Double entendre Essays

  • Elements Of Satire In 'Lysistrata' By Aristophanes

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    on whether this meeting is of great importance or not. Calonice asks, “big and meaty, you mean?” to which Lysistrata replies, “very big and very meaty.” Lysistrata doesn’t automatically catch on to the fact that Calonice is referring to some double entendre, big and meaty translating to long and thick. This would be describing the penis of a man, something that is quite obscene when discussed in this manner. Just the mention of sex in general and the way that the women crave it is obscene. Sex is

  • Working in a Coal Mine

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    Wave’ i... ... middle of paper ... ...e one hand, androgyny can strip meaning and leave one with the impression the satirical. On the other hand, traditional femininity can promote, in the mind of a listener, especially a male listener, double entendre, perhaps never imagined in the mind of the original author. The presentations of ‘Working in a Coal Mine’ by both Devo and the Judd’s demonstrate gender-influence upon the presentation of this classic R&B hit. While each altered the song very

  • Essay on Satire in Lysistrata

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    such as war and peace, the struggles of power and class, and the life and death issues that are seen in war.  Satire is successfully used and seen in Lysistrata by stereotyping women in general and then the different classes of women as well.  Double entendres are seen throughout the play to help add humor to the play.  Sex is used as humorous tool but only to covey a deeper theme that consists of war and peace and also of life and death. Aristophanes stereotypes women as bickering, self-centered

  • Morality in Measure for Measure by Shakespeare

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    Morality in Measure for Measure Shakespeare's play, Measure for Measure, focuses on human morality. The play also explores the question of what kind of sexual conduct is socially acceptable, and what is not. The play depicts various attitudes toward prostitution, promiscuity, and premarital sex. But it also suggests that human laws and perhaps human morality are quite arbitrary and relative. Measure for Measure considers the need for statutes and laws to govern sexual appetites and ensure

  • The Themes of Noting and Deception in Much Ado About Nothing

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    The Themes of Noting and Deception in Much Ado About Nothing "Discuss the themes of 'noting' and 'deception' in Much Ado About Nothing" The play 'Much Ado About Nothing' was written by Williams Shakespeare in the late 1600's and over four centuries later it is still a significantly popular play and has widespread appeal. The play explores many themes including love, treachery, friendship, society and traditions. These five themes mentioned are still very much relevant in a lot of people's

  • How Dirty Boys Get Clean

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    Axe, has taken the youth of the nation by surprise, and more specifically the males. Axe is a brand of male grooming products that are marketed toward young males. So one would wonder what the problem with that is. Well, of course good hygiene and fresh scents are important to the youth of United State, but at what extent should one go to market that. Axe advertisements have gone so far to even promote the idea that there products help young males attract women. Axe body spray’s ad slogan “How Dirty

  • Close Reading of Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling

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    demonstrating the capability words have in manipulating perceptions. It is the strategic placement of double-entendres on behalf of DeFlores that greatly affect consequences, as disguising his lustful intents as honesty aids in the damnation of himself and Beatrice. Although deceiving in nature only to Beatrice, through the insertion of asides, only the audience remains knowledgeable of these entendres, causing troublesome irony. Furthermore, it is the manipulation of language that really accentuates

  • Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop by W.B. Yeats: Themes and Symbolism

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    his part. His personal history seems relevant when discussing a poem that praises sex and sin as essential to our spiritual fulfillment. In “Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop”, Yeats uses symbolism, themes of sexuality and good versus evil, and double entendre to express his idea that people cannot be wholly fulfilled without sin. In “Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop” Yeats employs two themes, the theme of good versus evil, and the theme of sexuality. He conveys the theme of good versus evil through

  • Diverse Interpretations in Roethke’s 'My Papa’s Waltz'

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    it up. This is further evidence that the interpretation of the warm memory between father and son is valid. Roethke purposely created this poem to have multiple interpretations. If he didn’t, then why would his poem be full of words and images with double meaning? And how much luck is required for the diction choice and imagery choice throughout every stanza would be consistent enough that they are able to create two different readings of the same poem? This poem is a polysemous poem: This poem has

  • Female Role In Ophelia

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    regarding true feelings. This proclamation comes at the end of a lengthy tirade against Ophelia and womankind in general for their conniving deceit leading men astray. The fact that Hamlet cannot see this duplicity in his very own actions shows the double standard he holds for females. Ophelia’s immediate reaction is one of shock and defense due to the aggressive nature of Hamlet’s attack. She calls out “O, woe is me!” (3.1.174) in distress to the ferocity of Hamlet and is unable to form a particularly

  • The Twix Advertisement Issue

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    Professional persuasion straddles many lines of ethicality. For Twix, the ethical dilemma came in the form of a candy bar in the hand of a cheating boyfriend. A bite of Twix pauses time long enough for the boyfriend to concoct a lie about the incriminating text message his girlfriend found on his phone. Based on the results of the TARES moral consequences test, it is unethical for Mars, Inc., to run this advertisement. The first measure of ethicality verifies the truthfulness of the message. As Bivins

  • The Shrews Illusion

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    shrew. Her dialogue during these moments of obedience seems to mirror the language Petruchio uses earlier to tame her, suggesting that Katerina employs Petruchio’s own dissembling devices against him. Even the nuances of her language, filled with double meanings, belie her supposed transformation. Katerina first reveals her aptitude for deception as she and Petruchio head toward Padua for her sister’s wedding. When her husband falsely labels the daylight as the “bright and goodly shining” of the

  • Symbolism In Good Country People

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    “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor is a wonderful example of theme, irony and symbolism in literature. In order to achieve this, the author focuses in on the key personality traits of each of the characters. First introduced, are two families of social classes that are divided by money, yet quite similar in some ways. Mrs. Hopewell, a mother and widow, lives in a neatly defined life of documented social correctness. Her daughter Hulga, who has changed her name from Joy, lives with her mother

  • How Entertainment Has Ruined Society

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    In every sense, "ruined" is a relative term. On his third birthday, my cousin Collin received a bright red toy fire truck, which promptly broke after a mere hour of playtime, summoning a myriad of tears from the young boy. In my eyes, a broken wheel on a toy was not the end of the world, after all, Collin could still push it around with only three wheels. To me, the toy was still decently functioning, therefore I didn’t consider it to be ruined. However, to Collin, who could not see past the fact

  • Examples Of Loaded Language

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    language that I have found is in an article written for the Star Tribune titled “Target layoffs will hit 1,700 today, with another 1,400 jobs going unfilled” by Evan Ramstad, John Ewoldt, and Kristen Leigh Painter. In the article, the writers use double speak when they use the word “downsizing” instead of firing employees. The article states “Target Corp. cut 1,700 people at its corporate offices in the Twin Cities on Tuesday, the largest downsizing of its headquarters staff ever and the biggest

  • Good Country People by Flannery O'Connor

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    Good Country People by Flannery O'Connor Good Country People'; by Flannery O’Connor is an excellent example of irony in literature. From beginning to end it has a steady procession of irony, much of it based on the title of the story: “Good Country People.'; In the beginning of the story we meet Mrs. Freeman, wife of the hired hand. She and her husband have been working for Mrs. Hopewell for four years. “The reason for her keeping them so long was that they were not trash. They were ‘Good Country

  • Reflection On Gender Equality

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    woman, it’s the end of the world full of traumatizing memories and yet if a woman were to rape a man, there would be other women out there just condoning it as if that was ok. Yes, my approach was strong, but I truly believe we live in a world full of double standards, making it a little difficult to live under some circumstances. I feel outraged and disappointed that there isn’t much gender equality out there, but there are feminists and meninists, which I believe isn’t a real thing due to how extreme

  • Double Standards

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    years ago. However, double standards are a part of virtually everyone’s lives at every moment of their day. Coined in 1912, the term double standards refers to any set of principles containing different provisions for one group of people than for another, typically without a respectable reason. Plainly, it refers to the fact that we have different norms for the behavior of different groups of people. Anyone can fall into being a victim of double standards. The most common double standards are between

  • Women Shouldn T Be Silenced In A Trifling Media By Shakira Smiler

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    Women Shouldn’t be Silenced In the essay “A Trifling Media,” Shakira Smiler passionately writes about the double standards she has faced as a woman. Being born a girl means that you’ll always be judged for having an extra chromosome. As a young kid, I never understood why boys hitting you was considered normal, nor did I understand why they called me names because I wasn’t up to their standards when they weren’t up to my own standards. I never understood why men could slam, and yell, and be aggressive

  • Examples Of Double Standards At Work

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    In the article “He Works, She Works, But What Different Impressions They Make” by Gwyn Kirk and margo Okazawa-Rey some main points are made. The fire main point made by Gwyn and Margo are that there are double standards at work. They begin the article talking about how “annoying the double standards are and how alone they can make you feel”. They say that supervisors and coworkers still judge females by old stereotypes. The authors claim that these stereotypes include saying women are, emotional