Inclined plane Essays

  • Inclined Planes: Simple Machines

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    Inclined planes are yet another simple machine that you use nearly every day. Any time you walk up a slight hill, you are using an inclined plane. Any time you ride your bike or drive your car up a hill on the way to school, you are using an inclined plane. Even when you push your grandma in her wheel chair up the handicap ramp you are using an inclined plane. So to summarize what an inclined plane actually is, it is a flat surface on an angle that is always used to multiply your force. BUT WAIT

  • Inclined Plane

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    Question/Purpose: What happens to the effort force required to move the cart up the inclined plane if the angle of the incline is increased? Hypothesis: If the angle of the inclined plane is increased, then the effort force required to move the cart up the incline increases because as the cart gets dragged higher and higher up the inclined plane, the more gravity acts upon it. Controlled Variables: • Load force • Effort distance (30cm) Manipulated/Independent Variable: • Angle of incline Responding/Dependent

  • Inclined Plane Disadvantages

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    An inclined plane can be anything from a ramp, to a jagged road down a hill. Usually inclined planes are used to help lift things, but they’re also used to help an object, such as a wheelchair move to a higher or lower level with less trouble. They help make mobility easier for disabled people, and for transporting items. Inclined planes are shorter on one side, and gradually gain height at the end, the higher the distance, usually the longer the ramp. The inclined plane is the best simple machine

  • Physics Lab Report

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    motion. The question on hand was whether or not the acceleration was the same going uphill as it was downhill or different from each other in both directions. To obtain a secure conclusion this experiment required the use of a frictionless cart, an inclined ramp, motion sensor, meter stick, and assistance of computer programs. These tools help us to achieve/correct our predictions by giving us precise information about the acceleration of the cart in both the up and downhill direction. Prediction:

  • Motion of a Wheeled Vehicle on an Inclined Plane

    1995 Words  | 4 Pages

    Motion of a Wheeled Vehicle on an Inclined Plane Introduction Background Information In this investigation, a small-wheeled vehicle will be placed on an inclined plane. The cart will be placed at the top of the plane, and dropped without any applied force. At the top of the inclined plane will be a motion sensor (perpendicular to the surface of the plane) that will measure the change in velocity vs. time of the cart. The angle of the incline will be increased, in order to find the correlation

  • Compare The Three Angles Of Incline And The Acceleration Of A Trolley Cart Down An Inclined Plane

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    The aim of this experiment was to determine the correlation between the three angles of incline and the acceleration of a trolley cart down an inclined plane. The first hypothesis predicted that as the angle of incline increased, the rate of acceleration of the trolley cart would also increase down the inclined plane. This was supported by the results in the experiment. The angle of 8.91⁰ had a theoretical acceleration of 1.52m s-2 and its highest velocity was 1.55m/s and the smaller angle of 3.84⁰

  • Costa Rican Air-Personal Narrative

    1445 Words  | 3 Pages

    stuck on. I switched off my seat display, to find myself getting lost in the eighty’s style blue pattern that covered the chair in front of me. “You okay?” Kyani asked, “Yeah, I’m just ready to get off and get out of the airport.” Everyone on the plane start shuffling around, anxious to get off this stuffy tin can. “We are all going to meet at customs!” My teacher announced to the group. I looked to Kyani for the look of reassurance, knowing that neither of us knew what we were doing, and after the

  • Personal Narrative: My Immigration To Canada

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    in the summer of 2014 that I learned why our family came to Canada. My parents had everything packed and ready for the upcoming visit to Guangzhou. They were busy calling my family in China who offered to pick us up at the airport. As we board the plane, I began to wonder how

  • Personal Narrative: Jet Skiing

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our lives flashed before our eyes, as we sped through the water. It all started on a crisp Saturday morning when I drove to my friend’s house. We loaded up into their family’s car and headed out for our exciting destination; the Delta. The Delta is a body of water that is located near Sacramento, California. This was my first year going to the Delta, and my friend had told me so many thrilling stories of tubing, jet skiing, and boating. I was beyond excited to feel the refreshing water on a nice

  • Drop Tower Short Story

    583 Words  | 2 Pages

    Drop Tower I was eight years old when it was my very first time at King’s Island. It had been a very exciting day so far. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, yet it was very crowded. My grandma, aunt, brother and my three cousins came with me. We rode rides and watched my aunt and my brother do a fun ride where you fly around with strings holding you up on your stomach like superman. The summer light was finally fading after being at the park the whole day. I

  • White Woman Monologue

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    I was 2:00 pm a quiet afternoon on the Air Canada Airlines. Everyone was silent until a 50 year old white woman came into the plane and began a rukas. As she arrives to her seat she has a disgusted look on her face. The passenger next to her was a black man who was in his mid 30's minding his own buisness. But he couldn't help notice that there was a furious white woman calling out to the flight attendent. The flight attendent arrived and asked, "What's the problem, ma'am?" The white woman yells

  • Personal Narrative: Rushmore Helicopter

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Flying High Few thousand feet into the air. Looking out at the ant sized houses. Then up close to a national monument, flying over Keystone, South Dakota gave me views I’d never had.I learned that flying is fun. And I want to get my pilot's license someday. First I was this place in South Dakota That had a helicopter, when I got there I wanted to scream out in excitement. I saw the sign that said Rushmore Helicopters, Inc and I know I was in for the time of my life. We stepped into the place and

  • Traveling Before Thanksgiving

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    don’t forget to pack a few of their favorite snacks and toys in your carryon bag. Make sure to bring a device to listen to some calming music or catch up on your reading while you’re on the plane. Get to the Airport Early Holidays like Thanksgiving mean long lines at the airport, so don’t risk missing your plane. Always get to the airport at least two hours before your flight when you fly during a holiday. Spending two hours at the airport is far less irritating than waiting around for half a day

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Cochabamba, Bolivia

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    On Feb 23, 2016 I left for the airport to catch a plane to Toronto. From Toronto I flew to Panama City, then to Santa Cruz, and then finally to Cochabamba. I was going to be in Cochabamba, Bolivia for almost two weeks on a missions trip with twenty- some other people. Some of the people were from my church, some were from another church, and the rest were from NBBI. Our group was going down to Bolivia to work with a Bolivian couple, Jamie and Sandra, and their two daughters, Kendra and Cassandra

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    about going to Hawaii that we barley slept. Me, my mom, stepdad, brother, and sister only slept for hour or two. We got to o’hare airport in Chicago so we can got to the excited trip to Hawaii. When I got on the plane I was scared and anxious cause I never been in a plane. When the plane started I started to panic and I also started to cry cause I was terrified. I started to feel better so I just ate food that my mom ordered for me. I was sitting separately with my sister and my stepdad, brother

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To New Orleans

    1466 Words  | 3 Pages

    At the end of June, my family and I set out on an almost week long vacation to New Orleans, Louisiana. We headed to the Cedar Rapids airport on Saturday June 27, and our plane was scheduled to leave at 11:30 am. After we boarded our plane in Cedar Rapids, we had to travel to Atlanta, Georgia for a connecting flight. There would have been minimal layover time because our flight from Cedar Rapids left late, however, when we arrived in Georgia there were some delays because a strong storm system was

  • Cobra Island: A Short Story

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    My family and I were traveling to the Bahamas in search of a new island called Cobra Island that was supposedly off shore about 150 miles. The plane finally landed into the small island of the Bahamas. All I could see for miles was the nice beautiful Atlantic Ocean. As soon as we got off the tiny turboprop plane, we were greeted by our wonderful tour guide named Xavier. Xavier was the best tour guide you were able to get throughout the whole island. Xavier took my family and I to our hotel

  • Personal Narrative: My Spanish Class Trip To Costa Rica

    617 Words  | 2 Pages

    perspective on life in just two weeks, but it happened to me. Initially, as I sat there on the plane and looked out the window, all I saw was pitch black and panic hit me. I was on my way to a foreign country with no one but a few friends and chaperones to rely on. I had never been away from my parents for more than two days and now I was going to be away from them for two weeks. From the moment the plane hit the ground in Costa Rica, I was forced outside of my comfort zone. The first week I lived

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Mexico

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    at that point I felt like his mom almost as I began without though comforting him that everything was going to be fine and he followed me out. When we boarded the plane and took our seats a flight attendant helped us out which put me at some ease since our parents had paid for the flight attendant to care for us. But while on the plane as looking at my 6 year old brother and 9 year old sister, I felt I bit nervous as I was going to be there almost mom like figure toward them, but looked at them with

  • Bullying Creative Writing

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    are going to crash!” Laura screamed from the back. My mind was spinning, what was I thinking saying say to stalling the plane, now we are all going to die. We were plummeting down toward the Lake. This is it, I thought, date of death September 13th 2014. Suddenly, the engine roared back to life. Relieve flooded through my veins. Strangely, I wanted nothing more than for the plane to be stalled again. “That was amazing!” I said to Mr. Stacey with a grin. Earlier that morning at Freemen field airport