Freedom Writers Essays

  • Freedom Writers Sociology

    812 Words  | 2 Pages

    The movie I will reference for this assignment is Freedom Writers. Freedom Writers was directed by Richard LaGravenese, and release January 2007. Many of the concepts that we discussed in class could be seen throughout this film. I would have to say that the most prevalent theories were constructivism, social cognitive, and motivation. We discussed that a successful classroom will incorporate more than one theory, I believed that Ms. Gruwell implementation of more than one theory helped with her

  • Analysis Of Freedom Writers

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    The 2007 movie Freedom Writers gives a voice of hope and peace in a fragile environment where hate and sorrow battle in the life of urban teenagers. This drama film narrates the true story of a new English teacher, Erin Growell, who is designated to work in an inner-city school full of students surround by poverty, violence and youth crime bands. During the beginning of the movie, the teacher struggles to survive her first days at this racially segregated school in which students prejudice her for

  • Perseverance In The Freedom Writers

    861 Words  | 2 Pages

    People are persistent when they continue to work towards a goal even when difficulties and obstacles stand in the way. Perseverance is needed to over difficulties. In both my family and the characters in the Freedom Writers are faced with difficult challenges. Erin Gruwell in the Freedom Writers was very persistent. When Gruwell first starting teaching in room 203 the students were very disrespectful towards her and would not cooperate. Many of the students were not expected to graduate and go to college

  • Analysis of Freedom Writers

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    Freedom Writers- Theme Essay: The film Freedom Writers directed by Richard La Gravenese is an American film based on the story of a dedicated and idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell, who inspires and teaches her class of belligerent students that there is hope for a life outside gang violence and death. Through unconventional teaching methods and devotion, Erin eventually teaches her pupils to appreciate and desire a proper education. The film itself inquiries into several concepts regarding significant

  • Freedom Writers Thesis

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    A variety of movies have boring plots and uninteresting storylines, however they are a few diamonds in the rough like The Freedom Writers. The Freedom Writers is an in-depth perspective upon the rough suburban lives of what seems to be severely uneducated teenagers living in poverty. The movie was set in Woodrow Wilson High School which is located in Long Beach California. The school opened up voluntarily to implement an integrated program which was a major flaw and is severely unsuccessful. All

  • The Freedom Writers' Diary

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    Government within The Freedom Writers Diary “Invisible threads are the strongest ties” (Friedrich Nietzsche). This quote talks about the connections that cannot be seen or are not usually recognized and how those are the strongest ones. Connections can be made between almost anything. Sometimes a person has to dig a little deeper or put in a little extra thought to recognize or make a certain connection. The connection between the novel The Freedom Writers Diary and government is one that is not

  • Freedom Writers Analysis

    852 Words  | 2 Pages

    Education in America not only means book learning, but it includes social learning, life experiences and decision making. For most of us, an education opens doors and gives opportunities for many things and is vital to lives. When watching the movie Freedom Writers, not only is it glorifying the television screen, but it’s portraying a story with meaning; either death, happiness, success or failure. Its meanings teaches more about the impacts towards people and various things day in and day out. This film

  • Diversity In Freedom Writers

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    Freedom Writers is a movie of a first year teacher named Mrs. Gruwell and her students. Mrs. Gruwell is passionate of her work and her students. Her students were classified difficult because of their lifestyle. Mrs. Gruwell had all the difficult students in her class. It was challenging for her to have the school commit in helping with reading supplies for the students. This lead for Mrs. Gruwell to buy her own supplies. The administration staff and other teacher did not have any hope for the students

  • Freedom Writers - A Message of Hope

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    2007 drama film, Freedom Writers, directed and written by Richard LaGravenese (whose previous screenplays include The Fisher King and The Bridges of Madison County) starring Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Imelda Staunton and Patrick Dempsey. It is based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell (teacher by profession) who wrote the story based on Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California. Hilary Swank stars in this enthralling movie of ghetto kids raised on street corners

  • Freedom Writers Diversity

    1360 Words  | 3 Pages

    I chose “The Freedom Writers” from the movie list. I had not seen this movie before this assignment and I was surprised I missed it before now. This movie was not only about the diversity in a school setting but about a new teacher who went above and beyond to provide the opportunity for her to gain an education when all odds were against all of them. The main problems that these students were facing racial segregation, poverty, and educational bias. This movie was sad and inspiring because of the

  • Freedom Writers Movie Diversity

    1149 Words  | 3 Pages

    What comes to mind when you think about diversity? Differences can be good or bad depending on your view. If you have watched a movie about wars you might have an idea of what caused it. Freedom Writers is a movie that involves diversity and race, this sort of diversity can cause a serious problem. The way you physically look to the eye tells you how you will be treated by people. “Everybody thinks you should be happy just because you’re young. They don’t see the wars that we fight every single day”

  • Freedom Writers Film Techniques

    2438 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the film “Freedom Writers” directed by Richard LaGravenese, There are many good film techniques that work together very well and teach us 2 very important ideas of how some of Erin’s students really live and how prejudice we really are as well as how lucky we are to be living like we are right now, because not everybody gets away with it this easy. These techniques also structure the film well too keep the audience entertained and teach us valuable life lessons such as racism and prejudice, some

  • Hillary Swank's 'Freedom Writers'

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    Freedom Writers is an inspirational drama based off the book The Freedom Writers Diary. The movie takes place in the early and mid 90’s beginning with scenes of actual footage from the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Teacher Erin Gruwell, played by actress Hillary Swank, wanted to be a part of the integration plans put in place at that time and decides to leave the security of Newport Beach to teach at a school in Long Beach, where crime rates are much higher. This school is full of teachers and administration

  • Justin Gruwell Freedom Writer

    1782 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the movie freedom writer, author Erin Gruwell explains how some teachers’ effect on their students’ behavior, education and whole career. Ms. Gruwell as a teacher of unmannered, rude and mean students. Changes her students whole life by a positive attitude. In this movie the best moral was attitude can make a lot differences. Ms. Gruwell students become changed because she made school environment like a home where everyone was free to express their comments and concerns. She worked really hard

  • Examples Of Stereotypes In The Movie Freedom Writers

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    grades. What would this situation be like? The movie Freedom Writers vividly showed these circumstances. This movie is taken place in 1994, and the majority parts of the story are nonfictions. Director Richard LaGravenese has successfully narrated a story about a teacher who is trying to change racism. Freedom Writers shows that a caring teacher and shared experiences can change stereotypes, inequality, and intolerance. First of all, in Freedom Writers, the high school student stereotypes’ issue is very

  • The Role Of A Teacher In Freedom Writers By Ms. Swank

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    What is a teacher’s job? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer is far more complicated. There is not a clear defined purpose of a teacher because everyone has their own idea of what that purpose might be. Are they put on this earth to simply pour information into the thirsty minds of students to help them succeed in life, or to empower them and motivate them to strive for anything and everything that they desire? Is the journey of education just a storybook waiting for the teacher to save

  • Dead Poets Society And Freedom Writers Comparison

    624 Words  | 2 Pages

    have all learned from these remembrances etched into our minds and it affects our everyday lives. As shown throughout The Dead Poets Society and Freedom Writers, the audience is exposed to the troubles these students experience and how he or she reacts to the situations he or she encounters. The similarities between The Dead Poets Society and Freedom Writers are pronounced, and they exhibit explicit examples of how home life influences education. The Dead Poets Society demonstrates a perfect example

  • Trust in Freedom Writers and Stand and Deliver

    1156 Words  | 3 Pages

    Both Erin Gruwell in Freedom Writers and Jamie Esclante in Stand and Deliver faced students stuck in low-income backgrounds and neighborhoods of crime. Despite the low achievement of these students, both teachers were able to foster a mastery of a subject to their students. Even though the subjects of English and math are extremely different, one method united both teachers and allowed them to teach their students effectively— trust. Erin and Jamie were successful because of the trust they put

  • The Powerful Messages Delivered in The Freedom Writers

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    their perspectives on life. Against all odds toward against Mrs. Erin Gruwell, she had the power of human will to teach the student. The writer introduced several scenarios on how young innocent children were influenced by family and friends of the same racial background to create hatred and gang’s violence against other races. Five messages in Freedom Writer are: Non judgmental, Racism, having compassion, the power of the human will, and education. Being non judgmental, having compassion and having

  • Freedom Writers Movie Vs Book

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Freedom writers movie and book are based on the real diaries of high students from Woodrow Wilson Classical High School. The book was published in 1999 and was writed by the students of Ms.Gruwell class. Mrs.Gruwell was a new teacher to WWC High School in 1994. She didn’t know was she was getting herself into. She taught Freshman that were at the 5th grade reading level. Students didn't really care much for school or anything else. The campus of WWC High School was divided from different races