German Shepherd Dog Essays

  • German shepherd Dog

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    For thousands of years dogs have walked alongside man with loyalty, care, and friendship. Now there is the dog called the German shepherd and to me it is the most reliable of all the dogs. They have a history that is different from others, they can be trained to always stand by you, they are strictly bred to perfection, and they have done many great heroic actions. I should get a German shepherd. The history of German shepherds is both remarkable and interesting. During the late 1890s, the first

  • German Shepherd: A Study: German Shepherds At Work

    1970 Words  | 4 Pages

    German Shepherds at Work Have you ever wondered what German Shepherds do other than play fetch, eat, and sleep? Most people that own dogs teach them to sit, stay, come, and they also teach them to obey their owners. They are the family pets that sit on our laps all the time, bark at people when they come to the door, and chase the mailman in the summer when the family is outside. Work dogs have jobs such as being police dogs, military dogs, guide dogs, and herding dogs. The German shepherd breed

  • Detection Dogs and their Training

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    Graham Vest stated, “the one absolutely unselfish friend a man may have in this selfish world….is the dog” at a Missouri trial in 1870, over 500 years after the first instalment of dogs in civil services (Orbaan, 15). Unlike man, canines possess a courageous attribute that does not fail even in the moment of an emergency and will not back down to daily challenges that may arise on the job each day. Law enforcement agencies around the world, both big and small, employ canines to assist officers in

  • A Veteran Banned From Military Housing

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    Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd dogs mark 100 years with the AKC. Both German Shepherds and Dobermans were the Devil Dogs in WWII (Mahood). Both dog breeds have given years of service to the military. Both dogs have been faithful loyal companions and incredibly intelligent. Both dogs are ranked in the top five for obedience and working intelligence (“Dog intelligence rankings”). Yet, the German Shepherd is currently the military police’s working dog and its veteran companion, the Doberman

  • Jack Terrier Research Paper

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    11 best dog breed Jack Russell Terrier: This dog is known for its high energy levels and neediness when it comes to physical activity and long hours that need to be invested in giving this breed proper exercise to keep them in break. 2. Rottweiler: Ancient Roman cattle herders, cart pullers, and guardians, the rottweiler is known his gentleness with family and friends, and strength and bravery in defending them. Though known for his good nature, thorough training and socialization is an absolute

  • Universal K9 Case Study

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    for-profit company, in 2010 but quickly realizing the greater mission. In early 2012 Universal K9 started saving dogs, training them and donating them to Law Enforcement Agencies nationwide! Universal K9s program is a triple win, saving dogs, to help law enforcement protect our communities all while saving taxpayer dollars. To date, Universal K9 has saved and placed hundreds of fully trained police dogs making the success of this program more than any other non-profit in this space. Unlike other programs,

  • How Police Dogs Work

    1269 Words  | 3 Pages

    "Police dogs can tell the difference between identical twins. While this may fool the eyes of a human, dogs are trained to use their noses" (McVicker). This is just one of the many amazing things that dogs can do and humans can't. The police force has been using advantages like these in canines for centuries. (McVicker) Although they are often overlooked, police dogs (also known as "K9s") have done a lot to help communities around the world. Pet dogs can be adorable when taught tricks, but police

  • Dachshund Research Paper

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    Today i’m going to talk about five different dog breeds that I have been researching. The five dog breeds are Bichon Frise, Boxer, Dachshund, Greyhound, and Keeshond. Each dog is unique in its own way. I hope if your looking for one of these dogs that this information will help you find the right one for you. The colors of the Bichon Frise vary from a solid white, cream, gray, or apricot. The males height is 9-12 inches and the females is 9-11 inches. The Bichon Frise weighs between 7-12 pounds

  • Informative Essay On Dog Breeds

    1713 Words  | 4 Pages

    40 Dog Breeds You Need To Get To Know A Little More Today there are literally hundreds of different dog breeds so it's quite a hard choice to make when it comes to picking the dog that is just right for you. I mean, there are so many questions you need to ask yourself: Who are you as a person? Do you want a high or low energy dog? Do you want a small or big one? Do you like long walks? Do you want an easy dog to train? Do you have any children? Will you be going to best in shows with your dog? These

  • Service Dogs: Troubled People

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    Service dogs play a large role in helping the community of disabled or troubled people. Police dogs are one of the forms of service dogs that help out with troubled people. Police dogs are specifically trained to assist law enforcement. According to the national Center for Victims of crime, police service dogs are trained to sniff out bombs and drugs on suspects. This will limit the amount of drug dealers and users as well. The dogs start training as pups until they grow and mature with the these

  • K9 Dogs Research Paper

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    K9 dogs ar expected to perform well in varied things, like finding a suspect through smell, protective its handler, finding hidden objects in an exceedingly 150’x150′ space, knowing a way to respond once under attack, and sleuthing explosives and narcotics. Before a handler will begin operating with a dog as a political candidate working dog, the dog should pass the normative police check, or may be bought, absolutely ready, from Master Dog coaching. A K9 officer and his or her dog, ought to bear

  • Servic Service Dogs Research Paper

    866 Words  | 2 Pages

    Kaleb Huff Service Dogs Research Paper Dogs can carry out multiple tasks which prove they are a large asset in fields in which man can possess flaw and error that can be unforgiving and not to mention deadly. For decades dogs have been aiding in the works of keeping crime low, prevent terrorism, detecting explosives and patrolling for drugs and narcotics that can be dangerous to others and to please humans more than any other animal. Dogs can contribute greatly in the health and safety of

  • Stereotypes: A Brief History Of The Doberman

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    addressing some stereotypes and answering common questions. My first topic is a brief history of the breed. The doberman was bred in Germany by a tax collector/policeman/runner of the local dog pound outside the town of Apolda. Being a tax collector, he felt the need for a guard dog. No one can be sure what dogs he bred together but most experts can guess

  • Call Of The Wild Character Analysis

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    Call of the Wild: Character Sketch - Buck Throughout the novel The Call of the Wild, we follow a dog named Buck through his journey through the Klondike. We experience a transformation in him, as he adapts to the cold, harsh land where he is forced to toil in the snow, just to help men find a shiny metal. Buck seems to almost transform into a different dog by the end of the book. In this essay, I will go over what Buck was like, how and why he was forced to adapt to his new environment, and what

  • Symbolism In The Call Of The W

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wild, he symbolizes many things in the book. Buck, gold sacks, Mercedes, and others are looked on as symbolic. In this essay, you will find out what these items symbolize. The main character in the book is Buck, a half St. Bernard, half Scotch shepherd dog. In the story, he is betrayed by someone he trusts and is thrown into a harsh world. A world where you must work or be discarded. He adapts to the harsh environment, and soon enough becomes the leader of a wolf pack. Here London makes Buck a symbol

  • Maine Coon Research Paper

    1336 Words  | 3 Pages

    They are very loyal and protective dogs. They are extremely intelligent and can learn both numerous and various tricks in a short and fast periods of time. Some can be found to be laid back, while others can be more temperamental. These dogs are always looking for something to do and should be put in a home where they can look forward to daily activity, exercise and training. Although these dogs can be mistaken for aggressive and even sometimes dangerous, these dogs will grow to be what they are brought

  • Informative Essay On Rottweilers

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    factors about them. It is believed that the Rottweiler has developed from Roman Cattle Dogs around the years of 70 AD. In later years in the City Rottweil, Germany the Cattle Dog was mixed with a mutt (later known as the German Shepherd) Creating a new breed of dog known as the Rottweiler. The most common Rottweilers in present day are 50% German 50% American, but before 1940´s all Rottweilers had 100% German descent. Although after the 1942 breeders wanted an American version of the Rottweiler.

  • Dog In Law Enforcement Essay

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    trained, obedient dogs that, unlike humans, do not fear the daily challenges that arise on the law enforcement job. Police units around the world often refer to police dogs as a “K-9” (which is a homophone of canine). K-9s are employed by most local police departments and all governmental agencies throughout the world. The use of canines trace back to the time of the Romans, which used canines for security and hunting. It was common for the Romans and the Spanish conquistadors to use dogs during war time

  • German Shepherd Research Paper

    936 Words  | 2 Pages

    These breed of dogs are usually the most teachable and trainable dogs, and they excel in most fields – from extravagant dog shows to herding and being working dogs. Top 10 smartest dogs 1. Border collie. The border collie was developed to help gather and control sheep. He has an “eye” or intense stare which he uses to control the flock that he is herding. Today, border collies are still being used in farms and ranches all over the world. With its unlimited energy, working ethics and stamina, there

  • Aussie (dog)

    1175 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Australian Shepherd started out as a working dog. Today for the most part it still is, but they have entered a different type of work besides herding. The versatility of the Aussie is remarkable. Today's Aussie is an active and intelligent companion who requires stimulation and activity. There are very few breeds of dogs capable of performing as many different jobs as the Australian Shepherd. The breed's easy trainability, intelligence, common sense and problem solving abilities, combined with