Children's museum Essays

  • Children's Museum of Tacoma

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    The Children’s Museum of Tacoma History and Life Cycle Examination The Children’s Museum of Tacoma, founded in 1985, has been a Tacoma icon for twenty-five years. Over the subsequent ten years, the Museum experienced successes in membership, attendance and funding. During its first ten years in existence, the Children’s Museum experienced an increased attendance, finally leading to the Fire Marshall enforcing capacity limits causing patrons to form waiting lines for entrance. In 1996, the Museum

  • Case Statement For The Children’s Museum Of Tacoma

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    Mission The Children’s Museum of Tacoma celebrates the power of play in the life-long journey of learning. We share the mission, vision and philosophy of Children’s Museums across the nation, museum’s that are changing standards and leading the implementation of informal learning in the development of the young child. The Children’s Museum of Tacoma positively influences the social, emotional and cognitive abilities of our Pierce County children, families and communities. Goals The Board gathered

  • Kidzu Children's Museum Reflection

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    Since covering health last Thursday in class, I have been keeping notes the ways I feel Kidzu Children’s Museum addresses the issue within our community. According to Dolgon and Baker (2011), community organizations are pivotal players in the “success of health education and a variety of wellness efforts directed toward youth.” I believe that Kidzu Children’s Museum’s innovative programming, which incorporates the idea of healthy minds and healthy bodies in a myriad of engaging and memorable ways

  • History: Linking To The Queensland Museum

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    Excursion report – History Following the Australian Curriculum History learning area, students attended an excursion to the Queensland Museum to learn more about how histories can be communicated through items, artefacts and photos. The Queensland Museum located in South Bank, Brisbane, offered students an insightful experience to explore, investigate and inquire about many things, including historical cultures. Originally the excursion was designed to introduce students to what an artefact is

  • Interactive Museum Experiences

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    Interactive Museum Experiences “I am Richard Nixon, president from 1969 to 1974. I was a lawyer and studied at Duke University Law. I died in 1994,” says Marjorie Cozzens, age 8 (Dooley, 2003, p. F4). The third grade class at Karigon Elementary School, of which Marjorie is a member, were preparing for the opening of their Presidential Wax Museum on Friday, March 7, 2003. Marjorie’s third grade teacher, Renee Bortolini has her class choose a president, learn about them, and on Friday, the

  • Perot Museum Essay

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    The museum was fabulous, that was my first visit and it preceded its reputation. I was impressed with the introduction to the entrance to the museum. Before I describe my experience at the museum, I must give kudos to my professor Ms. Narayan, who prepared the way for us to attend the museum. There was no hassle in the parking lot or no confusion at the designated meeting area, all was on point. For that I say thank you, Dr. Narayan. I drove up to the parking lot and all was taken care of, after

  • Interning At The Met: Personal Statement

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    Interning at The Met would allow me to pursue my passion for museum education at a higher level, accelerating my path toward a future career in museums. The first hand experience of interning in a specific department that aligns with my interests will help solidify my desire to pursue a degree in art history in college. I strive to learn as much as I can in all areas of my life. The process of studying heterogeneous topics encourages me to share my knowledge with others in unique ways. Working at

  • The Soul Of A Museum Research Paper

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    The soul of a museum is the essence of identity by which it is defined; it is that which makes a museum a museum. The museum has identifiable requisites without which it would not be a museum. By using creative methods of exhibition, interpretation, and education as well as effective methods of collection and conservation, the museum becomes an integral aspect and a valuable resource in society. There are unique distinctions between the museum and other cultural institutions. Although the basic requirements

  • Black American West Museum Analysis

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    The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent government agency that tallies the number and type of museums in this country. By their count, there are 35,000 active museums, this represents a doubling of the number estimated in the 1990s (Ingraham 2014). Colorado has around 200 museums and five dedicated to African Americans (Visit Denver, 2016). The Black American West Museum started in the barbershop of the founder, Paul W. Stewart, out of his love childhood love for “Cowboys

  • Joaquin Sorolla Research Paper

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    The Hispanic Society of America hoping to get a better understanding of how Hispanic culture has impacted art. There was a decent amount of art on display although I must say the museum was smaller than expected. The most impressive piece was Joaquin Sorolla vision of Spain a very beautiful display. I left this museum with a better understanding of how Hispanic culture impacted paintings, ceramic art, and literacy. Once I arrived at The Hispanic Society of America I learned that the Sorolla Room

  • Summary Of Nature Valley Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares

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    Examining excavated artifacts can tell researchers a lot about the people who left them behind. The artifacts can hint at characteristics such as how people lived, what time period they were from, what they ate, and how their families were structured. The identification of the three bags of artifacts was completed by utilizing artifacts that helped to infer the time period it was from. Bag one contained seven artifacts that were dug up in Missouri. The items included were a tab from a can, a

  • Brahman Sacrality And Aura In The Museum Summary

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    At has always been stored and preserved in museums, especially today to educate and entertain the major public however, there have been some critical issues with the display case of the ancient works argues Joan Brahman. Brahman states in her article “Sacrality and Aura in the Museum: Mute Objects and Articulate Space,” that when curators take ancient artifacts out of context the original meaning and function of the piece are nullified. For example, she quotes from Philip Fisher, “’Take the crucifix

  • The Pros And Cons Of Organizational Diversity

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    in a diverse environment causing detriment to the host organization. This scenario has also challenged art museum curating, where people of color have been isolated in particular institutions, different from their Caucasian counterparts in the U.S. (Simpson, 2015). This paper focuses on some rationale with regards to both minority and Caucasian individuals and the varied interests on art museum

  • Museum

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    I picked the Dallas Museum of Art because of their wide variety of different artwork. I loved the Museums vast collections of Modern art that I’ve really gotten into lately. Plus, this Museum brings different ideas and new cultures of different works of art that I’ve never really had the pleasure of experiencing. My time at the Dallas Museum of Art, was better than ever I got to spend it with my fiancée experiencing something beautiful, it was so exciting. The museum was very big and there was not

  • Essay On Natural History Museums

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    Dr. Staab BIO 1111-01 7 April 2014 Natural History Museums Funding for natural history museums and their work is very important; without natural history museums, the public would lack education about biology and the importance of it. There are natural history museums located all across the world and in some of the most well known cities. Some of these cities include New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and London. Natural history museums have many different exhibits that serve various purposes

  • The Couple in the Cage

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    reference Sara Baartman and the politics of exhibiting. Professor LaFleur in lecture on November 11 mentioned, “Museums were extremely powerful in shaping the way people saw the world” (Lecture 007). This same reasoning is why Fusco and Pena embark on this ethnographic journey. By displaying “A Savage Performance”, we see that they are subverting the past notions of ethnography. Ethnographic museums as the ones Sara Baartman was displayed in served a purpose and created a certain kind of discourse. “Discourse

  • Meaningful Symbols in the Rye by J.D Salinger

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    Cetchir on thi Ryi”, by J.D Selongir, os ebuat e buy nemid Huldin Cealfoild. Hi thonks thi edalt wurld os e banch uf “phunois.” Thi nuvil cunteons meny kiy symbuls thet hilp divilup thi nuvil, end tu hilp shuw Huldin Cealfoild’s puont uf voiw un thi wey hi siis thi wurld. Thrii uf thisi kiy symbuls oncladi: Huldin Cealfoild’s rid hantong het, thi dacks on thi Cintrel Perk leguun, end Thi Masiam uf Netarel Hostury. Oni uf thi must ompurtent end ricugnozebli symbuls on thi nuvil os Huldin Cealfoild’s

  • Possible museums

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    Museen1 (Possible Museums), which is dedicated to the development of museums for Modern and contemporary art. Together with different authors, we explored the potential of public museums for renewal and education as well as for (critical) reflection on social change by using ten examples from the past fifty years. In this connection, we took a particular interest in those historical moments in which changes that were previously unthinkable suddenly seemed possible. Hence potential museums are also conceivable

  • Digital Engagement

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    public. As stated by the executive director of Delaware Art Museum, "The goal of museum education, is pleasure through enlightenment" (Vergo, 1989). It is clear that the implementation of digital engagement encourages the general public to experience, enhances their enjoyment and be motivated to learn more. The digital engagement certainly breaks the boundaries of how knowledge traditionally defined, it changes the scope

  • Paris Persuasive Speech

    1612 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Louvre has quite the interesting past. It was not until 1793, that the Louvre officially opened as a Museum–when in fact the Louvre had been a royal palace for over two centuries. The palace was built by King Francis I in 1545. Francis was fascinated by art and held a vast collection. After Francis, the Louvre was passed into the hands of almost every French