Communities Essays

  • Communities

    1426 Words  | 3 Pages

    When most people talk about community, they think of a location, an area in which people live. By definition “community” is a group of people living in the same location and under the same government. Community can also be defined as a group of people with the same common interests or segments in society. However, these definitions, which can be found in any dictionary, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to explaining what community really is. Community is the memories and traditions

  • Community Communication And Community Development

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Students studying community development will appreciate the smooth transition from the classroom to the office or community. Classroom communication is similar for those studying the discipline to that of those working in the field. At Portland State University, courses offered through Community Development are often structured around being half lecture based and half student engagement (i.e.: group discussion, video, volunteer activities, etc.). Instructors stress to the students that analytical

  • Community Planning In Community Development

    1739 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jones and Wells (2007) suggested that role of planning in community engagement is an important issue of any society. In community development and planning phase, harnessing and inspiring public opinions and inputs plays a prominent and pivotal part. Within the community, modest relationship is required with stakeholder groups and individuals while carrying developing and planning active community engagement. The main issue that can concern during the starting phase is the level of trust that might

  • Communities and Urbanization

    2594 Words  | 6 Pages

    COMMUNITIES & URBANIZATION Introduction George Murdock once said that a community is one of the two truly universal units of society organization, the other one being family (Schaefer, 461). We are all part of a community, and in many cases, we are a part of multiple ones. In chapter 20 of our textbook, we are looking at communities and urbanization. It discusses urbanization and how communities originate. It also looks at the different types of communities. Communities

  • Military Community

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    The communities that I belong to, here in the United States, are the military community and the Pacific Islander community. I am currently on active duty in the Air Force and living on base housing at Hill AFB, Utah. It’s a peaceful and secured neighborhood because we live inside the base, behind the fence and benefitting on military level security. I currently don’t have a Bachelor’s Degree Major that I am working on and for now am just working on my Associates Degree in Aircraft Armament Systems

  • Community Assessment

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every community has it areas of crucial needs for which every of its member will need urgent interventions from concerned or appropriate agencies. The following are the reasons why it is important to have information about community before conducting a community assessment. • There is increased understanding within the community about its needs, why they exist, and why it is important for the needs to be addressed. • Community members have the opportunity to share how the needs impact the quality

  • Commitment to Community

    1244 Words  | 3 Pages

    Commitment to community is a requirement for contemporary Americans and vital to its survival. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” is the unselfish act of sharing: from a cup of sugar to a wealth of information to the guardianship of all children involved and the protection of every individual in that said community. Whether that community consists of the “Classic Neighborhood, those with a common set of goals, or those who share a common identity” the thread that holds this matrix together is always

  • Veganism And The Community

    1582 Words  | 4 Pages

    growth for the community. Swales definition of a discourse community becomes an accurate definition for the community. According to Swales a discourse community must have a common goal; in this case Vegans’ goals are to bring awareness to the food industry and not use or consume animal based products. They also share multiple genres of communications, a lexis and encouragement for newcomers (Swales). In this essay I will discuss the views of vegans from within and outside the community. Veganism is

  • Discourse Communities

    1073 Words  | 3 Pages

    ¡Avancemos! Discourse communities have many different and almost complex aspects that are included within them. According to James Paul Gee, author of Sociolinguistics and Literacies, “Discourses are ways of being in the world; they are forms of life which integrate words, acts values, beliefs, attitudes, and social identities as well as gestures, glances, body positions, and clothes.” The way that a person carries out and performs these aspects of a discourse are factors of identification for

  • Essay On Global Community

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Global Communities An impoverished man living on the outskirts of a neighborhood park walks through the forest and notices a block party. He thinks to himself, a “free” lunch. As the man strolls toward the party, he notices many people of all ages eating and talking. When he looks at the food on the table, his eyes’ yearn in hunger. He then comes across a sign reading “BLOCK PARTY, COMMUNITY ONLY.” Slowly his momentary happiness vanishes because he does not belong to this neighborhood community but

  • Community Service Requirements

    1203 Words  | 3 Pages

    recently implements graduation requirements. These requirements consist of performing a certain number of community service hours. This has a lot of options, as there are many forms of community service that can be beneficial to the community and its members. These are recent developments that have been created in order to make sure that students are better-rounded and play a part in the community. This is to assure that students have a chance to be more productive with their free time and not participate

  • The Importance Of Happiness In The Community

    1732 Words  | 4 Pages

    this is the shared happiness found within the community. This paper will attempt to present the connection between happiness and the community, referring to examples from film, personal experiences, and several other resources and analyze its significance within the community. The importance of happiness in a community stems from being accepted as part of their group. It is especially hard when families have to move to new neighborhoods or communities and have to restart their life anew. Children

  • Community Synthesis Essay

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    Community participation is essential for risk reduction because community relations, actions, and beliefs are at the center of functionality. Communities contain multiple cultures with different religions, views, and livelihoods. It is not feasible or humane to try and implement a universal disaster risk reduction approach; a universal approach strips away factors that make individuals whole, it disregards the high possibility of unplanned actions or responses in the presence of a catastrophe. Moreover

  • Community Service Requirements

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    of making community service part of graduation requirements actually sounds like a good idea. There are many different types of community service and I think everyone should need to be involved in some sort just to see what it is like. There are many different qualities that community service can teach. Especially for students who are preparing to graduate and move out into the real world, it would be nice if they could get a taste of what actually goes on in the real world. Community service sounds

  • Community Development In Canada

    1082 Words  | 3 Pages

    Community development can be seen as a process where members of a community come together to take collective action concerning a variety of topics that affect residents (PeerNetBC, n.d, p.1). This process is essential to the wellbeing and growth of a community, without it communities do not flourish. An example of this in Canada is the lack of community development found in aboriginal communities. This is a result of suffering derived from residential schools and even though these schools have been

  • Analysis Of Discourse Community

    878 Words  | 2 Pages

    Schmidt and Vande Kopple introduce the analysis of discourse communities states that each discipline has a certain way in how they share information, analysis, make claims, and communicate in their discourse community. This is significant to note because different discipline consist of different audiences. Sociology is particular, as a discourse community connects with those within the same field thus, it is important for the writers to properly communicate their research through proper organization

  • Community Service Goals

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    do community service within my area by using the skills of Community, Leadership, Positive Self-Concept and Navigate the System. Next I can develop some goals to know what I want to achieve in by including the skills of Long Range Goals and Realistic Self-Appraisal. Then I can volunteer at the Food Bank and my skills of focus will be Community, Nontraditional Knowledge and Strong Support Person. First of all, I want to do community service within my area by utilizing the skills of Community, Leadership

  • Giving Back To Community

    826 Words  | 2 Pages

    schools, I learned that community service is giving back to the community without pay. I found it interesting, inspiring, and invigorating. All the years that I spent living in Irving I had the privilege to volunteer at Children’s Medical Center, Jack E. Singley Academy, and Gabe P. Allen Charter School. Gaining experience and learning new things helped me realize the importance of giving back to the communities. I believe that it is important to give back to communities because it provides a self

  • Community Participation Essay

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    Community participation is about ensuring meaningful engagement with our communities. What Is Community Participation? Although this may appear to be a simple question, there is no single definition of participation by communities but, rather, a potpourri of definitions varying mostly by the degree of participation. The continuum on the next page provides a helpful framework for understanding community participation. In this continuum, "participation" ranges from negligible or "co-opted"—in which

  • Neighborhood And Community Essay

    1560 Words  | 4 Pages

    Section 45080 The difference between a neighborhood and a community is something I never gave much thought about until this assignment. We all live in on a continent, which can be broken down to a country, which is then broken down (in the US of course) to a state, which can further be broken down to a city. After having a city to live in, it is again broken down to what neighborhood you live in, and last but not least, which community you belong to. Now most people, non-religious or who do not