Freestyle BMX Essays

  • BMX: The Birth Of Big Air

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    our culture has grown to love Bicycle Motocross or (BMX) and the thrill it brings to rider and spectator alike. The sport of BMX has always interested me because when I was younger I remember being so amazed by the sport when I would watch it on television. The tricks and flips the riders were doing shocked me. Once I got to junior high though stopped watching it until I saw the ESPN film “The Birth of Big Air” which showed the rise and peak of BMX riding and told the story of Mat Hoffmann, who is

  • Travis Pastrana

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    125cc Outdoor National Championship. He became the youngest rider ever to win a National title, and was named AMA Rookie of the Year for his efforts. But even that wasn't enough. Pastrana had already reached legendary status in the world of freestyle motocross -- a daring discipline focusing on radical jumping tricks popular with fans of "extreme" sports -- when he launched his motorcycle into the San Francisco Bay at the 1999 Summer X Games. Travis won a gold medal there, and followed it

  • Music - The Power of Free-styling in Rap Culture

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    rappers must possess the ability to freestyle with comfort. The basic concept of free styling is to rap and make up the lyrics as you go along. A free styled rhyme is usually one verse long, or about one minute. A lot of rappers who are famous don't freestyle and are open about it. Since most rappers are driven by selling records and making money, they don't see any value in free styling. When a rapper releases a record commercially, they don't put freestyles on their record, they only release

  • Missy Franklin Biography

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    Missy Franklin is known in the world for her talent as a swimmer. But what awards did she receive? Where did she grow up? And how did her life change after the Olympics? Most people care about who she is as an athlete, and as an Olympic medalist. But the real question is... Who is she as a person, and as an ordinary (well almost ordinary) high school student? To get to the Olympics an athlete has to have grit, and Missy Franklin has it. Missy didn’t give up and has grown up to be one of the best

  • The Four Strokes of an Individual Medley Swimming Event

    809 Words  | 2 Pages

    different arm strokes and four different kicks. Each arm stroke has a kick designed to meet the tempo of the swim. We refer to the strokes in the order in which they are performed, the butterfly stroke, the backstroke, the breaststroke, and the freestyle stroke. The four strokes are consistently swum in this order based on the rules that govern competitive swimming. Butterfly Stroke The butterfly stroke is the first stroke of the individually medley event. The butterfly stroke takes place at the

  • Essay On Scholastic Wrestling

    938 Words  | 2 Pages

    The history of scholastic wrestling in the United States is closely tied to the development of college wrestling. The Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Association held its first tournament in 1905, which soon sparked many more wrestling tournaments for both college students and high school students. College and high school wrestling grew especially after the standardization of the NCAA wrestling rules, which applied early on to both collegiate and scholastic wrestling (with high school modifications)

  • Wrestling

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    defeated King Henry VIII of England in an impromptu wrestling match at the Field of the Cloth of Gold pageant. Many of the things done by times old wrestlers would be seen as extreme in modern times. In 1932 , Swedish-born Ivar Johanssen won the freestyle gold in the 180 lbs. weight class and then dropped a whopping 22 pounds in 24 hours to enter the 158.5 lbs. weight class, where he won gold again. In 1960, Soviet wrestler Avtandil Koridze etched his name in Cold War infamy after a suspicious and

  • Many Types of Wrestling

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wrestling Thesis statement: Free style, Professional, Greko Roman, and Collegiant wrestling have very different rules and styles. I. Free style wrestling A. Rules B. Style II. Professional wrestling A. Rules B. Style III. Greko Roman wrestling A. Rules B. Style IV. Collegiant wrestling A. Rules B. Style Wrestling is broken into four different types based on rules and style; Free style, Professional, Greko Roman, and Collegiant. Free style is usually started after school is let out for the summer

  • The Passage book report

    1157 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the story “The Passage” by Justin Cronin, published June 8, 2010, a lot of amazing things happened. In this dystopian literature of vampiric takeover, there seems to be nothing that can stop it. Or is there? Justin’s main characters set out on a journey of epic proportions. As they try to save the world, it might just crumble around them. Can these blood-suckers be beaten? Can humans prove stronger and smarter than supposed “super humans”? I suppose you will just have to find out by reading this

  • Informative Essay About Wrestling

    1864 Words  | 4 Pages

    Wrestling isn't a well known sport, but it is one of the most mentally and physically challenging sports there is. To wrestle people must be dedicated to what they have to do and what limits that have to be overcome. The long grueling practices, rules that need to be followed, weight loss and maintaining the same weight. Wrestling is a fast paced sport. The season feels long and horrible but in the end its all worth it. The sport drains people mentally and physically. The sport is know across the

  • Freestyle Rapping

    1997 Words  | 4 Pages

    The game of freestyle rap or freestyle rapping is a game in which two participants take timed turns to demonstrate their wordplay, creativity, and Speech pattern/ flow ability. These turns are usually done to a beat, but will quite often be done without a beat. Within the turns the freestyle artist will use all his or her capabilities to Boast, brag, insult, or poke humor at his opponent. In the more top tier levels of freestyle rapping, often where money is involved, the insults tend to be more

  • Wrestling: Training for the Rest of Your Life

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    Sweat sweeps out, slowly gliding down and finally dripping off his face. His heart races as he huffs and puffs. He stutter steps, pulls out, fakes again, and quickly turns from right to left outwitting his opponent and grabbing onto his leg. He doesn’t even think about it anymore. His movements steadily have become reflexes and his reflexes are second nature. The time is quickly winding down and his team needs the victory to win the dual meet. He holds on to his opponent's legs, tightly gripping

  • The Types of Skiing

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every four years in the Winter Olympics, we see professional athletes compete in many areas ranging from downhill skiing to high-speed bobsledding. We see the professionals demonstrate their spectacular abilities, and we try to emulate them in our own activities. In the Olympics, cross-country and downhill skiing are two very popular sports, and even non-professionals can get into them. In this essay I will classify the various types of skiing into three categories and inform you about each

  • Wrestling

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever tried to wrestle? It is a very hard sport and should not be thought of as a easy roll around with another person sport. There are many things you must do to prepare yourself. In the following essay they will be brought up. Step 1. You must be in very good shape to wrestle. If you drink soda stop now. Soda is very bad and unhealthy for your body and can make you gain a lot of weight! A good workout would be to jog a few miles in the morning and maybe lift some weights at night. Jogging

  • The History of Wresling

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    When I was a Freshman, I was curious about the sport of Wrestling. When I tried out for it, I was eager to learn more about it. It is not just rolling around on the mat it is a form of combat using grappling techniques such as throws, takedowns, pins, holds, and joint locks. In addition into this sport, there are a variety of ways to use these grappling techniques. Wrestling has many rich memories of it is history with a variety of wrestling styles and rules. Wrestling can be traced back to cave

  • Creatine Supplements and it’s Health Concerns

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the late 1990s three college wrestlers died during training in a six week time period. The first suspect for the cause of death was a fairly new nutritional supplement called creatine that the three young men were believed to have been taking. Being a relatively new supplement, was it fair to point the finger at supplemental creatine use? Or was the possible side effects too much to look past? The New York Times article talks about college wrestling and the extreme efforts that the athletes take

  • The History and Future of Wrestling

    1905 Words  | 4 Pages

    Wrestling is more than just a sport; it is a way of life. And for those who enjoy its opportunities, it is something that takes the mind off of all of life’s troubling times, and puts one man against another to get their hand raised. Competition makes everything evolve, and there is no other sport that epitomizes what competition truly is. Wrestling spans the entire globe, and although it incorporates several different styles and many National and World events, remains overlooked by most. The first

  • Swimming Reflection Paper

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever decided to do something different that you would not normally do? Have you ever tried something new? I had never imagined myself competitively swimming. It was so different from anything I had ever done before, but trying it was the best decision I could ever make. My friend Amber had been part of Mingo Central High School’s Swim Team since our first year. Actually, she was the only one on the Swim Team that year. Junior year I told her I would join. Amber and I were walking in

  • The Perfect Swimmer: Ian Thorpe

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    a world record at the last Commonwealth Games in Manchester. Ian trains 20 hours a week in the pool and three hours a week in the gym. His body fat levels are approx. 7% compared to an average of 15% for his age. Ian’s primary stroke is Freestyle, an event in which he excels, I will now explain the aspects of the skills which are used by Ian and other elite performers to achieve maximum efficiency in the water. Body Position- it is very important that the body is in the correct position

  • Dave Mirra's Impact On The BMX World

    2505 Words  | 6 Pages

    Dave Mirra who is he many of you probably don't know who he is, what he has done for society or the impact he made on a sport most commonly know as BMX. Dave Mirra was born in the small town of Chittenango New York April 4th, 1974. Dave had a relatively easy life besides the fact his parents had gotten divorced at the age of five. Dave and his brother Tim mainly lived, with their father, but saw their mother in Syracuse, New York quite often. When it came to goofing off time, Dave would really