Green room Essays

  • Agents of SHIELD

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    “How am I supposed to portray something that is the complete opposite of me?” My voice had risen to the volume associated with anger, but I was more frustrated than angry. I squinted into the bright lights, set just below the stage. I could just make out my theater Director sitting in a chair with his arms crossed over his scrawny chest. “You are a talented actress Rachelle, figure it out. I will see you in two weeks. You have that long to memorize you entire script and get into character.” With

  • Personal Narrative: How Theater Changed My Life

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    each other. As I walked back to my dorm, I thought back on the little family I made with this group of people. I surprised I got as close to them as I did because it takes some time for me to open up to people. I guess when you’re forced to sit in a room with people for hours without anything to do, but the same thing repeatedly, you get close and open

  • Persuasive Essay On How To Make A Living Room

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    living room? Read this! The living room is the spot where individuals spend the greater part of their life at home. Having lunch, reading, entertaining guests, watching TV, resting, dining, these are all day-to-day activities that can be effortlessly done in the living room. This is why it is essential for this space to look as pleasant, nice, elegant, modern as well as welcoming as possible. The following are some useful improving tips for you to remember while enhancing a living room to make

  • The Sanctuary of the Family Cabin

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    The Sanctuary of the Family Cabin The TV in my room blares the sounds of some show in which I am not even interested. There is too much on my mind for me to worry about the show on television. "I need money. I need a job. My car needs gas. What am I going to do when school starts this fall? My life is going downhill. I need to get away." Just before my mind explodes, my father comes in and says, "Let's go to the cabin." That is exactly what I have needed. My family's cabin has been

  • Hotel report

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    Non- Guest room areas When entering the hotel, the decor has a very Napoleonic feel, with neutral colors such as light beige, off whites, cream colors and hints of gold lining in frames of the paintings. The lobby is decorated with sculptures of Earl's and lady's of the Elgin family. To match the decor, the furniture is post Napoleonic (Mid 19th century) with wooden tables, individual chairs and a cozy fireplace. The lightening is quite dim, to match the whole atmosphere of the hotel, there are

  • An Essay About My Favourite Room

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    about 24 rooms and brick pillars at the entrance. From the front room window you can see the park - rolling fields of green, a grove of green trees make amazing autumn colours. I remember I used to spend the afternoon there while enjoying the view. The hallway leading to her front door was a soft floor covering with bright halogens. The sterile air conditioned hallway soon becomes a pleasant comfortable room as you step through the plain wooden door. My favourite room was the living room: there were

  • Dream House

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    My Dream House Ever since I was ten years old I have known what kind of house I wanted to live in. A house that is on the lake and after I start a family it will be considered a loving home. One of the most important details about a house is the location. My house will be located where it is quiet and peaceful. My house will be located on a small private lake, but about two hundred yards off the edge of the lake. The best location for this would have to be in Minnesota. Minnesota has beautiful lakes

  • Medieval Castles

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    security. “The great hall was a large one-room structure with a lofty ceiling”(Giess 58). This was where all the people of the castles slept (excluding the lord and the Lady). There was of course a great big curtain put up so the ladies would be separate from the men. It wasn’t until the end of the century when separate rooms were invented. The great hall was usually located in the very center of the castle and walls built out of stone surrounded the whole room. The entrance was in a sidewall near the

  • Dream House

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    always wanted to live in a mansion in Florida and hope that it happens. My dream house would be a beautiful white mansion on a sunny beach in Florida. The front of my house would have many big glass windows. I would have a large three car garage. Tall green palm trees would line my driveway. The front doors would be double and a stone staircase leading to the entrance. The back of my house would also have many windows, for the views of the clear blue ocean, the white sandy beach, and the bright sunsets

  • Descriptive Essay About Old House

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    I looked out the window of the car as we turned off the paved road onto a dirt lane like my family had done so many times before. When I got out of our Olive-green new ford van **, I kicked at the dirt that found its place under my feet. I admired the ladybug that had landed on my shoulder until I shooed it off. I watched as it flew towards the house in front of me. I looked at the chipped white paint on the front of the old house for a while until I began walking towards it. ▼▲▼▲ I looked

  • Descriptive Essay On The House

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    was so hated for so many years could now be missed. When you walked through the big, black front door you enter the dining room. The room instantly appears to be bigger than it really is. The floors have a dull completion with the covering of dust and dirt and the evidence of an amateur remodel. The large window beside the door is the only source of light for the dining room. Another tiny window further down the wall is the only source of light for the kitchen. At night the small one-person kitchen

  • Alice Monologue

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    again, they are dating, he'd probably enjoy watching her waltz around in little more than a towel. “What are you wearing tonight?” I shrug my shoulders. “I haven't decided yet. What about you?” “Well, I thought I might inquire about that gorgeous green dress of yours.” My lips curve. “And you should wear your blue one.”

  • Elementary Classroom Observation

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    play set, and a bookshelf that has bins filled with toys. On the wall there are a variety of rules about playing friendly. This section in the very back is what I call the free centers time. Then the bathroom on the right as you face the front of the room. In front of the bathroom door there are stickers that says line leader and door holder and then numbers behind those for the children to stand on when in line. Underneath the lights on the right is a poster. It is a line

  • Symbolism in Fuentes' Aura

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    whole story. Senora Consuelo's room is not bathed in light but filled with "perpetual shadows". Of course darkness and shadows are a staple of the Gothic, but darkness could also be suggestive of the unknown or not being able to think clearly. Shadows could be interpreted as that which is clouded, hard to grasp, or just beyond clear vision. Did the darkness and shadows contribute to Felipe?s state of mind and make him more susceptible to Senora Consuelo's will? The rooms where the action of a story

  • american gothic design

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    furnishings but also to the manner in which they were used in the home. The typical middle-class drawing room was crammed full of furniture, fabrics were used in abundance and every available surface was overflowing with knickknacks. Such displays were a means of showing off their new-found cultural interests, prosperity and status. They were also in accord with the fashionable notion that bareness in a room was in poor taste. Victorian Gothic style was zenithed in the mid-nineteenth century by those who

  • Descriptive Essay On Sanctuary

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    share my room with my little sister. That only made it that much more special when it became solely mine. The room is of a fairly large size; it bigger than most kids bedroom. It may have once been two rooms and been remodeled. To enter, one has to walk though a wooden door with a dark finish, a rusting gold doorknob, and a faded Precious Moments decal located in the south east corner of the room. If the light were off, it would have been pitch black. Even if the lights were on, the room was pretty

  • Personal Narrative-Home

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    paper made, but still the guards didn't notice. Inside was a small box with a syringe symbol on it. I started to worry that the guards would catch me while I scratched at the brass latches. The contents of the box were strange, 2 small vials of fluro green liquid and a gun about the size of my palm. The two vials perfectly fit inside the chamber of the gun. The guards conversation went silent as they leaned over to check on me, faster than the speed of light I stuffed my hands back behind my back and

  • Wonders of Cupertino Center

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    helping these precious kids. The serenity of the place brought about by nature and the cheerful aura that the place is clouded with make you forget about the suburban city in which the place is actually located in. With its walls and posts painted in green and yellow, the buildings that make up the school mimic its environment. Different species and sizes of trees can be seen pl... ... middle of paper ... ...nd yet it makes you feel like you've been there for as long as you could remember. It feels

  • The Dursley's Short Story: The Owls

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    since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all. The sun rose on the same tidy front gardens and lit up the brass number four on the Dursleys' front door; it crept into their living room, which was almost exactly the same as it had been on the night when Mr. Dursley had seen that fateful news report about the owls. Only the photographs on the mantelpiece really showed how much time had passed. Ten years ago, there had been lots of

  • A Restaurant At Popular Chain Restaurants

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    A Classic Erie Restaurant Dining at popular chain restaurants can get boring after awhile, as they tend to have similar atmospheres and can be predictable. Local restaurants, however have a special charm and family feel to them. Every city has their own few special family owned restaurants that are well known amongst the city’s residents. In Erie, PA one of these restaurants is known as Syd’s Place which is located on West Lake Rd near the peninsula. Established in 1933, Syd’s Place has become a