Cognitive science of mathematics Essays

  • Metaphors and Conceptual Systems

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    at a universal level. There is no truth that always exists for everyone. Truth is culturally constructed and is always relative to the conceptual system within the culture. Works Cited Davis, Watson. "Battling a Plague." The Science News-Letter 32 (1937): 234-237. Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1980.

  • The Importance Of Mathematics

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    Mathematics is a science that has a vital importance in the artistic domain and how the world is constructed. The world is more concern to attract individuals toward mathematical studies and research for the enhancement of the world development. Some individuals claim that they do not like Math just because it deals with multitude of numbers, some says that math is boring, difficult, complicated, or they just hate it for short. I have encountered a students who claimed that the math textbook are

  • Mathematics Essay

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    play a critical role in the teaching and learning of mathematics. A number of researchers have investigated the relationship between the affective and the cognitive domains. Maker (1982) emphasized the importance of this relationship: It is impossible to separate the cognitive from the affective domains in any activity….The most important is that there is a cognitive component to every affective object and an affective component to every cognitive objective. (p.30-31). In general, attitudes, beliefs

  • The Importance Of Socio-Cultural Theory

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    In addition, (Aslan, Tas, & Ogul, 2016) revealed that teachers who have teaching experience of more than 10 years had a higher level of science teaching efficacy beliefs than those who have less teaching experience. Finally, Gkolia, Dimitrios, & Koustelios (2014) indicated in their study that background characteristics such as teachers’ gender, teaching experience, educational level

  • Breaking Gender Stereotypes

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    backbone for gender stereotypes that permeate our society? Today women make up more than half of college graduates but according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010) only 13.8% serve as engineers and 24.8% are working in computer and mathematics fields. The resounding question is why aren’t women choosing these occupations? On one side of the argument is the belief that it is a scientific fact that girls just aren’t as talented at math as boys, and on the other side is the belief that

  • Psychology: Psychology 101: Mathematics In Psychology?

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    Psychology 101: Mathematics in Psychology? Math is one of the basic elements, that everyone uses, in everything in the world. We cannot deny, everyone in the world also uses math every day in their daily life. How much do you have to pay for your taxes? What is the distance from point A to point B in miles? How much money have you spent today? Let’s face it math is everywhere, whether you like it or not. But other than that, you also need mathematics for Science, Architecture, Archaeology, Art and

  • Improving Fluid Intelligence through Training Working Memory

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    Can we do ourselves smarter? Fluid intelligence (Gf) is the ability to reason and to solve new problems autonomously from previously acquired knowledge. Gf is important for a wide range of cognitive tasks, and it is considered to be one of the most important factors in learning. There is a long history of research showing the improvement of Gf if trained. Moreover, research showed that gain in intelligence depends on the amount of training: the more training, the more increase in Gf. Thus, according

  • Mathematics In Mathematics

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    Mathematics has been regarded as the backbone of scientific and technological development without which no nation can attain any sustainable development. Okafor and Adeleye (2011) defines Mathematics as the study of number, symbols, sizes, shapes, spaces, patterns, generalization, measurement, models, qualities, relationships and functions. Also Mathematics can be defines as the language of science and technology. Mathematics is an important subject that cut across all science subjects, Hence,

  • Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development

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    century, the Piaget’s theory of cognitive development has been applied in the field of psychology and education to understand how children develop their cognition. Piaget developed this theory in an attempt to understand the root of intelligence in infancy and how children’s knowledge changes progressively over a period of time. He believed that children undertake specific tasks when they are mature enough to do so. According to him, children go through a series of cognitive stages in a similar order.

  • Dyscalculia Essay

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    In modern society, we are faced with an increased demand for college graduates with a variety of skills. In order to meet the demands of an ever changing job market, we must be skilled in subjects such as math, reading and science. One subject that needs to be addressed is math. We use arithmetic to calculate numbers, exchange money and understand math concepts. That is why it is imperative that educators reach out to students with Dyscalculia with strategies, such as explicit instruction to help

  • STEM Stereotypes

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    Ever since the study of mathematics and science has begun, women have been underrepresented in the STEM field. The STEM field is made up of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers. There have been a lot of efforts to increase the number of women in STEM careers; however, men remain dominant in the field. For example, in 2015 women filled 47% of all U.S. jobs, but held only 24% of the STEM careers ( ). Meaning that in 2015 men held 76% of all the STEM careers. The gap between men

  • The Importance Of Psychology As A Social Science

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    Psychology! Is it a social studies or a social science? Should the study of psychology have a different meaning as a high school subject compared to a college subject? I say no! Both subjects should be classified the same. According to the Division of Social Science at Harvard University, “The social sciences [engage] broadly with the study of human society and social relationships. At Harvard, the Division of Social Science embraces a number of diverse and highly interdisciplinary fields including:”

  • Importance: Why Art Is Important To Society

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    arts do not pose as much significance as science or mathematics, and that it is simply unnecessary. They argue that the arts do not generally contribute to society, especially in terms of technology. Admittedly, the arts may not be effective in that sense. Compared to advancements in technology or the usefulness of science or mathematics, art does not appear to excel in that direction. However, while the arts are not essential in the way science or mathematics is, the arts are essential in its own respective

  • Importance Of STEM

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    Factors Related to Under Achievement in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (STME) at Secondary School Level STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This term is utilized while tending to instruction approach and educational modules decisions in schools, to enhance competitiveness in science and innovation improvement. The importance of STEM education cannot be ignored. STEM is essential

  • Learning Disabilities Essay

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    comment on pornography: impossible to define, “but I know it when I see it.”” (Lerner 2002, p.8) Similarly, a mathematical learning disability is a formidable endeavour to try and define, mainly due to the extent and complexity of the field of mathematics. ( ) “One meaningful way of contextualising ‘learning disabilities’ is to think about it as an umbrella term under which all affected individuals are described as having varying degrees of impairment

  • Web Based Learning Essay

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    Introduction This essay aims to discuss the impact of Web Based Technology (WBT) on assessment practices in mathematics. WBT refers to and promotes what is known as Web Based Learning (WBL) where the learning is in hypertext format providing the learner with more exploration and interactivity capabilities. Studies in Hong Kong by Khalifa(2002) suggests that this is the most superior form of WBL in comparison to Distributive Passive Learning (DPL) which is used to deliver linear material such as

  • Augmented Reality

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    rapidly, and it can be applied in various fields such as in engineering, medical, entertainment and also in education area. This research particularly interested with the possibility of utilizing AR for education, particularly for young children in science education. AR is able to stimulate new type of interactivity with virtual world. Thus is able to assist in their mental development. Students require the new stimulus to complement the conservative way of teaching and AR can provide new experience

  • Learning Theories for Mathematical Concepts

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    Introduction The early acquisition of mathematical concepts in children is essential for their overall cognitive development. It is imperative that educators focus on theoretical views to guide and plan the development of mathematical concepts in the early years. Early math concepts involve learning skills such as matching, ordering, sorting, classifying, sequencing and patterning. The early environment offers the foundation for children to develop an interest in numbers and their concepts. Children

  • Persuasive Speech On Common Core Standards

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    and Mathematics. In effect of states adopting Common Core Standards, all other subjects taught in school seemed less important. History and Science standards are no longer stressed. Students are limited to being proficient in only two subjects. The Common Core deprives students’ ability to be skilled in multiple areas. These standards do not provide a slight “break” from the challenging fast past teaching of English and Mathematics. In addition to limiting education to English and Mathematics, Jill

  • The Beneficial Relationship of Music and Mathematics for Young Children

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    the ability to unlock doors for young children to learn the various aspects of mathematics. The relationship of the two subjects can be traced back to the early stages of ancient history where they were taught together, unlike a majority of America’s public schools. Fortunately, there are public schools beginning to recognize this close relationship once again and have developed lesson plans that teach mathematics, science and music in a much more conjunctive nature. Studies have proven time and time