Motion of a Wheeled Vehicle on an Inclined Plane

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Motion of a Wheeled Vehicle on an Inclined Plane


Background Information

In this investigation, a small-wheeled vehicle will be placed on an inclined plane. The cart will be placed at the top of the plane, and dropped without any applied force. At the top of the inclined plane will be a motion sensor (perpendicular to the surface of the plane) that will measure the change in velocity vs. time of the cart. The angle of the incline will be increased, in order to find the correlation between the angle of incline and the acceleration of the cart.

Webster’s Dictionary describes motion as “the act or process of moving”; when an object is in motion, its location changes as a result of movement. In physics, motion is defined in terms of time, velocity, displacement, and velocity. According to Newton’s first law, “An object moving at a constant velocity will remain at that velocity unless acted upon by a net force”; thus, the velocity of an object will not change unless acted upon by a net force. In this investigation, the main focus is the velocity of an object moving in a straight line, or linear motion.

While work and energy are measured using the same unit (joules), they are actually different things. Work refers to a force and the movement in the direction of the force (i.e. a force of 10 newtons pulling an object 5 meters does 50 joules of work) while energy describes the capacity or ability to achieve work (i.e. in order to do 50 joules of work, one must use 50 joules of energy to do so). Potential energy is the capacity for an object to do work by virtue of position (i.e. elevation, on the end of a stretched bowstring) while kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses because of motion. In this inve...

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...perfectly perpendicular.

Works Cited

"Acceleration." Acceleration. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. .

"Energy." Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. .

"Inclined Planes." Inclined Planes. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. .

"Kinetic Energy." Kinetic Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. .

"Mass on Frictionless Incline." Mass on incline. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. .

"Work." , Energy and Power. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. .

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