History of the Republic of China Essays

  • The Bitter and Unstable Relations between The People's Republic of China and Taiwan

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    Cross-Strait Relations The Cross-Strait relations refer to the bitter and unstable relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China. The term comes from the relationship that both China and Taiwan has had, physically across the Taiwanese Strait. The relationship between the countries has been filled with war, tension, and little contact. In the earliest of Taiwanese history, both nations fought to seek diplomatic control as the legitimate form of Chinese government (Lee). In recent

  • Han China vs Ancient Rome

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    In the classical period of world history, the Han Dynasty of China and the Republic of Rome both went through periods of massive growth and prosperity as well as devastating downturns, collapses, and eventually dissolution. These two sprawling entities, although similar in certain aspects, were also profoundly different and it is these differences and similarities that had a major impact on the development of their regions throughout history and even the modern world today. There were major similarities

  • Communist Ideology Essay

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    A) The communist party of china is the founding and leading political party of the people republic of china. The CPC is organized on the basis of democratic centralism, a principle conceived by Russian Marxist. In context of china, the definition of ideology is “it is essentially a set of ideas with a discursive framework which guides and justifies policies and actions, derived from certain values and doctrinal assumptions about the nature and dynamics of history." Communist ideology is frequently

  • Cracked China: The June Fourth Incident

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    Cracked China: A Look Into the History Behind And Impact of The June Fourth Incident When footage of the events that occurred in Beijing, China on June 4th, 1989 got through to the world, many eyes witnessed a massacre. A collective cry for democracy had echoed throughout the city, and the sound that came back was that of gun fire. People from all walks of life who had unified for one cause now ran, terrified, from the weaponized arms of a government that was supposedly working for their better

  • The Shanghai Massacre

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    which took place in the Mainland China from 1927 to 1949 between the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and the Chinese Communist Party, the original Republic of China has been split into two separated and independent political entities that practice two different ideologies. The Nationalist forces, led by the nominal leader Chiang Kai-shek, shifted the Nationalist government from Nanking to the Island of Taiwan and reestablished the government of the Republic of China while the Communist controlled by

  • Mao Zedong

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    in the world sided with the communists, China. During Mao's reign they established the People's Republic of China, changed the tide in the Korean War and aided the Viet Minh; making him the most influential person during the cold war. First Mao Zedong went through many events and travelled a long journey to establish The Peoples Republic of China. When Chiang Kai-shek, became the chairman of the Kuomintang he started a violent purge of the communists in China. At first Mao tried to fight back with

  • Mao Zedong Research Paper

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    Mao Zedong was a leader from China that has impacted the lives of numerous Chinese people. He is also called Mao Tse-Tung. He served as chairman from 1949 to 1959. He also led the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) from 1935 until his death. Mao Zedong was an influential man who is known to have reshaped both China’s history and culture. He did this by starting some of his most well-known projects; China’s first five-year plan, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution. Mao Zedong’s early

  • Gender Roles in China

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    years of history, China, like majority society in the world, still remains some kind of patriarchy and it is continuously affecting the gender roles in China and all around the world. As a person who born and raise in China, I evidenced how gender roles alter with the development of China. Gender Roles in Early China (From Han Dynasty to Republic of China) There is no doubt that males have a very dominant social status in China, and this phenomena is even more evident in early period of China due to

  • Deng Xiaoping Chinese Leaders

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    important figures for the history of China, they transformed China. Confucius was the most influential philosopher, also the first teacher in China who was instrumental in establishing teaching as a vocation. Deng Xiaoping engineered reforms in all aspects of China’s and Deng transformed the world’s most populous nation. Confucius and Deng Xiaoping were a Chinese leaders, both significant figures. Deng Xiaoping was more powerful because he was more effective in the history of China. II. Confucius was

  • Richard Nixon Remarks To The People's Republic Of China Analysis

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    re-elected as President of the United States of America, he made remarks that were broadcast on television and radio that would change the history of the Sino-American relationship. In the “Remarks to the Nation Announcing Acceptance of an Invitation To Visit the People's Republic of China”, Nixon announced that he would accept the invitation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to visit before May 1972. Nixon claimed that this action sought to normalize the relationship with the PRC, and would allow

  • FDI Flows in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong

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    The history of Hong Kong is an interesting one and moreover, it has defined Hong Kong as an export oriented region. This section therefore explores the most important historical developments of Hong Kong, and discusses the effects on the economic development. Towards colonization Geographically, Hong Kong consists of three large regions; a region that is attached to China (New territories and Kowloon), Hong Kong Island and Lantau (see figure ???). The soil is fertile, and due to its abundance of

  • Wu-Tai Chin: Chinese-American Spy

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    in United States (U.S.) history to have compromised national defense information, from 1952 to 1985. Chin’s actions resulted in a serious security breach in the infrastructure of the intelligence community. Chin was convicted of espionage on behalf of the People’s Republic of China. He is one of several spies to have penetrated the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the mid-1980s. Additionally, Chin is known as being the longest operating Chinese-American spy in history. ​Larry Wu-Tai Chin was

  • Nanjing Requiem Summary

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    twentieth-century between the Republic of China and Empire of Japan (Second Sino-Japanese War). The story of Anling Gao and Minnie Vautrin was in fact real and true. Their story has been shared through Jin’s novel Nanjing Requiem, and Minnie’s own diaries which were published after her death. During the time of the Second Sino-Japanese War China was destroyed and ripped apart as the Japanese committed thousands of murders throughout southern China. According to World History: The Modern Era, the war

  • Importance Of Gilgit Baltistan

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    Gilgit Baltistan shares common border with Afghanistan, Tajikistan, China, India, and Pakistan. As part of the Jammu and Kashmir, it is one of the most politically sensitive and geo-strategically positioned regions in the world , it is also referred to as the “high roof of the world” . It has historically remained a flash point of political and military rivalries amongst various empires particularly the Russian, Chinese and the British . It has always been at the crossroads of civilizations and

  • Essay On Internet Censorship

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    governments into five: No or few censorship, normal amounts of censorship, above normal, high amount of censorship and extreme amounts of censorship. I am going to focus about the last three levels. For these levels Republic of Turkey, People’s Republic of China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are examples I am going to talk about. These examples would be coinciding with the levels respectively. When we look at the internet censorship we can see that it affects modern day politics a lot. The

  • A Comparison Of Chiang Kai Shek And Mao Ze Dong?

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    Ze Dong are the two leaders that have the different ideology and the development based on their culture and social aspect. Chiang Kai Shek is the political leader of China who remembered led China during the Japanese-Chinese war that began in 1937. He previously led the Kuomintang forces before becoming leader of the Republic of China in 1928. He applied nationalist ideology that has a nice orderly target to achieve its own collective governance, regional integration, and cultural identity. Chiang

  • The History Of Ancient China

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    are multiple changes that have occurred in China throughout history that shaped the country into its current state. For example, though China was mainly secluded after the communist revolution, it has opened its doors to the rest of the world again. Of course, all of these changes have advantages and disadvantages. Lu Xun and Li Po, who are both very influential Chinese authors, would agree that there are still changes that need to be made. Although China has advanced economically, the country is

  • We Didnt Start The Fire Essay

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    writes a chronological order of historical events that occurred during his lifetime. Joel then creates his list of history events into a song that rhymes. When Joel sings the verses of this song, he sings the lyrics at a steady pace. Joel's singing at a steady pace acts as a symbol demonstrating that history does go at a steady pace as well. The message of this song is that history is going on and on, and as it does so, it is bringing changes with it, and there is no way to stop it. Modernizations


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    Every country has its own history, and China had over 5,000 years of history. Like many other countries, there are glory times and dark times. 19th century of China is considered one of the darkest times in history. The first is that in the 1800s beginning with the demands made by England and China’s conflict with an aggressively expanding West at the end of the eighteenth century. England was intent on opening up trade with China as was true with the other imperial powers. Several wars was led by

  • "The Last Emperor"

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    last dynasty, is faced with the close of traditional monarchy and the switch to a republic. I want to examine why traditional monarchy fell and the republic of China took over. I would like to discuss the various transitions China’s government. China went through an imperialistic monarchy, republic, warlord governments, and communism. Though China went through many different changes I would like to discuss why China shifted and the instant it happened. I would like to talk about the corruption and