pop diva is really good at publicly shaming others. She mocked Britney with her head- shaving joke after her breakdown

  • Katy Perry: The Sexualization Of Women

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    The ineffective advertisement formulated by the Popchip brand used the music pop icon Katy Perry as a figurehead to degrade the female body image to promote air popped chips. Using a talented widely known artist to exhibit the sexual fascination of breasts to entice a male audience may had been the focus of this advertisement; however, there is a massive problem. The main issue surrounds how a woman is perceived by the general public and what makes a woman truly feminine. The discrepancy that advertisements

  • The Message in Katy Perry Music

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    simple tunes (Macmillan). One of the notable pop singers is Katy Perry. She grew up around gospel music since her parents are both pastors and she used to sing in their church. Katy Perry started her music career during her first year of high school. In 2007, she changed her style from religious music to pop music. In 2008, she released her second single "I Kissed a Girl", and later on "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", and "Firework”. Katy Perry is the first female artist in history that recorded five

  • Katy Perry Research Paper

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    The best day of my life was when I met Katy Perry. Katy Perry means the world to me. She has helped me overcome hardships in my life. I developed an interest for Katy back in 2009. Ever since that year, I desperately wanted to meet her. Listening to her music and watching her goofy Youtube videos became an escape for me. I finally felt safe and free of my demons. June 10th, 2011 my dream came true. That day turned into the

  • Chained To The Rhythm, By Katy Perry

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    WE’RE ALL CHAINED TO GLOBAL POP Katy Perry’s newest song reminds us that we are not only chained to the rhythm of society, but also to the rhythm of pop music. On February 21, 2017, the famous American pop singer Katy Perry released a song named “Chained to the Rhythm” on her YouTube VEVO channel . Appearing to be a cheerful anthem to many viewers, it was actually laden with political motives and criticism of the current way of life that is observable in America, as well as in many parts of the

  • Dark Horse Katy Perry Analysis

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    Horse” by Katy Perry portrays an Egyptian Queen searching for her love. The video takes place in a modernized version of Memphis, Egypt a crazy long time ago. It successfully combines Hip-Hop culture and Ancient Egyptian culture. Kings from a variety of places across the world come confidently to make the Queen their “one and only” true love. A far-reaching line of men bearing gifts await their judgement whether they are truly hers or not and meet their doom. In “Dark Horse” by Katy Perry the video

  • Self-Image, Katy Perry Style

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    Katy Perry has something to say to the more than 70% of young people in America who are suffering from the effects of low self-esteem: “Believe in yourself and you can be anything” (Katy Perry: Part Of Me). She accomplishes this through uplifting music and videos aimed at the very population most affected by serious feelings of inadequacy, doubt and inferiority. Acceptance issues are not a new problem in our society; as a matter of fact, they are growing at an alarming rate that is not restricted