Construction management Essays

  • Construction Manager: An Essay On Construction Management

    1468 Words  | 3 Pages

    Running head: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Construction management Cristian M. Gonzalez Griffin High School CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Abstract This paper explores what it takes to be a construction manager and the responsibilities of being a construction manager and the skills

  • Essay On Construction Management

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    ASSIGNMENT 1 – REFLECTION ON PROFESSIONAL ROLES THROUGH CASE STUDIES Section 1: Overview of roles possible for Construction Management graduates Construction Management graduates are left with a diverse range of opportunities which they may endeavour. These include the following:  Construction Project Managers: In control of the entire process of the construction of building projects on the construction site (Training WA career centre, 2011)  Estimators: Compare quotes and break down the entire project

  • Construction Management Personal Statement

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    The occupational study of construction managers has been a great experience for me. I went into the situation expecting to find an average career with a simple day in and day out routine that would only change as much as the location would. What I found could not be more from the opposite. The work is exciting and constantly changing as the job changes. No two jobs are ever the same, and I saw that as I shadowed Ryan at two different job sites. This project took me through the history, training,

  • A Career in Construction Management

    1101 Words  | 3 Pages

    Construction Management is the overall planning, outlook, coordination, budget and control of a construction project from start to finish. Without them, construction projects would be very unorganized and chaotic. They make sure projects run smoothly and efficiently. They work with electricians, plumbers, carpenters and general contractors to produce the safest and best way to complete the project for the customer. Being a construction manager is a good job because they help many people build what

  • Construction Project Management

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    project managers are able to add value to the construction process Answer The project manager in construction project can add value to the client in various aspect. By definition, A project manager is the person who is accountable for the accomplishment of the stated project objectives. He is the key person for the construction project management. To evaluate the essence of project manager, we examine its value adding elements throughout the entire construction process. DESIGNING PHASE 1. Design Coordination

  • Construction Management Case Study

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    Management individuals successfully in expansion projects are an ability that requires consistent arranging and improvement. Like in the case of the construction management, a lot is required of a person to ensure that the best is achieved in the general outcome of the task at any given level. An augmentation program director can be characterized as the individual who is vested with formal power over an association or one of its sub units. He or she has status that prompts to different interpersonal

  • Importance Of Risk Management In Construction

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    Risk is an identified uncertainty related to any act or decision. Risk is the focal topic in the management of any activity, let it be technology, construction, health management or event management. These risks can comprise of threats and opportunities. Threats are risks with negative consequences and opportunities are risks with positive benefits. Identifying the various probabilities of uncertainties associated with any activity, analyzing its impacts on the project objective and the steps taken

  • Project Management In The Construction Industry

    1364 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the construction industry a Project Manager is highly needed, like in any industry the Project Manager has many responsibilities, passion for multitasking, communication and technical skills are some of the more important things a Project Manager should have. In their daily job they are expected to be involved in different tasks for example to pull together meetings between the team members of any project with the objective to share ideas and making important decision before any work actually

  • Management of Field Construction Projects

    1864 Words  | 4 Pages

    The objective of this report is to present and discuss the management of field construction projects. These projects involve a great deal of time and expense, so close control and management is paramount if they are to be completed within the established time and cost limitations. The term construction management is applied to the provision of professional management services to the owner of a construction project with the objective of achieving high quality with low costs. A specialist project

  • Importance Of Value Management In Construction

    1215 Words  | 3 Pages

    Value Management: The main objective of any construction project is to assure that the project completes on committed time and within the budget allocated. Two major challenges faced are Time and cost which increase the urgency to adapt new and innovative techniques for the project to be successful. Reduction of cost of construction is persistent goal for any construction firm. One of the most prominent methods for cost saving/reduction is implementation of value Management. Value Management plays

  • Importance Of Quality Management In Construction Industry

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    Background of The Study The construction industry is one of the substrates of the domestic economy for most countries. The construction industry is playing an important role in developing the economic and status of the country. The construction process itself involved with unexpected factors. Therefore, an efficient and successful construction project is with a statement by completion of the project on time, with the given budget and to the determination quality. The construction industry have an unparalleled

  • Personal Statement For A Penchant For Construction Management

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    Construction Management During a flight to New York, I read an article highlighting Auburn University online Masters Program illustrated in Sky Magazine. At this point, I understood these principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of construction management. To elaborate more on my penchant for Construction Management and how the industry that has changed many lives. Throughout my career, Construction Management has always

  • Risk Management in Construction Projects

    2365 Words  | 5 Pages

    Risk management is a process used in all industries to reduce the risk. The Risk management tool usage changes from sector to sector and hence each sector has developed their own risk management tools and methodologies to mitigate the risk. But the concept remains the same behind all the tools (Ropel, 2011). The main steps for risk management irrespective of the sector are: 1. Risk Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Evaluation of the risk 4. Steps to mitigating the risks

  • What is Project Management in the Construction Process?

    1608 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Project Management What is Project Management? Project Management is the back-bone of the construction process. It is the discipline of organising, planning and managing resources to ensure successful completion of the goals and objectives of a specific project. Knowledge of modern management techniques, along with an understanding of the construction and design processes, is key to good Project Management. A construction project has set tasks, to be done by certain people and to be

  • Personal Statement: Construction Management

    610 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have completed Bsc (Hons) Construction management at the University of West London, and I would now like to further my career by studying MSC Project enterprise and management at UCL. I have made this decision after understanding that this course will enable me to develop a broad understating of construction management of large and complex projects and increase my commercial awareness of these projects. I also expect this course to be taught with both academic rigour and place consistent emphasis

  • I Want to Study Construction Engineering and Management

    693 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lack of management skills leads to disastrous failures, even if specialists are used. My home country, Iran, is suffering from lack of management skills in all aspects especially the construction industry. Unfortunately, bribery and dishonesty have led unskilled managers to take the lead of construction projects, which has resulted in high cost and low quality construction. I do believe that this situation must change and I want to contribute to this change. When I was a kid, I was usually chosen

  • Project Management Issues in Construction Sites Environment

    3128 Words  | 7 Pages

    this research is to investigate project management issues in construction sites environment, to recognize which issues are more vital for overall success of any construction project or vice versa and to suggest recommendations for improvement of the performance of all the parties involved in the construction projects. The study is mainly focused on Pakistan, a developing country in South Asia and the research seems to be focused on construction projects management, however, it can be helpful for other

  • Importance Of Lean Management In Construction Industry

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract: In order to develop the efficiency and reduction of waste, the lean construction has been introduced as a new management principle for better functioning. There are many challenges to implement the lean concept in construction industry. In India, the execution of lean management in construction industry is a major task. Due to lack of awareness and illiterate towards the lean management principle. The main focus of this study is to utilize lean thinking concept in order to manage, improve

  • The Quality Management System In The Construction Industry

    1734 Words  | 4 Pages

    Quality Management System is to provide customer satisfaction by continuous improvement of product/process by total involvement and dedication of each and every individual. A structured approach applied correctly will help in improving the construction industry’s performance. The purpose of the project is to understand the adoption and implementation of QMS in Bangalore construction industry and client dissatisfactions in a process to identify and measure construction processes for continuous improvement

  • Construction Industry: The Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) System and the Design Build and Construction Management at Risk

    1561 Words  | 4 Pages

    Quantifying the performance of Integrated Project Delivery System in contrast with Design Build and Construction Management at Risk Introduction and Background to the Problem Integrated project delivery (IPD) includes extensive partnership needed for the present day dense construction. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) defines IPD as “a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems, business structures, and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents