Hadith Essays

  • Insight From the Hadith

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    The Hadith is a unique and an essential source of Islamic History. It is considered to be the second to the Qur’an. It is known to be impossible to understand the Qur’an without looking back to the Hadith; and impossible to explain a Hadith without connecting it to the Qur’an. They both go hand in hand—that said they do have their differences but both are important. The Hadith gives an insight of the preliminary Islamic life. Telling who was around and involved in those times. The people that were

  • Hadith Reports as a Historical Source

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    agreeing on whether or not it is reliable to use hadith literature as a source for the origins of Islam considering a large amount of hadiths surfaced well after the time of Muhammad. Many historians find issue with the isnad and matn of hadith. Historians argue that these can be easily forged given the nature of how hadith is transmitted by word of mouth. Another problem with using hadith as a historical source for the origins of Islam is that many hadith collections contain anachronisms, which, again

  • Exploring the Historical Accuracy of the Hadith

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    The hadith are both a unique a crucial source of Islamic history, second in authority only to the Qur’an. Translated literally as reports, the hadith give us a glimpse of early Islamic life directly from those who were involved in it. These various people provide secondary accounts of Muhammad’s words and actions, record the historical events of their time and establish a record of precedents on which future decisions were based. However, since the hadith are a compilation of so many sources, we

  • Islamic Management In The Holy Quran And Hadith

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    Although the Holy Quran and Hadith contain no exact description about what is Islamic Management, a guidance on what and how is management according to Islam exists. The words such as justice, guide, direction, control, have been written in the Holy Quran. Islamic management means the aptitude to be effectively and efficiently use the material sources and human resources to meet welfare; materially and socially according to the principles in the Holy Quran and Hadith. According to Rice (1999), A

  • The Concept of Abrogation

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    Qur’anic statement, Hadith statement and through the Ijma statement, but Ijma cannot abrogate the text and abrogation is not permitted by analogy in addition to that analogy cannot also abrogate by another analogy. The legitimacy of abrogation has been confirmed by the holly Qur’an, Allah (S.W.T) said in Surah Al-Baqarah 106, “We do not abrogate any ayah or verse except that we bring or replace for one better than it or parallel to it”. The abrogating text Qur’an or Hadith, is called Naasikh, whereas

  • Musharakah: The Structure Of Sharing In The Islamic Banking

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    of Musharakah can be seen in Al-Quran which says “But if they are more than two, they share a third”. It also stated in Al-Quran that “Many partners oppress one another, except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and very few they are” . In hadith it is stated that the Prophet S.A.W said “Allah had said that: “I am the third of the partners, as long as any one of them does not betray the other. If he/she

  • Salallah Alayah Selam: The Importance Of Leadership In Islam

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    They fight behind him and they are protected by (him from tyrants and aggressors). If he enjoins fear of God, the Exalted and Glorious, and dispenses justice, there will be a (great) reward for him; and if he enjoins otherwise, it redounds on him (Hadith

  • The Prophet Muhammad Essay

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    The prophet Muhammad is a very significant individual in the lives of all Muslims. This essay will focus on the book The lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali on the first chapter of The Historical Muhammad. Further discussion on early sources about Muhammad, Muhammad throughout the centuries and non-Muslim sources will be touched on throughout, as the author will provide insight on different perspectives of Muhammad as a true prophet. To begin, Muhammad was born in Mecca in the year of 570 CE, and belonged

  • Importance Of Zakat

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    Unlike Zakat, another type of charity is sedegah which is voluntarily giving others as their is no obligations to it. In many of the Hadiths Prophet Muhammad (swt) emphasizes the importance of giving sadaqah as Abu Abu Huraira narrated that Muhammad (SAW) once said that "There is a (compulsory) Sadaqa (charity) to be given for every joint of the human body (as a sign of gratitude to Allah)

  • Sheikh Muhammed Al Deen Al-Albania: A Lifelong Islamic Scholar

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    project, Sheik’s interests increased in the field of the hadith of the Prophet (saw). He loved studying hadith so much, he spent up to 12 hours in Al-Makatabah adth Dthaariyyah library, often too engrossed in his studies to eat or sleep. Because of this he was given his own room there and a set of keys to the library to pursue his education. All the while he worked on and edited more than 300 works which would later become significant to other Hadith scholars. In his career, the Sheik published and printed

  • Abortion

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    Islam Overview: Islam is an Arabic word that means surrender, obedience and submission to Allah (God) (Khorfan et al., 2010). Islam is one of the three major religion in the worlds which Christianity and Judaism. Islam has two main resources that Muslims depend on them in their daily life. These sources are Holy Quran (the words of Allah) and the saying of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that called Sunnah (Almatary et al., 2014). In addition, a third source was considered for making the decision for

  • A Reflection on Women's Piety in the Quran from the Writings of Barbara Stowasser

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    The readings of this past week discussed women’s piety and roles as defined by Islam and the Quran. The writings of Barbara Stowasser discussed Hadith and Quranic histories which featured exemplary Muslim women. These scriptures are significant because the Quran and its histories are used to extrapolate laws and codes of conduct for men and women alike. The role of Eve in the Garden of Eden as revealed in revelation by Mohammed differs slightly from the Christian narrative of the same story. This

  • Essay On Sharia Law

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    Sharia Law which are the source and the basis of the law code, the authority that is final in the law code, and how does religion influence the law code. Sharia law is a very unique law that was made for the Muslims to follow. It is based on Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah, this is what makes it unique. This law states that there is only one god and that god is Allah. They believe Allah has created literally everything and in the next few paragraphs I will be telling you more about the sharia law.

  • Essay On Gender Roles In Saudi Arabia

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    - Saudi Arabia was ranked 127th out of 136 countries for gender parity by the World Economic Forum 2013 Global Gender Gap Report. - Gender roles in Saudi society come from Sharia (Islamic law). Islamic law (sharia) is based on the Quran and hadith (teachings of Prophet Muhammad). In Saudi culture, the Sharia is interpreted according to a strict Sunni form known as the way of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) or Wahhabism. The law is mostly unwritten, leaving judges with significant discretionary

  • The Question of Liberty and Freedom of Women in Islam

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    evolved overtime, is the mounting question of liberty and freedom of women in Islam, with specific reference to the veil. In saying that, the controversial issue of the covering of the head will be discussed with close reference to the Quran, Authentic hadith, scholarly consensus (ijma^) and scholarly articles, particularly talking about the evolution of the matter as well as political, cultural, social and religious perceptions that associate with the Islamic veil. The veil is generally classified into

  • Islamic Teachings and Law: Insights from Quran

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    Quran is one or the main source of Islamic teaching and the Quran is the first and most vital source of Islamic law. Almost of every aspect of life is discussed in Quran. Accepted to be the immediate expression of God as Submitted to Muhammad (s.a.w) through angel Gabriel in Mecca and Medina the scripture details the good, philosophical, social, political and monetary premise on which a general public concern to be developed. The verses reveal in Mecca manage philosophical and religious issues,

  • Islamic Law Case Study

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    Islamic law may be hard to understand from a western perspective. There are many similarities, such as the way trials convene, but also many differences. The structure of Islamic Law and what they base their law on is vastly different than our own. In this essay, I am going to cover some of the major topics of Islamic Law. This includes Sharia, and how laws are derived from it. What is Fatwa, and why it is needed. How family practice law works and how it pertains to women. I will then finish

  • Mernissi

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    She attributes misogyny in the past and present Muslim culture to the male elite. She gives many examples of how Muhammad and Islam have only supported equality of the sexes and also how the male elite used false hadiths and very narrow interpretations of the Koran and true hadiths for their purpose. She begins by describing how the male elite started running things right from the onset of Muhammad's death. When a successor to Muhammad was picked, it did not involve the people of the community

  • Exposing Muslim Youth to American Culture

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    narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]. This hadith explains that the Muslim Ummah will pass through periods when wickedness, sinfulness and immoral behavior will personify the norm of society, and the believers will find it extremely arduous to preserve their iman and paddle against the surging waves

  • Women's Status in Islam

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    Women's Status in Islam In Islam, women and men are equal in terms of their relationship with Allah. It can be clearly seen that Allah has created men and women differently, this is so that they may fulfil different purposes in life. It is not a question of the superiority of one gender over another, rather it is a matter of role differentiation. Islam teaches that men and women complement one another and are both equally important. On the other hand, this is not the case is many cultures