Personal Narrative: How Theater Changed My Life

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I’ve been a theater person all my life. That’s where I grew up. My mom wrote, produced, and directed plays all over the city of New Orleans. I was accustomed to life on stage. I wanted to see what everybody else goes through. So I tried another aspect of theatre life. Let me just say, everybody in theatre loves it, but there are parts some have a mutual strong dislike for.
Hurriedly walking into the Center for Arts and Theater, I rushed to sign in and see what I could do since I wasn’t the most punctual person that day. I wasn’t significantly late, but call time was at 6:30 and I had walked in at 6:45. Being fifteen minutes late in theatre is a big deal, even if you are not an actor. Luckily I wasn’t really responsible for many props, so my …show more content…

Scene change rehearsals were the bane of my PA existence. All it consists of is moving the different stage pieces back and forth until you consistently put it in the correct spot at least five times in a row. Most might think how bad can moving a stage be, if they have wheels on them. Well, when there are five 20-pound stage weight on top of a 150-pound stage with six wheels and only four people trying to move it, the rehearsal isn’t that pleasant. We have done scene change rehearsals every day since tech week until now. Most scene change rehearsals stop after tech week, but apparently my fellow people in black and I needed more work than …show more content…

Friendship start to dwindle down the more time you spend apart from each other. As I walked back to my dorm, I thought back on the little family I made with this group of people. I surprised I got as close to them as I did because it takes some time for me to open up to people. I guess when you’re forced to sit in a room with people for hours without anything to do, but the same thing repeatedly, you get close and open

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