E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Essays

  • Central Characters as Outsiders in Society in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and the Elephant Man

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    Central Characters as Outsiders in Society in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and the Elephant Man Both films there are many similarities and differences between the directive strategies of Directors David Lynch and Steven Spielberg although it should be remembered that there is a theory that all stories derive from six basic plots. The directors have chosen characters that compare

  • Beauty And The Beast

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    the night? Do you believe in monsters? In the movies "Beauty and the Beast" and "E.T.", the monster like characters the captured the hearts of viewers of all ages. They both involve two characters that are thrusted into lifestyles that they are not used to. The beast and E.T were both unique creatures, had close relationships with humans, and were great works of fiction. In both stories, "Beauty and the Beast" and "E.T.", the main characters are unique creatures are forced into a human society, which

  • Drew Barrymore

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    in Steven Spielberg’s science-fiction movie “E.T.: The Extraterrestrial.” This movie was one of the most popular films of all time. This great achievement pushed Barrymore to stardom and was now known as a “Child Star”. Throughout the 80’s she worked steadily, appearing in more films and T.V movies. This young star grew up in a very tough Hollywood lifestyle. She attended many late night parties, publicity events, and clubs. She also was known as “E.T.’s pal, Gertie, parties ‘till 3.” Soon Drew started

  • E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial

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    Report: Q4 Title: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Author/Director: Steven Spielberg Number of pages/minutes: 2 Hours 1 Minute Your name: Hieu Vu The Grabber: An alien ship has landed in the middle of a forest. People begin to be curious and near the ship with flashlights. The aliens have to leave abruptly. It gives me a very suspenseful moment and makes me curious about what happens next. (Spielberg 7:00) Old Self in Old World: Elliot, a young boy, discovers E.T. the extra-terrestrial who was left behind

  • Steven Allan Spielberg and His Work

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    end of the 20th century LIFE named him the most influential person of his generation. In a career that spans almost four decades, Spielberg's films have touched many themes and genres. During the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, three of his films, Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park became the highest grossing films for their time. During his early years as a director, his sci-fi and adventure films were often seen as the archetype of modern Hollywood blockbuster film-making. In recent years, he has tackled

  • steven spielberg

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    Steven Spielberg is one of the most well known and most accomplished directors in Hollywood. He is best known for movies such as Saving Private Ryan, E.T. : The Extra- Terrestrial and Jurassic Park. His film Schindler's List won him two Golden Globes for Best Director and Best Picture. He is also known for protecting human rights. Spielberg abandoned the National Advisory Board of Boy Scouts of America because the group disproved of homosexuals. Steven Spielberg was born on December 18, 1947 in

  • Essay On Video Game Crash Of 1982

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    The Video Game Crash of 1983, while rarely talked about, was a major influence on modern electronics in America as a whole. This goes far beyond video games. If we had not recovered from the electronics recession modern personal computers, laptops, smartphones, and many other devices would not be nearly as advanced as they currently are. Let’s take a step back and look at the worst time in the evolution of electronics. This mess starts with Atari. In 1972 the then small Atari Incorporated released

  • E. T The Extra-Terrestrial Themes

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    E.T, the Extra-Terrestrial is an American science fiction movie directed by Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is an American filmmaker, who is considered as one of the most popular filmmakers in the history of cinema. Spielberg’s movies have covered many different themes and genres. Three of Spielbergs movies have achieved box office records, one of them is E.T. Now, the plot. A group of aliens is in a California forest, and when government agent appears, they flee in their spaceship, leaving

  • What Is Atari's Failure?

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    Chief among Atari's biggest failures, the port release of the widely popular Pac-Man on the Atari 2600, and the movie-based E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, these two games are among the most disappointing games of all time, and are among the biggest flops in video game history. Pac-Man was a smash hit in the arcades, and, after Atari acquired the rights to publish home versions of Namco's arcade games in the late 1970's, the company set its sights on the arcade game, attempting to cash in on Pac-Man's

  • E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial

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    The film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is about a normal boy named Elliot who meets a lost alien who was accidentally left behind when the aliens had to quickly leave due to a group of federal agents. After Elliot stumbles upon the alien he lures the alien back to his house after not being believed by his family. After swearing his siblings to silence, he decides to keep the alien and names the extraterrestrial E.T. While Elliot tries to help E.T. find a way back home he teaches him about Earth from

  • John Williams Essay

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    to be in. Williams forced suspense onto the viewer and helped create the tension, fear, and anxiety that came with watching Jaws. Also in E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Williams helped the alien and young boy soar into the sky with touching pieces of music. Williams generated the intense emotions that fill the viewer throughout the film as exemplified in the E.T departure scene. In Star Wars, Williams gave an extraordinary amount of power to the dark side. The iconic Imperial scores made the audience

  • E. T Film Techniques

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    The movie “E.T.” has many elements that contribute to making up the emotion throughout this movie. A few of these elements include music, the plot and the many camera angles. The music accomplished an impression of eeriness, spookiness and mystery. The camera angles also helped demonstrate these emotions as well. The plot of this movie was stimulating, suspenseful and heartwarming. It all adds up to create a great movie. In the movie “E.T.” a young boy named Elliot finds an alien which he calls

  • Ben Burtt Research Paper

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    put much thought into what it takes to make these movies so much fun to enjoy. One element that is especially over looked is the sound effects. If anyone has ever seen some of the most famous movies ever like Star Wars, Indiana Jones or E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, than one has experienced the work of sound designer, Ben Burtt. Because of his amazing talent to create sound effects, Ben Burtt has become one of the most iconic sound designers ever. The greatest work of Ben Burtt can be heard in the

  • Steven Spielberg

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    time by the American Film Institute. This film also won 3 Oscars for editing, sound, and original score. Other great films that Steven created were Close Encounters, E.T., and Raiders of the Lost Ark, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park and Saving Private Ryan. (Ann Llyod, The Illustrated Who’s Who of the Cinemas, pg. 349) In the year 1982 E.T. became the first movie to be produced by Amblin Films. Amblin Entertainment worked with other studios such as Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures, and Warner Brother

  • Examples Of Product Placement In Movies

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    was not displayed as often in movies during the 1950s and 1960s, as product placement was more recurrent on television series. However, this changed during the 1980s as this was the decade that product placement in movies began to increase rapidly. E.T. is a prime example of how

  • Steven Spielberg

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    Steven Spielberg As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the time. Instead of doing his school work he was using the camera. While he was working with his mom and sister on his projects

  • Steven Spielberg

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    list, and many are so timeless, they will live in the hearts of generations to come. Such films as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T., Indiana Jones, and Jurassic Park have become legendary. In Spielberg's down time, he stringed together a personal little film about a suburban boy who befriends an earthbound alien, also known as E.T. for Extra-Terrestrial. It hit theaters in 1982 and became an instant classic and is still the defining film of his landmark-filled career. This magical and exceedingly

  • Spielberg's Use Of Suspense In Jaws

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    Born on December 18, 1946, Steven Allan Spielberg is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, studio executive, video game designer, and one of the founders of the DreamWorks movie studio. His first films were influenced by Alfred Hitchcock’s mechanics of suspense, including the film that I will be analysing in this paper, Jaws (1975). Regarded by many to be one of the most monumental films in history, Jaws terrified viewers about the horrors lurking in the ocean, breaking all box office

  • The Influence Of Product Placement

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    After the use of Reese’s Pieces in the movie E.T. product placement has risen to extreme heights. Some ask the question if product placement was around before the popular use of it in E.T. Research has proven that this form of advertisement has been around and used since the beginning of cinema, Ben Kozary states “the first reported product placement occurred in 1896, with the deliberate integration of Sunlight Soap by Unilever into several Lumière films” (2) from his paper “The Influence of Product

  • The Inspirations of Steven Spielberg

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    Schindler’s List, Jaws, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, and Jurassic Park, notable movies all directed by the inspiring person; Steven Spielberg. He even produced the Transformers series. No one really knows who Steven Spielberg really is, however, everyone is familiar with the movies he has produced and directed. Steven Spielberg was born December 18, 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio.2 “To deal with stress he would make movies which would be his shield against bullies at school, trouble at home, and any issues