Endodontics Essays

  • Treatment Of Endodontic Periodontitis

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    Introduction Endodontics The aim of endodontic procedures is to get rid of the infection and of the periapical tissue Endodontic modalities include non-surgical root canal treatments such as primary root canal treatment, secondary root canal treatment (retreatments) and surgical periradicular treatments. Non-surgical root canal treatment aim to eradicate the bacteria in all the root canals. This can be achieved by removal of the infected pulp tissue, mechanical shaping, disinfecting the canals

  • Root Canal

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    The Endodontics procedures of a Therapy Root Canal Dreyonna Carroll Anthem Institute The endodontics procedures of rotary canal therapy or root canal is a procedure that is performed by a specialized general dentist, and or a endodontist. The patient develops consistent ,severe pain, discoloration, or sensitivity from food and even to touch in , or around a certain area of a tooth, and is diagnosed by a specialist to receive rotary therapy. This is if the tooth can be saved, meaning it is not

  • Endodontist Research Paper

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    Examination, which equips them to perform complex and simple endodontic procedures, including Root Canal Therapy. Root canal therapy is a fairly common procedure that relieves tooth pain and saves the natural smile. Endodontists also perform procedures including endodontic retreatment, surgery, cracked tooth treatment, and they respond to various dental traumas. The branch of dentistry that performs these procedures is called “endodontics”, which involves any procedure repairing

  • Essay On Endodontic Dentistry

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    damaged teeth could not be salvaged and in most cases, had to be pulled out. However, in the last three decades, endodontic dentistry has evolved to quite an extent and today, professionals trained in this specialty can help save teeth and repair any inherent damage. Common endodontic procedures include root canal therapy, fixing of broken teeth and repairing dental trauma. Endodontics is a subspecialty of dentistry that specifically deals with problems of the tooth pulp. Endodontists specialize in

  • Root Canal Essay

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    tooth canal. There are many indications to show that the patient will need this work completed such as pain, tenderness and sensitivity to warm and cold tempetures. When the endodontist is doing the procedure he will use many different tools such as endodontic explorers, files, peso reamers and gutter purcha. Once complete the patient will be a little sore but the initial pain will be gone. A root canal is a treatment to relieve the patient from the pain of an infection in a tooth. The onset

  • Informative Speech On Root Canal Therapy

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are you suffering from a severe toothache? Is there any swelling or tenderness in the gums around the tooth in question? Has your tooth lost its color? You may be in need of a root canal therapy. Visit your dentist at the earliest. When your tooth is badly decayed or infected, a root canal therapy or treatment becomes necessary in order to save that tooth. If you let such a tooth left untreated, it will cause great discomfort. It may also necessitate the need to extract such a tooth altogether! For

  • Informative Speech On Root Canal Therapy

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    (Root Canals) Root Canal Therapy “Root canal” can be a scary term for some people. At Always About Smiles, we use modern technology to make root canals simple and painless. We’ve answered some commonly asked questions about our root canal therapy — feel free to contact our office with any additional concerns. Why might I need a root canal? Root canals are needed when a tooth becomes infected. That means a buildup of bacteria has reached the internal tissue of the tooth. You may notice this infection

  • The Root Canal Process And Implementation Of The Root Canal System

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    INTRODUCTION: A fundamental aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure apical periodontitis. Consequently, the central aim of root canal treatment has been directed to the elimination of bacteria and their substrates from the pulp canal system. Preparation of the root canal through a combination of mechanical instrumentation and antibacterial irrigation is the critical stage in canal disinfection. This is followed by placement of a root canal filling and coronal restoration to prevent potential

  • Tooth Decay In Ancient Egypt

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    The earliest discovery of dentistry can be found 25,000 years ago in the skulls of Cro-Magnon people. Tooth decay was found in the skulls of the people displaying the beginning of the discovery of dentistry. Later on dental art among the Egyptians developed. 4,000 years before the Christian era in Egypt inhabitants of the valley of the Nile were well advanced, where civilization first took its rise. Egyptians being the oldest civilized people uncovered great amount of dental evidence. Dental evidence

  • Periodontal Abscess Case Study

    2090 Words  | 5 Pages

    help If you have a toothache or notice evidence of an abscess on your gum, visit your dentist. Even if the abscess drains and the pain decreases, a visit to the dentist for complete treatment is crucial. Treatment Treatment includes conventional endodontic therapy followed by conventional periodontal therapy. If the lesion is deemed too severe for treatment, the involved tooth may require extraction. Successful treatment of a gum abscess focuses on the reduction and elimination of the source of infection

  • LC-MS and LC-MS/MS: Principles and Applications

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    Unit-Bristol Research Centre  LAST, R.L., JONES, A.D. & SHACHAR-HILL, Y. 2007. Towards the plant metabolome and beyond. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 8:167-174  NANDAKUMAR, R., MADAYIPUTHIYA, N. & FOUAD, A.F. 2009. Proteomic analysis of endodontic infections by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Oral microbioligal immunology. 24:347-352  PRZYBOROWSKA, A. 2002. Introduction to Liquid Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry

  • Personal Statement: A Career As A Career In Dentistry

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    minimal technology and cost, After passing my boards, I became more overwhelmed and excited by the cutting edge technology and equipments in United States and especially Boston University. I am confident that I will show a great distinguished endodontics under the supervision of BU

  • Dental Specialties Research Paper

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    specialties are Endodontic, General dentistry, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral surgery, Orthodontics, and Pediatric. In my essay I will be talking about the seven different specialties and what they consist of. Endodontic is one of the seven specialties, this specialty deals with root canal therapy and anything that deals with roots in the oral cavity and also your dental pulp. Root canal therapy is one of the most common procedures. If dental pulp becomes injured, endodontic treatment is required

  • Dental Caries Case Study

    1664 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Dental caries is a tooth decay, cavity or hole, which is the most common chronic disease among children and adolescents. Medline Plus Encyclopedia defines caries as the demineralisation of the hard tissue (enamel, dentin and cementum) and destruction of the organic matter of the tooth, usually by production of acid by hydrolysis of the food debris accumulated on the tooth surface by the bacteria. A correct diagnosis of the pulp conditions is important in treatment planning. The indications

  • Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life

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    Excellent oral health includes keeping teeth healthy and looking their best (Dr.Roma M MDS – Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics KMC Hospital). This can be achieved by following the correct techniques, following a dentist’s orders, and plenty of other important rules (Edwards). Maintaining healthy teeth by following proper oral care comes with benefits for a lifetime such as a healthier mouth and prevention of oral problems. First impressions are hugely crucial and the best way to create a great

  • The Importance Of Tooth Discoloration

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    of pancreas, Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, Enamel hypoplasia, Alkaptonuria, Dentinogenesis imperfecta) »Dental trauma (Turner’s tooth) b.Post eruptive causes »Pulpal necrosis »Intra-pulpal hemorrhage »Residual pulp tissue after endodontic treatment »Endodontic material (Medications/irrigants ,root canal sealer) »Filling Materials »Root resorption »Aging 2.2.2 Extrinsic tooth discoloration Extrinsic tooth discoloration lies outside the tooth substance on tooth surface. Extrinsic discoloration

  • Dentistry: A Career In Dental School

    1264 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dentistry Appointments with the dentists were on thing that nearly all children despised. It provoked a notion of fear into the hearts of many. Most likely, people can recall while attending elementary school, students constantly heard peers talking about how much they hated going to the dentist. Ironically, on the other hand, going to the dentist was one thing that others have always loved to do. The sound of the tools, the relaxing vibe, and just the aroma of the office never created a bad environment

  • Long Term Research Interests

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    career development activities; e.g. grant writing, lab management, and mentoring students. In the Basic Science Department, I gave several lectures about pharmacology and neuropharmacology for the dental students. My research led to a book chapter in Endodontic Prognosis: Clinical Guide for Optimal Treatment Outcome, Springer and one article as the second author. My last position was at Harvard Medical School/BIDMC with Dr.

  • Dentistry; A Sweet Toothed Career

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    Dentistry is an ancient, highly respectable career which requires team work and ambition to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a dental doctor. My interest in dentistry started at a young age. I remember going to the dentist as a child and actually enjoying my visit due to the kind friendly employees. The thought of playing dentist and cleaning clients’ mouths seemed entertaining. After my visit I went home and pretended my little sister was my patient. She sat in a little chair outside while

  • Dentist Career

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dentist Career Dentistry is a career in healthcare that works in the mouth. Dentists are trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat various problems associated with teeth and mouth tissue. It is the job of the dentist to be fully aware of different types of dental problems and be able to recognize those problems through analyzing x-rays, as well as visual variation between individual mouths. The primary focus of dental care is to teach prevention to its patients of how to prevent gum disease, tooth