Civil engineer Essays

  • Civil Engineers: The True Designers

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    follow is that of an engineer. There are many types of engineering fields to pursue, such as aerospace engineering and agricultural engineering. Another engineering profession that has recently risen to prominence is civil engineering. Unlike most career fields, engineers create physical products and offer concrete services. Without infrastructure, nations would economically fall apart and transportation related services would be impacted negatively. Individuals in the civil engineering field supervise

  • Civil Engineers Should Not Be Taught In College

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    The amount of schooling is an issue that future engineers have struggled with for decades. General learning is applicable up to a certain point in someone’s life. Education eventually becomes in depth when they start learning advanced ideas that will only be used in certain fields. Thoughts turn toward how applicable these advanced subjects are to real life. This is especially so for math where pupils are taught how to solve problems that are given to them instead of problems they will face in real

  • Social Responsabilities of Civil Engineers

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    someone, the job of civil engineers may just be designing how to build a building or an infrastructure. To civil engineers, however, their works are far beyond that point. In fact, engineers do not only construct a building. As a civil engineering project has close relationship with the people and environment, engineers should be considerate and responsible to the above sectors. This essay will discuss the social responsibilities of civil engineers. The foremost purpose of a civil engineering project

  • Why I Want To Become A Civil Engineer Essay

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    Why I am Interested in Becoming a Civil Engineer Why do I want to be a civil engineer? Well, I am mainly interested in becoming a civil engineer for two reasons. My first reason is that I want to see something I designed on paper become real. I have always thought that was the coolest thing about engineers: they can design things like skyscrapers on paper, and then have them built because they are free of all errors. My second reason is just me wanting to have a career and not just a regular

  • Civil Engineers: Builders of Tomorrow

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    to indulge themselves in is engineering, of which there are many different types, such as petroleum, electrical, and aerospace engineering. Although the techniques and ideology of civil engineering have been around for centuries, it continues to grow and evolve over time due to innovative and advanced technology. Civil engineering is the planning and building of infrastructure that benefits civilization. It was developed during the Ancient Era, when the Egyptian architect Imhotep designed Egypt's

  • Personal Statement: Civil Engineering As A Structural Engineer

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    “Scientists Discover the world that exists ; Engineers creates the world that never was “ ~Theodore Von Karman After almost five years of experience as a Structural Engineer, I feel entirely satisfied with my decision to choose Civil Engineering as my career option as it has unveiled the most realistic & rational path to undertake human obstacles to me. My interest conjoined

  • Legal Responsability of Civil Engineers in Hong Kong

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    even collapse with time. In this regard, the designer of the structure, which is the civil engineer, may have to bear of responsibility of professional negligence. Nonetheless, most of the engineers should be professional and have followed good control of structure quality, code of practice and good on-site supervision, despite the structure built may fail after the construction. To defense themselves, engineers involved should focus on their legal responsibility on the structure and other factors

  • License to Build: Optional Yet Fundamental Requirement for Civil Engineers

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    and goodness. Civil engineers main obligation and responsibility to the society is to exercise the engineering ethics. One system to guarantee this responsibility is to form a professional group of engineers with regulations and exams to assure quality. Since professional engineer license is not required to practice general engineering services, many upcoming engineers does not seed the immediate pressure to pursuit the license. This decreasing trend of licensed Professional Engineers due to the lack

  • Compare And Contrast Civil Engineer And Software Developer

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    variety of reasons. I choose civil engineer and software developer because the priorities matched. Both have interesting aspects of their work and, both pay enough. But these two professions have a big impact on society. Civil engineers help maintain the safety of streets and buildings while building new buildings for different purposes. At the same time, software developers build programs that help people. Both sounds critical to society today. A civil engineer does a variety of things at

  • John Frank Stevens: An American Civil Engineer

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    like building railroads, which helped him start his career as a civil engineer. Stevens became one of the best engineers due to his dedication. He was mostly self-taught which shows that he is one of the most intelligent engineers for what he did in his time. In 1878, Stevens married Harriet T. O’Brien. The couple had five children, but two of the children died during early childhood. When Stevens was 33, he was principal assistant engineer for the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway, and head of

  • US Army Engineers Roles

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    ROLES OF THE US ARMY ENGINEER Name: SSG GULINO Institution: Introduction The US army engineer can trace its roots to back in the year 1775 when a congress organized a battalion and within it were a chief engineer and his two assistants. It was until the year 1779 when a separate corps of engineers was created in the US army by the congress. History states that the first task of the corps of engineers was to fortify the city of Boston. Over the years the engineers were used by the government

  • Engineering Kickoff Activity Paper

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    Gerardo Tueme Mendoza David L. Ernst ENGR 1201 1 September 2015 Engineering Kickoff Activity American Society of Civil Engineers The ASCE is an engineering society with the purpose of motivating engineering students to reach maximum potential as future professional engineers. The society’s main events include conferences in which established professional civil engineers from different engineering firms come in as speakers, give presentations and meet students. Sometimes, the speakers take résumés

  • Industrial Engineering

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    Technical Drawing Related Career Report Industrial Engineers serve as a bridge between management and operations. They combine their solid engineering background with good business sense and management ability. They figure out the best use of facilities, equipment and people for the most cost efficient and productive way to make or process a product. Industrial Engineers concentrate on improving manufacturing productivity and reducing costs associated with inventory. They are also concerned with

  • The Importance Of Professional Engineering

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    Our primary responsibility as professional engineers is to protect public and ensure safety. We should focus on gaining the trust of the public so they feel safe when using one of our products. One of the objectives we see on the ECSA is that as a professional engineer one must encourage excellence within the engineering profession, and prejudice public health and safety (ECSA, 2013, p. 1). We also see that it states that registered persons must at all times have due regard for and give priority

  • Engineering Ethics

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    ‘without the code of ethics as a guide engineers would be ill-suited to take on challenges of the future’ [1]. His reasoning for his argument is that engineers carry out work that have a great-influence on society and the environment and hence they need some form of guidance on how to operate. Strubel believes that as we move into the future the demands faced by engineers will be ever greater and hence the dangers of making wrong decisions will also increase, if engineers are left to think autonomously.

  • Essay On Software Engineering

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    the impact that software engineers make on today’s current society. This report will cover The History and Beginning of software Engineers and what they do, to create what we never take the time to appreciate. While it seems like it’s an easy thing to do creating applications and testing them for public use, it can be very stressful and difficult and extremely time consuming. being called a software engineer is a controversial topic many people say that using the term engineer is being used as they

  • Reflective Essay On Work Experience

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    completed; as well as how much work and detail goes into every stage. Another valuable lesson I have learned during these 12 weeks, were the many different types of work an Engineer has to perform, which in turn, have provided me with more insight into the different types of roles and responsibilities that I could perform, as a Civil Engineer. Reflecting back to my first day at , it was one of the most memorable days of my time at work. After being introduced to everyone, I was handed a tender to work on

  • Engineering Ethics Essay

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    because they don 't care about rules from the very beginning. Therefore, from this perspective, as its biggest target, engineers who might defy engineering ethics will not be influenced by such notion. Considering this, I believe the appearance of engineering ethics is not to play the role of serious law that regulates the behaviour

  • Role Of A Chemical Engineer

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    of an engineer is not only to form the pathways to a more productive society by mending the practices of math, science and reason to do so. But to also protect society in every way possible. Every engineer as an unsworn duty to serve and safeguard any form of human life, not just people. The role of any qualified professional is to perform their job with only the intent of a positive outcome. Never cheating, lying or falsifying anything in the process. Stephanie Simon a chemical engineer faced

  • Singapore by author Mary Oliver

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    begin this paper by introducing you to two people who live among many others in this world. One is an Electrical Engineer and the other is a labourer . According to the world , there is alot of difference in these both . A lot of things vary among them. One is highly educated and the other is not. One works in an Air conditioned office where as the other works in burning sun. The engineer earns in hundreds of thousands where as the labourer earns in hundreds. But there is one thing in common in both