Katy Perry: The Sexualization Of Women

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The ineffective advertisement formulated by the Popchip brand used the music pop icon Katy Perry as a figurehead to degrade the female body image to promote air popped chips. Using a talented widely known artist to exhibit the sexual fascination of breasts to entice a male audience may had been the focus of this advertisement; however, there is a massive problem. The main issue surrounds how a woman is perceived by the general public and what makes a woman truly feminine. The discrepancy that advertisements promote are the unfair and impossible ways an average person may be in the real world. The expectations of an average woman are based upon the idea of perfection, sexuality, and favorable visual concepts of modern design. The first expectation …show more content…

Make-up is a common ritual for many women seen in the media. Make-up actively emphasizes traits such as, eyelashes, eyes, lips, and nails. The media emphasizes on body parts to sexualize and flirt with the opposing sex. The complete sexualization of women within this advertisement is ineffective, because there are more traits that are a part of being a lady, and these other important traits should not depend on whether or not one has full lashes or lips. Personality is one of the most significant traits that is ignored throughout the Popchip advertisement and forces the audience to only look at the physical traits. For example Katy Perry holds two bags of Popchips over each breast to sexualize the chips and creates a sexual appeal for a male audience. Katy also states, “…they taste like they are bad for you.” Further backing the effort to sexualize breasts and equalize Popchips and breasts as the same. Simply stating that both breasts and Popchips taste fantastic and they should both be purchased or pursued, which is dangerous thinking. Dangerous thinking comes from ignorance. Ignorance from advertising companies using a single trait of sex to sell products, while selling the overall safety of woman. Within colleges, across the nation, most reported cases of sexual assault root from an objectification of women. A limiting idea that women serve to only procreate systematically …show more content…

The Popchips brand advertisement uses a blue background and a pink accent color, as a contrast to show a mix of reliability and feminine aspects. If a woman wears pink she visually appears to be more feminine and flirtatious versus black or white. Limited accent colors can create a sense of interest for an audience or to lure them into the advertisement, which is why advertisement companies’ use accented colors. The Popchip Brand previously has used blue as a key to show the reliability of their product to their customers and continue using blue to gain a more reliable consumer base. The significance of colors used in the advertisement impacts an audience immediately and does not allow time to think of the symbolism incorporated into the

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