Socio-Cultural Theory. The socio-cultural theory is a concept by experts that looks at the essential influences that humanity makes to individual development. It stresses the collaboration between developing individuals and the ethnicity in which they exists. It indicates that human learning is largely a societal process. Moreover, this grew from the work of Lev Vygotsky who believed that parents and the culture at large are responsible for developing higher order functions. According to him, learning has its basis in interacting with other people. Once this has occurred, the information is then integrates on the individual level. The socio-cultural theory capitalizes both on how adults and peers influence individual learning and …show more content…
In addition, (Aslan, Tas, & Ogul, 2016) revealed that teachers who have teaching experience of more than 10 years had a higher level of science teaching efficacy beliefs than those who have less teaching experience. Finally, Gkolia, Dimitrios, & Koustelios (2014) indicated in their study that background characteristics such as teachers’ gender, teaching experience, educational level, and age affect their self-efficacy. Another factor considered in this study is the professional development of teachers. Professional development of teachers is a strong factor that enhances teachers’ knowledge and learning. A number of studies have reflected that the said factor is imperative to a positive change of every individual that seeks development professionally. Amanulla & Aruna’s (2014) study showed a positive relationship between teacher efficacy and professional development. The relationship indicates that increase in teacher efficacy will cause an increase in the professional development of
I can help my teachers be professional learners by using observation and evaluation processes, like those found in Danielson’s model, to promote self-assessment, reflection on practices, and professional conversations with them. The Framework can help me have honest, reflective conversations with the teachers about their instruction and I can use it as a guide to help all involved in professional development decisions. In other words, I can use such teacher evaluation models to promote active engagement and encourage professional growth in all
Lev Vygotsky’s theory of learning begins with the idea that cognitive development occurs from sociocultural origins, that through social interaction children learn how to think (Duchesne, McMaugh, Bochner & Krause pp. 84) and how to use and access language and communication skills specifically as members of their culture and society.
Sociology is the study of society and the interactions that occur within society itself. There are numerous methods of analyzing societies and the way the function, nonetheless, most methods fall in micro and macro level theories. Micro level theories allow sociologist to study smaller relationships such as individual or compact groups of people. On the other hand, macro level studies permit for larger scale investigations to take place. With both of these theories there are three theoretical perspectives used in sociology. Micro level theories include symbolic interactionism which focuses in interactions done with language and gestures and the means which allow such interactions to take place. Macro level theories include structural functionalism
This proposal is designed to address the need for professional development of which can be utilized in assisting teachers within our institution mature and grow educationally for the purposes of becoming better instructors for the purposes of education our students academically and assisting them to succeed within their academic goals and objectives. The proposed plan of action of which can ultimately assist bot our facu...
Shabani, K. Khatib, M. Ebadi, S. (2010). Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development: Instructional Implications and Teacher’s Professional Development. 3(4), December, 2010. English Language Teaching: Tehran, Iran. Retrieved from
middle of paper ... ... Sociocultural Subjectivities: Progress, Prospects, Problems. Theory of Psychology, 20(6), 765–780. Mahn, H. (1999, Nov/Dec).
Vygotsky believed that learning and cognitive development were significantly influenced by social interactions that occur with in a particular sociocultural environment. There are four major influences on cognitive development.
Through the support of the professional development program, the effectiveness of the teachers enhances the quality of instruction and increases the student achievement and learning. The delivery of professional development program leads to alterations in professional learning, leading to changes in professional practice, which ultimately impact student achievement.
As an education major at State College, I’ve decided to become a teacher for several reasons. As I progressed through elementary, middle, and high school, many of my teachers were great role models for me. This has inspired me to become a role model for someone in the near future. My love for science and math has also influenced my desire to teach and make a difference in a child’s life. I want to teach students the subjects that I love so much. I want the feeling that I helped a child accomplish or learn something they couldn’t understand. One of the main reasons I want to become an educator is because I feel education has really lost teachers who truly love teaching and those who truly love teaching and those who have the desire to make a difference. I feel I can really help make a difference in the education world and bring back the love to teach.
Theories play a vital part in our life. Thus, the Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory has a significant impact on our lives. Both of these theories emphasis on the developmental aspect of life. Social learning theory focuses on learning come from observation. Whereas, Social Cognitive Theory is more comprehensive and emphasizes on the process of triangulate reciprocal determinism: behavior, personal factors and environment. Additionally, "self-efficacy" is the core factor precise in the triangulate mechanism. These theories has implication in current life scenarios. A basic principle of Social Learning Theory is that people learn not only through their own experiences, but also by observing the actions of others
This paper will identify different definitions of an effective teacher, along with how to assess teachers for being effective. Teacher Effectiveness: Characteristics and Skills of an Effective Teacher. Teacher effectiveness has generated different definitions depending on how it is viewed. Jupp and Education (2009) define effectiveness as “the practical outputs of teachers”. These outputs take place in two different forms, quantitative and qualitative.
Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does not only imply to know the subject to be taught, it also includes being willing to constantly improve oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in teaching. Reflecting and analyzing over and over again the best way to teach to learn and how to make students to extend what has been learned. The many hours spend in the classroom will never be enough to plan lessons, prepare materials, review pupils tasks and exams, as well, all the administrative requirements one has to cover for whatever institution we work. Besides all this a good teacher, a professional one, will have to find the time to keep preparing to improve oneself.
When it comes to comprehending or understanding any concept to why individuals may do some of the things they do, there are social theories out there to help better explain those actions. Sociological theories help to focus more on the aspect of social life, as well as explain behaviors that can be driven by passion, tradition, self-interest, religion, and the laws we have set out today in stone. “Unlike scientific theories, social theories tend to be more evaluative and critical than the theories in the natural sciences” (Appelrouth A. S.; Edles D. L 2012) Today, an analytical frame is used to help guide the comparing and contrasting of the several theoretical perspectives and traditions. In simpler terms, this four way frame is basically used to help compare and contrast theorist better. There are four main cells that make up this analytical frame which include, individual-rational, individual-nonrational, collective-rational, and collective-nonrational. Also included into this basic theoretical orientation or framework, are the core classical theorists. Those influential theorists included into the framework are Mead, who falls into the individual-nonrational side, Durkheim whom falls into the collective-nonrational side, Weber whom falls into the collective-rational side, and Marx who is also included into the collective-rational side.
For teachers to be effective in ways that increase students’ academic achievement, teachers must have the competency needed to teach in their respective content areas. For the purposes of this paper, teacher effectiveness and competency will be discussed in terms of a teacher’s ability to improve student’s academic achievement. Teacher competency is associated with the teacher’s readiness to teach their subject. According to the National Research Council (NRC), an estimated 10-20% of math and
The role of theory in social research is that without a sociological theory, nothing can be sociological. Facts disconnected from theory are just facts. Theory makes the facts speak; the facts don’t and cannot speak for themselves. Without a connection to other facts, we cannot assess anything. With theory, you can relate facts to each other. Theory is the body of interrelated logical concepts or universals that connect to empirical facts and phenomena. Empirical research is okay as long as there is theory involved with it. Theory helps us select which facts are important and which are not. Theory also allows us to organize the facts. Theory helps us create a story and tell which the dependent is and which the independent variable is. Theory points us to what we don’t know, which is the point of all the research in sociology. Theory also allows different concepts of sociology to talk to each other, and that allows sociology to progress. Emile Durkheim had stated in “What is a Social Fact?” that reason develops theories and, and observation backs them up. According to Durkheim, social facts are not ideas, they are facts and they are observable. Facts without a certain theory backing them are and will be meaningless. We had talked about this in the very beginning of the semester about how stating certain statistics such as ‘men make .75 cents more than women’ might be true, but just stating that will not be enough. In sociology, what need to be done are the reasons for stating that fact, and what it means for the society as a whole. Therefore, facts cannot stand alone without theory because they complete each other in a way. Talcott Parsons gives a different example in regards to this; “Few if any empiricists are content with discre...