Justification Essays

  • Justification by Faith

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Justification by faith is an imperative aspect of the Christian faith, no matter one’s denomination. This aspect is stressed in the beginning of the book of Romans when Paul is evangelizing to Galatia. The Judaizers, who believed Gentile converts needed to keep the old law, were disagreeing with Paul’s view that Gentiles needed just faith to become followers of Christ. By pointing out the similarities of both Jews and Gentiles, he explains justification by faith for all who believe in this powerful

  • Justification Of Violence

    973 Words  | 2 Pages

    Justification of Violence Violence and the justification of it has been an issue for as long as the world has been in existence. There are many conflicting opinions on the subject, many in favor and many opposing the idea. I am personally split on the issue; I believe that in some cases, violence can be justified; however, I also believe that in others, it cannot be. In my opinion, the only instance in which violence can be justified is self-defense. I believe that if an innocent person is attacked

  • Justification of Punishment!

    2840 Words  | 6 Pages

    Justification of Punishment ABSTRACT: Both utilitarians and the deontologists are of the opinion that punishment is justifiable, but according to the utilitarian moral thinkers, punishment can be justified solely by its consequences, while the deontologists believe that punishment is justifiable purely on retributive ground. D. D. Raphael is found to reconcile both views. According to him, a punishment is justified when it is both useful and deserved. Maclagan, on the other hand, denies it to

  • The Justification of Science

    4838 Words  | 10 Pages

    The Justification of Science What does the average person think when they hear that an idea is supported by science? Often, it makes people assume that this idea must be objectively true, and will necessarily be more right than a theory that doesn’t have the backing of “science.” While in many cases, objective science really does produce better results than mere conjecture, there have also been influential movements in history that were justified by “science,” but which we see today as unjustifiable

  • Justification by Faith

    1890 Words  | 4 Pages

    discuss Pauline doctrine of justification by faith as understood by scholars like Ziesler, Barclay, Kasemann, Lo and Heinecken and to highlight where relevant differences in their perceptions of the doctrine. In its latter part, this essay will take issue with contentions that the doctrine constitutes only a subsidiary crater (Schweitzer), that justification is only the consequence rather than the content of the gospel (Molland) and that Christology rather than justification is the theme of the epistle

  • Justification by Reflective Equilibrium

    2717 Words  | 6 Pages

    Justification by Reflective Equilibrium Famously, John Rawls is regarded as using reflective equilibrium (RE) to justify his principles of justice. But the point of justification by RE in Rawls's more recent work is not easily established since he regards his own work as still contractarian. In order to clarify matters, I distinguish between wide and narrow RE, as well as show that wide RE consists of several kinds of narrow RE: RE as a plea for (re)consideration, RE as a constructive procedure

  • Justification by Faith

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    Justification by Faith When Jesus died at Calvary, He suffered the wrath of God that all of mankind deserves. Every sinner, Old Testament or New, Jew or Gentile, is justified by faith in Jesus as their sin bearer. In His death Jesus Christ satisfied God’s righteous anger. He also offered justified sinners a righteousness which men could never merit or earn by their works in following the law. Given the condemnation of all men, Jew and Gentile alike, and the fact that justification is

  • Christianity: Justification by Faith

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Justification by faith is viewed by Christians as one of the greatest gifts from God given to the sons of Adam's lost race. Nothing can compare to the God given gift. Since the beginning of the church however, the doctrine justification has been quite an issue. For many years, scholars have been researching justification, the basis, as well as the ways to attain it. Once the definition was defined, the problem that scholars faced was the outcomes that followed it. In order for one

  • Importance Of Justification By Faith

    2131 Words  | 5 Pages

    Justification by faith is of great importance, it is the foundation of our whole position and standing with God. Martin Luther wrote, “ When the article of justification has fallen, everything has fallen.” John Calvin called it “ the main hinge on which religion turns.” Thomas Watson said, “Justification is the very hinge and pillar of Christianity.” The issue of Justification was the primary dispute between the reformers and the Roman Catholic Church, and the problem was, and still is, between salvation

  • justification for higher education

    1657 Words  | 4 Pages

    Justification For Higher Education After analyzing William A. Henry III s In Defense of Elitism and Caroline Bird s College is a Waste of Time and Money , it is clear that Henry s argument concerning the purpose of an education is more rational than Bird s due to the fact that Henry supports his claims with credible statistics, logical insight, and uses current real world scenarios. Bird, on the contrary, bases her argument solely on manipulated statistics, overly dramatic claims, and ridiculously

  • Justification in The Old and New Testaments

    1674 Words  | 4 Pages

    Transferred into the new regime of life, we no longer fear that our sins will ever condemn us.” Justification by faith also occurred in the Old Testament. Psalm 37:5-6 says, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” No believer in God had a righteous nature in Christ during the Old Testament. Justification and righteousness was expressed by their faith in God. Psalm 34:22 says, “The Lord redeems

  • Justification Of Morality Essay

    4808 Words  | 10 Pages

    The Justification of Morality and Why You Should Act Morally 1. Introduction In this paper I wish to consider the following related questions: (i) Can a system of morality be justified?; (ii) Why should one act morally?; (iii) How can others be persuaded to act morally? Clearly none of these questions is new, and moral philosophers have proposed a variety of responses to them over the centuries without reaching any general agreement. Nevertheless, because these questions are fundamental to any

  • Justification of Death in Hamlet

    2588 Words  | 6 Pages

    Justification of Death in Hamlet Beginning with the Greeks, tragedy has been an essential form of entertainment. Although it has changed slightly over time due to different religious and social values, it is still written and performed to this day. Perhaps the most well known tragedy of all time is Shakespeare's Hamlet. Hamlet is perhaps the epitome of all tragedy. Not only does the tragic hero Hamlet meet his demise, but all the main characters in the play at some point due to some flaw

  • Pilgrim's Progress: The Theology of Justification by Faith

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    persecuted for adhering to their own principles (Bunyan, Introduction pg. XVII). Perhaps the most striking similarity was their common belief in the theological teaching of justification by faith, and the role, or lack thereof, of works in acquiring salvation (Perry, Peden, Von Laue, pgs. 18-19). The concept of justification by faith and the zero sum value of works as taught by Luther is the central theme of the novel The Pilgrim's Progress and the basic position concerning Christianity that Bunyan

  • Joint Declaration On The Doctrine Of Justification Essay

    1477 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in essence confirms that Lutherans and Catholics explain justification in different ways but share the same basic understanding. The fundamental passage reads, “Together we confess: by grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping us and calling us to good works. (Church 1999) The Declaration recognizes that good

  • A Logical and Unemotional Justification of Capital Punishment

    1270 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Logical and Unemotional Justification of Capital Punishment Just as the Pied Piper of Hamlin was paid to destroy the rat population, the state prisons are being forced to perform a similar action with what is an overflow of vermin. Taking either a "pro" or an "anti" stance is not something to be done lightly. Most people decide which side they are to take based on purely emotional reasons. Those who support capital punishment do so based on a hatred of the crimes committed, and a fear of

  • Justification Justification

    1169 Words  | 3 Pages

    Composition Letter Grade Justification Metacognitive Essay/Composition My goal as a writer is simple: write a paper that wants to be read. I know, every writer wants to be noticeable. They want fame, wealth and notoriety. But for me, I just want a paper that people would enjoy. As a writer I want to spark the passion of my reader, I want him/her to walk away and go “Wow I actually never thought of it like that”, or something like that. As I am right now, I am not at that level. I have not written

  • Justification Of Justification

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Justification Justification is the forensic act of God which is centered around the works that Jesus did. By the payment of sin paid on that cross by, we (his creation) can be (choice) made righteous because of His work, not human works. The doctrine of justification is explain and develop well by the apostle Paul, teaching that salvation is not only for Jews, but also for gentiles. Salvation has always been centered on Christ, in the Old and in the New Testament. Without divine truth in Him,

  • Michael Gorman Inhabiting The Cruciform Christ Analysis

    1610 Words  | 4 Pages

    God in the cruciform Christ is the central defining image for Christians. This is at the very heart of the case being made by Michael Gorman in Inhabiting the Cruciform God. Gorman, examining Paul's soteriology, makes the argument that for Paul justification is centered on theosis. Gorman thesis centers around defending his definition of this theosis in Paul's writings. Gorman writes, “Theosis is tranformative participation in the kenotic, cruciform character of God through Spirit-enable conformity

  • surrender

    2177 Words  | 5 Pages

    its early religious heritage, though, the nation needed more justification than mere revenge for the coming actions it would take. America’s policy of “Unconditional Surrender” provided this justification. Implied in Unconditional Surrender was the concept of Unconditional Warfare – total war. Further implied in the concept of total war was the justification for a fully violent and vengeful response. America needed the moral justification implied in the policy of Unconditional Surrender. Elegant Violence: