Estradiol Essays

  • Atrazine, an herbicide

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    Atrazine, an herbicide is one the most toxic and sustaining pollutants in aquatic environment. It is detectable in surface water and in underground sources of drinking water. Many studies indicate that atrazine might be a potent endocrine-disrupting xenobiotic. There are limited studies have revealed that the effects of atrazine on sex steroids hormones, vitellogenin and induction of aromatase, gonadosomatic index and hepatosomatic index. In this study, juveniles Poecilia sphenops fish was exposed

  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Acne

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    Lippman JS, Robisch DM, (1998). The duration of response to norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Internal Journal of Fertil Womens Med, 43(6), 286-90 Redmond GP, (1998). Effectiveness of oral contraceptives in the treatment of acne, Contraception, 58(3 Suppl), 29S-33S Redmond GP, Olson WH, Lippman JS, Kafrissen ME, Jones TM, Jorizzo JL, (1997). Norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol in the treatment of acne vulgaris: a radomized, placebo controlled trial. Obstetrics

  • Antipsychotics

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    the estrogen estradiol has been administered in conjunction with an atypical antipsychotic, estradiol reduced positive and negative symptoms and also improved the cognitive deficits in women with schizophrenia (Kulkani et al., 1996, Lindamer et al., 2001, Kulkarni et al., 2001, Kulkarni et al., 2008). In the current study, we investigated whether 17-β estradiol, an estrogen, could reverse the phencyclidine-induced deficits in the NORT in female rats. We report that chronic estradiol treatment alleviated

  • Estrus Synchronization Protocols

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    can follow certain protocol in order to cause synchronization in the cycle. According to Samper (2009), there are three methods of inducing estrus. These are induction of luteolysis, prevention of estrus using progestins and progesterone with estradiol which allow natural luteolysis to occur and are almost always combined with a treatment for ovulation induction, and follicular ablation. This paper with examine and explore the hormones, methods, doses and protocols used to synchronize estrus in

  • Hypothyroidism Case Study

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    1) post-ablative hypothyroidism – uncontrolled drug therapy problem – safety: dose too high – NM is experiencing hyperthyroidism symptoms such as improved energy and motivation, loss weight, increased heart rate, excessive and frequent stools, low TSH, high free T4 because her 112mcg dose of levothyroxine is too high. The treatment goal is to maintain TSH, T4 free within normal range without experiencing any symptomatic side effects such as fatigue, weight gain, decreased heart rate, depression

  • Gynecomastia

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    discovered that there is also a lower ratio of weaker adrenal androgens (delta 4-androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone) found in youths with this disease. It was once believed that there was an imbalance in the ratios of testosterone to estrogen or estradiol, but this is now know to be untrue. There are three areas the can be attributed to the cause of gynecomastia: physiologic, pathologic and pharmacologic. "Enlargement of the male breast can be a normal physiologic phenomenon at certain stages of

  • The Pros And Cons Of Bisphenol A

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    through oral ingestion, where it remains in the bloodstream until it is metabolized. The chemical was found in almost all humans tested, and higher concentrations were found in children relative to adults. BPA closely resembles the female sex hormone, estradiol, which allows it to cause problems with sexual development and behaviour in both rodents and humans. High concentrations of bisphenol A in both blood and urine have been associated with illnesses such as cancers of the reproductive organs, diabetes

  • morphological change

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    075%). (Pednekar, 2009, Schramm, 2011). Another article had study on morphological development and characterization of aromatase and estrogen receptors alpha and beta in fetal ovaries of cattle. In this study the aim was to understand the role of estradiol-17β in fetal ovarian development, presence an localization of cytochrome p450 aromates (P450arom) and estrogen receptors alpha and beta proteins characterized in fetal ovaries of cattle. In the day of 110 of the experiment ovarian structures within

  • Is it Ethical to Use Growth Hormones on Cattle?

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    use six anabolic steroids in various combinations. “Those anabolic steroids are osetradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone, and melengestrol.” (2) There are three natural steroids that are used as well. The natural steroids are estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Also used are three synthetic hormones which include estrogen compound zeranol, andgrogen trenbolone acetate, and progestin melengestrol acetate. (1) However, when hormones are given to cattle some of the naturally

  • Definitions of Wax, Steroids and Hormones

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     1. Wax: Biological waxes are esters of long-chain (C14 to C36) saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with long-chain (C16 to C30) alcohols. Their melting points (60 to 100 _C) are generally higher than those of triacylglycerols.In plankton, the free-floating microorganism sat the bottom of the food chain for marine animals, and waxes are the chief storage form of metabolic fuel. Waxes also serve a diversity of other functions related to their water-repellent properties and their firm consistency

  • Is it Ethical to Use Growth Hormones on Cattle?

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    steroids in various combinations. “Those anabolic steroids are osetradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone, and melengestrol.” (Communication Foundation) There are three natural steroids that are used as well. The natural steroids are estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Also used are three synthetic hormones which include estrogen compound zeranol, andgrogen trenbolone acetate, and progestin melengestrol acetate. (Organic Consumer Association) However, when hormones are given to

  • Endocrine System Research Paper

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    the blood. Androgens are male sex hormones, some of these are changed to estrogen (female sex hormone). Ovaries a small gland function both in female reproductive system and the endocrine system, in the endocrine the follicles of the ovary secrete estradiol when stimulated by the FSH and the progesterone is stimulated by LH. The cells around the follicle secreting testosterone (male sex hormone). The testes also function both parts in the genitourinary system and the endocrine system. Growth hormone

  • The Dark Side of Sports

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    For many years professional athletes, as well as those striving to become professional athletes have turned to supplements. According to an Article in the Journal of Romanian Sports Medicine Society, the use of natural herbs has been traced back to the Ancient Olympic games of Greece, where competitors consumed infused herbs and mushrooms in an effort to enhance their performance (Mazzeo, Filomena; Ascione, Antonio 2013). The promise of enhanced performance, greater power, and super natural strength

  • Reasons To Quit Sugar Essay

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    200 Best Reasons to Quit Sugar: Reasons to Quit Sugar: Sugar can contribute to diabetes. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.Sugar can impair the structure of DNA. Sugar can change the structure of protein. Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.Sugar can cause cataracts.Sugar can cause emphysema.Sugar can cause atherosclerosis. Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins

  • Sexual Differentiation and its Effects on Sexual Orientation

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    Sexual Differentiation and its Effects on Sexual Orientation What controls a human's sexual orientation? The long-standing debate of nature versus nurture can be extended to explaining human sexual orientation. Is it biological or environmental? The biological explanation has been gaining popularity amongst the scientific community although it is only based on speculations. It is argued that sexual orientation is linked to factors that occur during sexual differentiation. The prenatal exposure

  • Middle Adulthood

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    (pg 424). This is the reason why individuals during this stage find it more difficult to hear and interpret other voices.(pg 424). The female reproductive system starts to decline, slowly ending in menopause. The decline in the circulation of estradiol, the primary hormone of estrogen, causes many differences in reproductive health. During middle age pubic hair thins, there are changes in vaginal chemistry, and the labia begins to thin and wrinkle (pg 424). The chemical changes within the vagina

  • Transgender People Intervention

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    Medical Intervention for Transgender People In recent years, many advances have been made in medical care especially for transgender people. Research for transgender people started in the early 20th century. However, It didn't become known to the public until the 50s, when the first American traveled to Europe to have gender affirming surgery. Since then many improvements have been made, including making treatment safer and more accessible. While surgery and hormones used to be risky and expensive

  • The Importance Of Wonder Woman And Feminism

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    How can you and your feminism be part of building a more just world? For me, I will engage in helping promote feminism. For example, I will distribute some leaflets to the passerby to teach them why we should treat male and female fairly and its importance to the society’s development. Also, I will treat both male and female to the same extent. For example, I will not query female’s working ability when we are doing school’s group projects and in the workplace. For feminism, women may be discriminated

  • Postpartum Depression Case Study

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    status, and previous history of depression. The interventions for high risk women includes psychological and psychosocial, and psychopharmacological. Also, treatments include psychotherapy, antidepressant medications and alternatives options with estradiol. In the case of psychopharmacological there are limited evidences of its

  • Agreeableness Case Study

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    Introduction According to Carver (2011), agreeableness, as one of the five-factor model of personality, reflects attitudes of kindness, friendliness, warmth, and values positive relations (p.62). Carver (2011) states when distinguishing between individualistic and social goals that agreeableness concerns the maintenance of positive relations with others (pg. 354). Based on this definition, agreeableness can be viewed as a cornerstone trait that allows for a harmonious and flourishing society. From