Since April 13th Verizon Wireless has been at strike. Verizon wants to remove on call centers and replace workers with people from different countries. Over 35,000 workers across America are forced to make a decision between continue working for Verizon or begin picketing. If they choose to continue working, they are then called a Scab and are tormented by their fellow workers. Even though they are getting paid, Scabs are kicked out of the union, stop receiving benefits from the union, and betray the other verizon workers. The other option would affect the whole family, not just the individual worker. When picketing, workers stop receiving their usual paychecks. Instead they will receive two hundred dollars a week from the union for picketing
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One of the major themes throughout both the book and film is perseverance. People are persistent when they continue to work towards a goal even when difficulties and obstacles stand in the way. Perseverance is needed to over difficulties. In both my family and the characters in the Freedom Writers are faced with difficult challenges. Erin Gruwell in the Freedom Writers was very persistent. When Gruwell first starting teaching in room 203 the students were very disrespectful towards her and would not cooperate. Many of the students were not expected to graduate and go to college. The students faced problems both at home and at school with substance abuse, gang violence, and poverty. Gruwell did not let the students uncooperative behavior discourage her from helping the students. To make them more cooperative Gruwell had the students participate in different activities such as the line game. These activities made the students more cooperative and respectful. Gruwell did not let the students behavior in the beginning of the year stop her making a difference in the students lives. She overcame the difficulties and help each student become a better person. My family has to persevere many challenges. With my dad being on strike we have to spend money wisely. This can be challenging as we are not used to saving money so drastically. No longer can I spend ten dollars to go the movies or have pizza every week. This may sound simple to some but spending money like this can add up very quickly. No one knows how long the strike will last. Together as a family we must be persistent and overcome financial difficulties. People have to persevere through challenges when faced with difficulties such as uncooperative students and financial
During the era of slavery in America, it was common to see slaves being content with their given social ascription of identity. Many had accepted their fate of forever being bound. Madison Washington, the main character in Frederick Douglass’ novel, The Heroic Slave; however, couldn’t come to terms with being denied the inalienable right of being free. This book focuses on Washington and his journey in pursuit of liberty. He does whatever he can to be free from the bonds of slavery, and is fueled by the knowledge that slavery cannot be right or justified.
History is taught and perceived in different ways throughout the country, however historians and teachers play a major role in how history is understood. My history teacher made me understand that the African-American slaves suffered adversity in different manners but never explained how their efforts led to a revolution in America. This gap has been filled by David Roediger in his book Seizing freedom where he reminds us of what we have missed in our prominent and scholarly accounts of emancipation and what we might gain by revisiting an era when “profound and unimaginable changes exploded” across the country(p.9). In reference to WEB Du Bois analysis of Civil war as workers strike, David Roediger accounts for the upsurge and
This strike was a battle over several issues. One factor that escalated the strike intensity was the pensions battle. Billons of dollars in pensions were on the line. The Teamste...
Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime between 1817 or 1818. Like many slaves he was unsure of his birthday; it was one of the many things that he was deprived of. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir written by former slave himself, Frederick Douglass. The book explains his hardships ranging from losing family members, being moved from owner to owner, and being whipped at least once a week. One of Frederick's many owners, Auld, considered him unmanageable. Auld rented Frederick to Mr. Covey for a year, also known as the slave breaker (pg 34). Mr. Covey was one of the most cruel slave owners Frederick had. Mr. Covey treated him with barbarity. Throughout Douglass’ stay with Mr. Covey he grew as a person.
In their first attempt to get noticed, workers formed the National Labor Union in 1866. This union joined together various workers in order to create a group that would fight for what they wanted: higher wages and shorter workdays. As the years went by, the National Labor Union did their best in trying to achieve their goals, all while other groups took the matters into their own hands. In 1877, in what became known as the Great Railroad Strike, railroad workers from across America took part in a spontaneous strike on America’s railroads, an attempt that led to violence and, to their dismay, no changes to working conditions. In response to the strike, The New York Times published an article that stated “But if the strike on the Baltimore and Ohio Road is a foolish one, its history up to the present time shows that those who are engaged in it are not only bold and determined, but that they have the sympathy of a large part of the community in which they live…” (Document B). The editorial states that even if it wasn’t worth it, the Great Railroad Strike showed that there is something amiss in their daily lives, and whatever it is, they are trying to fix it for t...
As you know, many people in history have shown their perseverance and leave a big mark in the history. Frederick Douglass is the best examples that show perseverance through his life. Frederick was born into slavery around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland. At that time school for slaves were banned. Frederick first learns alphabet when he was around 12 from Mrs. Auld. Later on, Mr. Auld forbade his wife, he didn’t gave up learning, instead he learns from the other white kids and the neighbor kids. He knows that red and write is something that important for people that his owner doesn’t want him to know. That’s one way that Frederick showing perseverance through learning. Another way that show his perseverance is the fight with Mr. Covey, the
When you look at someone, you see a person, but sometimes, you forget that that person has a story. I learned that when I watched the film, I Learn America. When I first watched the movie, I saw students that have come to America. They have come to an international school in New York to learn English. As the film goes on, you see that each of the students that they focus on have struggles that they have/had to overcome to come or stay in America. Before, I did not realize how much they had to go through in order to come to the United States. As educators, we have to get to know our students. We have to understand their lives and their backgrounds and create a good teacher-student relationship and help students build a “home away from home”.
Erin Gruwell began her teaching career at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California where the school is integrated but it’s not working. Mrs. Gruwell is teaching a class fill with at-risk teenagers that are not interested in learning. But she makes not give up, instead she inspires her students to take an interest in their education and planning for their future as she assigned materials that can relate to their lives. This film has observed many social issues and connected to one of the sociological perspective, conflict theory. Freedom Writers have been constructed in a way that it promotes an idea of how the community where the student lives, represented as a racially acceptable society. The film upholds strong stereotypes of
There is the escape from reality, a low level job, and a way of life, in general. Each character is very relatable simply because so many people, in real life, are not happy with the way their lives are or seem to be turning out. “Mountain climbers don’t carry bricks”-Zig Ziglar. Sometimes one has to be selfish to better his or her situation. Laura wants to escape the fact that she is different and others don’t understand her. Amanda spends her time regretting her choice to marry Laura and Tom’s father who she blames for her current circumstances. She really wants her children to be happy, but maybe should spend more time thinking about what to say next. Jim has a reasonable desire for escape; a little more money, a little less work. Tom is beyond dissatisfied but wants to be responsible, but also seemingly envies his father’s escape and leaving him to be the man of the house. Williams likes to use bird imagery in his writing. Birds can symbolize freedom. They can go as they please and never look back. Tom leaves everything behind and finally escapes in the
Freedom is the American ideal. In Frederick Douglass’s autobiography, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, he questions the morality and righteousness of slavery. Douglass, a former slave, is convinced that slavery is immoral and unjust. However, the world that surrounds Douglass disagrees vehemently. In an effort to instigate change and improve the lives of millions, Douglass interrogates the moral conscience of his readers, primarily consisting of Protestant, white, undecided Northerners, by forcing them to question freedom and if slavery fits with the vision of the Founding Fathers. Douglass claims and forces the reader to understand that slavery restricts the principles of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right
A major factor in the development of character through personal struggle is that it shows a person what they are willing to do to succeed. One example of this is the acclaimed author J.K. Rowling. She and her daughter suffered from poverty prior to, and during the beginning of writing the infamous Harry Potter series. She had to get undesirable jobs, and write in coffee shops without a computer or copy machine, which meant that she had to manually process each copy that she sent to publishers. Through every problem thrown at her, she persevered, and proved to herself and others that she would do anything to succeed and support her family. Everyone has limits that they can push, and lines
The pursuit of freedom, recognition, and protection under the Constitution has been a struggle for African Americans. Their journey has been filled with slavery, physical and psychological torture, and persecution. While most of their hardships were experienced in the South, the North was not considered a safe haven unless an African American was a documented free slave. Even then they were not considered equal for a long time. While black and white abolitionists and free slaves in America were advocating abolishing slavery, Southern whites were willing to defend slavery's existence until they were forced to abandon it. This force, rooted in ethnocentrism, power, racism, and the pursuit of wealth, was difficult to overcome, but ultimately it was defeated through education, civil war, conflicting economic interests, rebellions, and courage.
Throughout history freedom has had many different meanings and definitions; based on race, gender, and ethnicity. According to the dictionary freedom means the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint (“freedom” def. 1). Freedom may seem like something given to everyone however it was something workers had to fight for. Not everyone believed that workers’ rights needed to be changed, which led to a long battle between workers, employers and the government. To the working class people freedom meant making higher wages, having regulated hours, workable conditions and the right to free speech.
In a place of extreme torment, this teacher is capable of bringing a light of faith in her students and from her determination she is able to show that is worthwhile to make a difference. Now days education is only about standardized testing and teaching a curriculum, rather than becoming a role model to students and change their perspectives of life. Therefore this movie teaches the enormous value and impact that a teacher can have in someone 's life and encourages teachers to exceed the limits and make education meaningful for students. In addition, the film inspires to pursuit a better future. It demonstrates that there is always hope to achieve big dreams and overcome the impossibilities. Finally, freedom writers teaches the humanitarian lesson of helping those who suffered, and being the change that they need to see. It is about becoming a hero everyday in the simplest moments of
The film Freedom Writers directed by Richard La Gravenese is an American film based on the story of a dedicated and idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell, who inspires and teaches her class of belligerent students that there is hope for a life outside gang violence and death. Through unconventional teaching methods and devotion, Erin eventually teaches her pupils to appreciate and desire a proper education. The film itself inquiries into several concepts regarding significant and polemical matters, such as: acceptance, racial conflict, bravery, trust and respect. Perhaps one of the more concentrated concepts of the film, which is not listed above, is the importance and worth of education. This notion is distinctly displayed through the characters of Erin, Erin’s pupils, opposing teachers, Scott and numerous other characters in the film. It is also shown and developed through the usage of specific dialogue, environment, symbolism, and other film techniques.