Hellenistic Period Essay

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Hellenistic Period
In this paper we will answer some key questions on the “Hellenistic Period”. The questions that we will be tackling are, why did the “Hellenistic Period”, following the conquests of Alexander Great, “became a melting pot of cultures” (Sources, 56)? What do we mean by “Hellenization”? Finally, what happened when classical Greek culture met and mixed with Persian, Egyptian and Jewish cultures and religions?
First let’s look at the melting pot question. After the death of Alexander the Great they were questions on what would happen to the empire because, “Although he fathered a successor, the child was not yet born” (History, 97). At this point we see Alexander’s generals started staking claims to territories and spreading …show more content…

As the empire spread so did the Hellenistic culture, but we can also see that some customs were integrated along with the Hellenistic culture. As with Ptolemy I, who claimed the land of Egypt and named himself Pharaoh, “made their capital Alexandria, a cosmopolitan city on the Nile Delta, which many Greeks and Hebrews called home.” (Sources, 59). Here we can see that Hebrews, Greeks and Egyptians all lived under the same rule. “The Ptolemies blended both Greek and Egyptian religious and political systems.” (Sources, 59). Also, we can see on the Egyptian, and Greek “coins depicting Ptolemy VI Philometer (ca. 186 – 145 B.C.E.)” (Sources, 59). With these coins we see the adoption of the Egyptian Pharaoh’s crown and clothing compared to the Greek clothing that was customary. Unfortunately, the incorporation of local religion and customs were met with conflict and we see this with the “Maccabee Revolt ca.175 B.C.E.” (Sources, 67). Alexander’s general Seleucus took control of the Asian part of the Empire and this included the land of the Jewish people, specifically the “Kingdom of Judea.” (Sources, 68). Here we see that Seleucus was not that open to local customs and the Jews were forced to “forbid burnt offerings,

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