Church of God in Christ Essays

  • Bash Goppee/Ecclesiology Assignment

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    Question: How can one understand the Church to be holy? Christ established His Church and appointed Peter, the leader of His Church. The Church, organized and constituted as a society in this world subsists in the Catholic Church, (LG8). It is in the Church that all the means necessary for salvation is found and it is made available to all mankind. Christ is the Head of the Church; “His Mystical Body” who is forever present, although invisible within the Church; His grace flows out towards all throughout

  • Understanding and Trusting the Truth of Faith

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    of faith is trusting in God and standing firm in the faith and church, yet learning about what you affirm when talking about faith. The truth of faith can be confusing and hard to understand in varying points of the Christian faith. Typically, these confusions occur when the truth of faith does not line up with events, actions, or thoughts about what you wanted to believe the nature of the truth of faith is. My belief paper talked about how its hard to always trust that God is there in the hard times

  • Avery Dulles Models Of The Church

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    people pictured and tried to understand the church. Avery Dulles author of, “Models of the Church” was first published in 1974 revealing the missions in the church as models, in the terms of the Institution model, Communion model, Sacrament model, Herald model and the Servant model. All of the models are pretty crucial to the church but there are two that most stood out for me to talk about for the importance and unimportance of understanding the church. In this essay I will be summarizing the Herald

  • The Church Is Body Of Christ

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    The Church What Is the Church? The word "church" comes from the Greek "ekklesia" which means "gathering" This word used in New Testament 115 times. So many people come out from bad lives to come to God by born in Christ in Spirit of God, new birth in Lord Jesus Christ. Church in the Greek means, "the called out" JESUS IS THE HEAD OF HIS CHURCH! Ephesians 5:22;26. The Church is Body of Christ. We all believers Parts the Body of Christ So one Body Many Parts. The body is a unit through it is

  • Macquarie Reformed Baptist Church

    1257 Words  | 3 Pages

    BOOK III The CHURCH A Bit of Background The eldership at Macquarie Reformed Baptist Church were preaching on the subject of the church and using Ephesians as the main Bible text. The following is taken from sermon notes of a message preached on Sunday night the 19th of July 1975. The message was titled THE CHURCH. Preach about the people of God as viewed under the designation ekklesia or what is more familiar to your ears, ‘the church’. We hear much about ‘what are the marks of the church’ but very

  • Jesus: Sprit Baptism

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jesus is fully God and fully human at the same time. He is one person with two natures. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus reveals his divine nature through miracles. Jesus was fully human and fully divine on the outside and inside even though he appeared as human, unlike docestistic beliefs. Jesus died on the cross, a substitution for the unjust. Jesus was buried in the tomb and three days later rose again to sit at the right hand of God. Jesus will come again

  • Arguments Against The Catholic Church

    1960 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Catholic Church As God is all-wise, all-powerful, and all-perfect and He created the human soul to live forever. Because God created the soul to live forever one can draw the conclusion that this eternal life has to depend on God and through morals one can draw the conclusion that the eternal life depends on the human’s obedience to God. There are limits to what a human can know about God through reason alone. Because of this it is feasible to finish this thought that God would show more of

  • What Is The Church As A Sacrament?

    1044 Words  | 3 Pages

    The original Greek meaning for church is thing belonging to the Lord. However, the secular meaning describes the church as an assembly. Additionally, church in the Septuagint also represents an assembly or congregation. However, in the New Testament, the church described as a local Christian community or the Whole Christian community and sometimes it is represented by symbols (i.e., body, bride, temple, etc.). Moreover, in memory of the apostles the church is called Apostolic. It is apparent

  • The international church of christ

    1490 Words  | 3 Pages

    The International Church of Christ is a family of churches spread across 152 nations in the world. With its roots in the early 1970’s, it has spread so rapidly primarily because of its ambitions to have churches in every country, city, town, and village in the world to teach the lessons of God and optimize salvation for all. In 2008, there were 88,000 members and only 590 congregations; however, in 2013 there were reportedly 103,000 members in 650 international congregations. These hundreds of congregations

  • Matthew's Earthly Ministry

    2092 Words  | 5 Pages

    This essay seeks to draw out a comparison between the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus Christ in his Earthly ministry, and the church. As we go on, we will try to piece together an understanding of these terms in order to bring to light some clarity as to any relationship existing. The life of Jesus seems to be focused on this kingdom (Mt 4:17), yet Matthew does not define what he means by this. It is possible that Matthew does not feel he needs to define the kingdom as it was evident to the emerging

  • Reflection On The Resurrection Of Christ

    1614 Words  | 4 Pages

    First, we must worship God in song, testimony, praise and adoration. Worship keeps us focused on God. Prayer is a part of worship. In prayer, we communicate with God who supplies all of our needs. Worship, revitalizes and restores spiritual health and emotional balance. Secondly, Christ left the responsibility of sharing the gospel in the hands of His disciples. Jesus was clear that his disciples had a job to do ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples

  • Jesus Christ

    1337 Words  | 3 Pages

    of our Churches understanding of Christ is intriguing and exciting. This essay will explore the development of how the Church understood the person of Jesus Christ during the first five centuries, the challenges that were faced and the teachings that emerged, taking account of the varied currents of opposition and problems that were faced and solved by a multitude of thinkers. Jesus Christ is the source and the centre of the Church. We believe that Jesus Christ the Son Incarnate is the ‘way’ to

  • Blessed Issac Of Stella Analysis

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    rather than directly to God himself who is available to us at all time. Blessed Issac of Stella who lived from the early to mid-12th century expresses the reason for this situation in penance in his Sermon 11. Although he states initially in his sermon that is is God Because of the role of the Church as the Bride of Christ, the Bridegroom -- Christ Himself -- wishes to involve the Church, His Bride, in all His plans and remain as one. As humanity knows by doctrine, God is the one who grants us

  • Salvation And Salvation In Christianity

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    in the Bible (The Holy Bible: KJV). It is written in John 3:16 that “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” According to that verse, God loves us so much that he gave the life of his only Son so that we could obtain salvation from the sin and evil within the world. The verse also explains that by believing in God and that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins we can have life everlasting

  • Essay On 21st Century Church

    1739 Words  | 4 Pages

    The new millennium is a term that is used to describe the twenty-first century, and it is my humble opinion that though times have changed, the responsibility and role of the church has not changed. The role of the church and its members is to be the eyes, ears, arms, legs, hands, and feet of God. On a more personal note, having recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and living as cancer survivor, there are aspects of my life that have changed, but the awesome mission given to me by the Lord

  • Similarities Between Mormon And Mainstream Christianity

    1628 Words  | 4 Pages

    While Mormons claim to be Christians, many differences exist between The LDS Church and mainstream Christianity. Both faiths regard the Bible as Holy Scripture, share similar holidays, and have beliefs in common. However, differences between the Christian and Mormon faiths are not widely known. Some of the key disagreements are different Scriptures, differing views on the Trinity, contrasting sacraments and ordinances, and different ideas on Salvation and afterlife. Even though there are many similarities

  • Christianity In Ephesians 2

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    The church is not a dormant, stationary entity but it is a living organism that serves humanity by providing them with an opportunity to experience and encounter God. It is true that mankind is in desperate need of God, this condition is reflected in the depreciation of the morals and values of society. Man has forgotten to honor their creator, but God in His mercy has provided the church as an anchor for communities and families to find their way back to Him. The truest definition of what a church

  • Mormon Religion

    501 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church) was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith. It is believed that Joseph Smith was a prophet who saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in a vision. He was directed to rebuild the church that Christ had started while on Earth. Since the death of Joseph Smith, many prophets have follow is continuing the work of leading others to God through a relationship with Jesus Christ and also by living their lives through the teaching

  • Reflection About Jesus

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    About Christ… The mystery of the incarnation means that our humanity cannot comprehend the way Jesus Christ was fully divine and fully human. Within the person of Christ, there is a perfect union between two distinct essences, one is divine and one is human. For Christ to be the perfect human means he suffered and died, for Christ to be the perfect deity means he resurrected and conquered death for all. Christ, through the Spirit, is the way in which our humanity experiences the presence of God. We

  • The Importance Of The Modern Church Today

    1028 Words  | 3 Pages

    what the Church today should look like is in the New Testament. The Church is the defender of the truth. Just like the New Testament is warned against false teachings; we are urged to be aware of the lies around us. Believers must both individually and as a unite must seek Christ on any matters involving the truth (Hayes, 3). John told the believers to test the spirits to know how to recognize the Spirit of God. In 1 John 4:2-3 John tells us that “Every spirit recognizes that Jesus Christ has come