E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial

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The film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is about a normal boy named Elliot who meets a lost alien who was accidentally left behind when the aliens had to quickly leave due to a group of federal agents. After Elliot stumbles upon the alien he lures the alien back to his house after not being believed by his family. After swearing his siblings to silence, he decides to keep the alien and names the extraterrestrial E.T. While Elliot tries to help E.T. find a way back home he teaches him about Earth from how to work a bathroom and the Solar System. During this time the kids discover E.T.’s ability to levitate things. However, during this time, we learn about the bond between E.T. and Elliot where Elliot feels everything E.T. feels. The kids help E.T. gather parts to build a communicator because he hasn’t been feeling well and needs to return to his planet. Even as E.T. gets sicker when Elliot cuts his finger E.T. heals it for him. After E.T. calls his home Elliot gets sick just like E.T. and when E.T. is finally brought home their mother meets him for the first time. Not long after agents and doctors storm in the house and run tests on E.T. but afterwards as Elliot gets better E.T.’s heart …show more content…

This low key lighting film technique creates a sense of scariness and suspense. This was seen when Elliot was moving in the field not sure what he was about to find. We see it again in the scene where E.T. calls home, and we see how the light is restricted to what the blinds allow in. The shadows on the faces and objects within the house are a lot and it adds to the overall suspense of what is happening in the scene. The lighting is what most times tell us what is coming because when it’s bright the characters tend to be more relaxed as opposed to the low lighting which alluded to the fact that something would most likely happen. The lighting in a way kept the movie going as we looked forward to what would occur

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