Hellenistic Essays

  • The Hellenistic Homemaker

    2010 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Hellenistic Homemaker In both Xenophon’s Oeconomicus and Lysias’ defense of Euphiletus’ murder of Eratosthenes, insight into the purpose and function of Athenian marriage may be gained by examination of the speeches of two citizens about their wives and their homes. Through both texts, it becomes apparent that the citizen’s value of his wife is based upon his wife’s ability as an “oikonomikos” or “skilled household manager” (Strauss, 3). It is through filling this role as her husband’s housekeeper

  • Ethics Of The Hellenistic World

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    would not hold up under the scrutiny of contemporary philosophers. Bibliography Hardie, W.F.R. Aristotle’s Ethical Theory. Great Britain: Oxford UP, 1968. Hyde, William. The Five Great Philosophies of Life. New York: Macmillan, 1945. Long, A.A. Hellenistic Philosophy. New York: Scribner’s, 1974.

  • Greek Hellenistic Sculptures

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    Sculpture has been a very important part of art history throughout thousands of years. For the past few months I have viewed many different kinds of sculpture, including Greek archaic sculptures, Greek classical sculptures, Greek Hellenistic sculptures and Roman sculptures. All of the sculptures that I have seen and analyzed have very interesting characteristics, but the one that I have analyzed most recently was the most fascinating. Hermes carrying the infant Dionysos, by the artist Praxiteles

  • The Hellenistic Period

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    The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC marks the beginning of the Hellenistic Period and covers 300 years to the invasion of Egypt by the Romans. The word Hellenic refers only to the Greeks, but the term Hellenistic refers to `the Greek-influenced societies that arose in the wake of Alexander's conquest' (Sacks, 105). The Hellenistic world extended from Greece all the way to Afghanistan and resulted in the beginning of the mass spreading of Greek culture. Its central characteristics were the

  • Hellenistic Marriages Can Be Mutually Supportive

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    Hellenistic views of marriage are very different from modern views in many ways, and because of these differences, it can be easy to dismiss archaic and Athenian marriages as loveless or purely functional. However, it should be noted that there are definite examples of these marriages being mutually supportive and loving. One can see these characteristics especially well in two works, Oeconomicus by Xenophon, and Alcestis by Euripides. Although different, these two stories demonstrate both the mutual

  • Hellenistic Accomplishments

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Hellenistic world was a period where certain accomplishments had become more advanced which some are still in uses even to this day. They had different social developments that would end up changing its society including new opportunities for women, role of slavery, and education. They also had many achievements by changing literature, art, science, and philosophy. They had changed the way that certain things where done and because of these accomplishments that they advanced we still to this

  • Hellenistic Period Essay

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hellenistic Period In this paper we will answer some key questions on the “Hellenistic Period”. The questions that we will be tackling are, why did the “Hellenistic Period”, following the conquests of Alexander Great, “became a melting pot of cultures” (Sources, 56)? What do we mean by “Hellenization”? Finally, what happened when classical Greek culture met and mixed with Persian, Egyptian and Jewish cultures and religions? First let’s look at the melting pot question. After the death of Alexander

  • The Greatest Accomplishments Of The Hellenistic People

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    The Hellenistic period was a long-lasting period which spanned from 323 BC to 31 BC. It began with the death of Alexander the Great and ended with the rise of the Roman Empire. Throughout this period the Hellenistic people achieved many great things. They conquered lands while exploring and mapping out new ones. They made wonderful artworks, designed amazing pieces of architecture, and wrote vast amounts of literature. They also made groundbreaking scientific discoveries in the fields of mathematics

  • Hellenistic Culture Essay

    1662 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is Hellenistic culture? How can it be related to Anglo-Saxon culture? Jesus Christ is one of the most well known men in history and he was apart of the Hellenistic culture and lived and set an example for the people around him and showed people what his culture was about through how he lived. How did jesus live you may ask? He lived very graciously and not for himself but for others and he showed that through three main characteristics that his culture formed him into the person he was. One

  • The Hellenistic Era: Thought, Culture, and Religion

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    Although the Hellenistic Era started with the death of Alexander the Great in 323BCE it is important to explore its beginnings. Both Greek and Oriental philosophies greatly influenced the formation of the Hellenistic Age. The spread of Hellenistic culture and its substantial scientific contributions produced an impact on civilization that is still evident today. One of the most important aspects of the thought, culture, and religion during the Hellenistic Era was its impact on the Jewish culture

  • The Similarities Between The Kinestic Period And The Hellenistic Period

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Hellenistic period and the Hellenic period have many differences and many similarities in their culture. The Hellenistic and Hellenic periods are some major parts of the Greek civilization. Around the Hellenistic time cultural influence and power were at their highest point, And them having such great experiences in; arts, exploring, literature, theatre, architecture, music, mathematics, philosophy, and science brought major benefits to the Hellenistic period. However, the Hellenic period marks

  • Greek Architecture And Stylistics Of The Hellenistic Period

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    Greek culture and its arts, and exposed Greek artistic styles to a host of new exotic influences. Stylistically, Hellenistic art is viewed as more ornate than its predecessor, the Golden Age. Monumental friezes and statues were created to be admired from all angles, encapsulating viewers observing the portrayal of Greek expansion. One of the defining characteristics of the Hellenistic period was the division of Alexander the Great's empire into smaller dynastic empires founded by the diadochi, or

  • Greek Art - The Geometric Period, Classical Period, and Hellenistic Period

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    Greek Art - The Geometric Period, Classical Period, and Hellenistic Period Over a period of time Greek art of the past has changed and evolved into what we value in todayís society as true art and services as a blue print of our tomorrow. As we take a closer look at the Geometric Period and stroll up through the Hellenistic Period allow me to demonstrate the changes and point out how these transitions have served the elements of time. During the geometric period the Greeks style of vase painting

  • How Did The Venus De Milo A Hellenistic Figure

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    During the Hellenistic Age was a new era for the Greeks, the statues were more transformed after the Classical Art Era. This is the era that they started treating their art form in a more detailed way with expression. “The great cultural centers of the era were no longer the city-states of Archaic and Classical Greece, but royal capitals.” (Kleiner 81) The Venus de Milo is a great example when the Classical Age started transforming. The sculptor who made this was very talented who was very creative

  • Ancient Greek Theater Architecture

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    archeological finds and years of studying the people, the plays, and the architecture of the time, we are able to make many conclusions about these early structures. Greek Theaters are classified into three categories: The early Athenian Theaters, Hellenistic Theaters, and Graeco-Roman Theaters. Like most new inventions or creations, the initial theaters built by the Athenians were very simple. In the fifth century B.C., it became popular to build theaters on the slope of a large hill, or an acropolis

  • Ancian Roman Arcitecture

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    dictator Sulla, Hellenistic architecture flourished in Rome, with the buildings Lindos, Cos, the acropolis at Pergamon, Fortuna at Praeneste, the sanctuary of He! rcules Victor at Tibur, and the temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina. Though all these buildings were noticeably Hellenistic, they retained the Roman’s own unique architectural style. Such as the cylindrical shape of Forum Boarium, this was an original shape for the Romans along with the roof. Eventually the Hellenistic architecture was

  • Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics

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    on a more combined technique. Style I, known as incrustation, began approximately during the second century b.c. This style features the strong influence of the Hellenistic Greek period in its surface decoration. At the Samnite House at Herculaneum, walls are painted as faux marble slabs. This is very typical of the influence of Hellenistic Greece. There is a three fold division of a Roman wall during this time. The dado is at the bottom, the middle section imitates the stone slabs, and the upper part

  • A Rebuttal to E. R. Dodds' On Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex

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    that Oedipus' actions are entirely determined by the gods, who control him completely -- Dodds pooh-poohs on the grounds that Oedipus is a free agent, acting on his own initiative. In fact, Dodds states, the idea of free will vs. determinism is a Hellenistic thought and would not have even occured to an audience of Sophocles' time. I believe that, as all of Oedipus' actions, including those over the course of the play, were determined before his birth, and he cannot avoid them although it is his will

  • Hellenistic Achievements

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    culture from the Eastern Mediterranean is called the Hellenistic Period. The Hellenistic Age was a period in time between the death of Alexander the Great and the rise of the Roman domination. During this time Greek traditions and values became to take over the Mediterranean. As the Romans began to gain power throughout the Mediterranean the Hellenistic Age began to fall and the Roman Empire began to completely take over. During the Hellenistic time period there were a lot of cultural achievements

  • Hellenistic Eras

    2452 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Hellenic and Hellenistic eras of ancient Greece brought forth new ideas in scientific innovation, art, philosophy, agriculture, warfare, and government. Hellenic Greece heralded leaders such as Pericles and Cleisthenes as well as the philosophers Socrates and Plato and playwrights Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides. The Hellenistic era boasted the influence of Alexander the Great’s great empire from the Mediterranean to India, and the spread of Greek culture and knowledge to the conquered lands