Character Names Essays

  • Code Name Rudie Character Analysis

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    wrote Code Name Verity. Wein published the novel in 2012. “Achieving her private pilot's licence inspired Elizabeth to take her more recent novels in a new direction” (ElizabethWein, 2017). Wein writes Code Name Verity, set in WWII, to bring readers the knowledge of a captured Scottish Air Flight Officer in World War II, who is given a choice to reveal the plans of the British or face a horrendous execution. Code Name Verity is about how the Scottish Wireless Operator, with the code name Verity,

  • Etymology and Symbolism of Characters' Names in Catcher in the Rye

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    The Etymology and Symbolism of Characters' Names in Catcher in the Rye Catcher in the Rye's pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning. The

  • Character Names in Joseph Heler's Catch-22

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    Character Names in Joseph Heler's Catch-22 Many characters in Joseph Heler’s Catch-22 do not have proper names. Like the Texan, the soldier in white, and the soldier who saw everything twice, Nately’s whore’s kid sister does not have a specific birth name. This namelesnes forces the reader to question her identity, her characteristics, and her role in the work in relation to other characters. As Nately’s whore’s kid sister, she is at least two degres of separation away from a real name, a true

  • Code Name Dracula Character Analysis

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    Wein’s novel Code Name Verity. At first, we see nothing matters to the main character, Verity. If nothing matters why do anything at all? This is the question that Verity(Julia) wrestled with in the book Code Name Verity. The story follows the main character, a British spy by the code name of Verity, after she is captured by the Nazis during the war. Verity chronicles her stay in the hotel that is converted into a prison. She also uses the paper and pen that the Gestapo gave her in order to reveal

  • Plagiarism and the Internet

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    came under heavy fire. She was accused of stealing another female author’s ideas. It seems in the early 80’s this author published books about the character Larry Potter. Her character names were the same as those in the J. K. Rowling’s series. The differences between the characters in the two series were what the characters actually were. Nimbus is a name used in both series. Nimbus in the Harry Potter series is a broom, however in the other author’s series Nimbus was an actual being. So, there

  • Name Amanda Character Analysis

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    and origin of a name may help identify who we are as people, define character traits, and helps shape our personalities. The name Amanda not only originated from the Latin language as Amandus, but it was recreated by poets to mean “lovable, worthy of love", becoming popular in the nineteenth century (Meaning). Additionally, powerful, complete, independent and inquisitive are character traits that belong to the name Amanda, which relates to my personality. According to the website Name Meaning, “Many

  • By Another Name Character Analysis

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    In “A Work in Progress” by Aimee Mullins the main character is Aimee. As an infant she had both legs amputated below her knee, and at age five had a major surgery to correct the growth of her tibia. After the surgery, she was first put into a wheelchair, and her teacher called her a distraction and that she shouldn’t attend school anymore. She had struggled as a child with being in a wheelchair, but gets prosthetics when she gets older and decides she wants to become an Athlete. She becomes comfortable

  • My Name Is Red Character Analysis

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    and without paying serious attention,’ these letters that twitter elegantly as caught in gentle breeze convey the exact opposite message” (Pamuk 37). Esther is character that was just recently introduced. She delivers love letters and is sometimes considered a matchmaker. She is also a giaour because she is a Jewish peddler. Her character is important to the book because she delivers Shekure’s letter to Black about how she doesn't want him to come to her house anymore. Succumbing to her curiosity

  • The Importance of Dialect and Names in Kate Chopin's The Storm

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    The Importance of Dialect and Names in The Storm Kate Chopin is able to put life into her characters in her short story The Storm because she has lived a life similar to that of the people in it.  She was raised by her French Creole mother, which explains her ties to Creole in her story.  She married a wealth New Orleans cotton broker and in 1888 he died.  She was left with no money and six children so she turned to writing as a means to raise them.  The characters in her story depict life in the

  • Essay on Names in The Odyssey and The Bible

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    Importance of Names in The Odyssey and The Bible Two of the most widely studied ancient works are Homer’s Odyssey and the book of Genesis from the Bible.  Each of these texts provides a unique viewpoint of an early civilization.  In both of the texts, one can learn not only stories about great heroes, but also about the way that these peoples lived and what they believed.  Many interesting parallels can be drawn between the two developing societies shown in the Odyssey and the book of Genesis

  • Flannery O'Connor's Good Country People

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    the choice of names, almost to the point of being ironic and humorous. These names center around the personality and demeanor of the characters. Hulga, once known as Joy, simply changed her name because it was the ugliest she could think of. Mrs. Freeman's name is ironic because she is burdened by the land that she works, so is not really free. Mrs. Hopewell?s name is also ironic, because she trys to provide hope, but is in fact empty in her talk. Each one of these characters names, Hulga, Mrs

  • River Of Names

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    “River of Names'; is part of a collection of short stories in the book Trash published in 1988, written by Dorothy Allison. It is the basis for the later novel Bastard out of Carolina. In her powerful writing, Allison draws on her own harrowing childhood in 1950s Greenville, South Carolina: the stigma of growing up a bastard, the shame and pride she felt toward her family, and her association with her stepfather who beat and molested her. “In this story, “River of Names,'; Allison writes

  • Understanding Their Names And Culture

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    and try to create a combination between the two so that not only their parents are happy but so are they. Some children struggle with the names given to them by their parents because they are bullied for how weird their names sound or where it comes from. It is important for children to attempt to understand their names and culture because in most cultures names have a lot of value. In the film

  • Significance of Names in Flannery O’Conner’s Good Country People

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    Significance of Names in Flannery O’Conner’s Good Country People The story “Good Country People”, by Flannery O’Conner is a work that uses characterization in a new and interesting way to help shape and present the characters of this story. One of the main characters is Hulga Hopewell, also known as Joy Hopewell. This characters name plays a very ironic role in the story. Through the use of such a peculiar name O’Conner helps to develop and build the characteristics of Hulga. In the story

  • The Disdainful Use of Names in Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49

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    Disdainful Use of Names in Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49 While reading Pynchon’s, The Crying of Lot 49, I found myself fascinated with the names of the characters. I tried to analyze them and make them mean something, but it seems that Pynchon did not mean for the names to have a specific meaning. This deduction made me think about the satirical nature of the naming of the characters. Which led me to muse on the chaotic nature of the naming. The apparent disdain for the characters by their naming

  • Symbolic Animal Portrayals in Literature

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    The animals in Yellow Wallpaper, Chrysanthemums, and Boys and Girls represents the characters and their characteristics. In Yellow Wallpaper John’s wife has postpartum depression. John is her physician but he doesn’t let her go out or do anything. She sits in a room that she hates and eventually escapes. Chrysanthemums is about a girl named Elisa and she loves to grow chrysanthemums. She meets this guy who is on the road all the time and he lives off of fixing broken pots and pans. Boys and Girls

  • paper

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    advertising campaigns. Picture 5. “Wordplay in advertisements by Maybelline New York”. (Source: Product, and brand naming When developing the name of the company, there are many requirements to be met by entrepreneurs to achieve success with a trademark. Names like Coca-Cola, Google, Snickers, Nike, Yahoo, and many other worldwide known brands may serve an example for the future merchandisers that the coinage is the core ele... ... middle of paper

  • Strangers In A Strange Land: Code Name Maris

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    Strangers in a Strange Land: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein Code Name Verity is a story about friendship, loyalty, and alienation. It is inspiring and easy to relate to. From the characters we learn how to persevere in a culture where people define others based on religion, looks, hobbies, and much more. Code Name Verity teaches that “There’s glory and honour in being chosen. But not much room for free will.”(Wein 140). Like Maddie and Julie, the narrators of Code Name Verity, we often have to defy

  • A Room With A View Windy Corne

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    EXPLORE THE CONTRAST BETWEEN WINDY CORNER AND MRS VYSE’S ‘WELL APPOINTED FLAT.’ HOW DOES OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THESE ENVIRONMENTS PREPARE US FOR THE CONFLICT IN THE NOVEL. The first comparison to be drawn between the two environs is of their names. This is the first piece of information the reader is given, and is therefore of significance, as they have different connotations. “Windy Corner” has links to nature and the weather due to the word ‘windy.’ It implies change and movement-which is definitely

  • Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time

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    (Piercy, 37).  Ironically, this ascent toward knowledge and the future is not forward, nor is it linear.  Rather, it is circular and backward.  Piercy uses the names of her characters as well as the “common” language of Mattapoisett to examine the direction of the future. Names are emphasized and are of great importance to the novel.  Names like Luciente and Orion create a heavenly or cosmic tone of the novel. Luciente is Connie’s guide from the future.  She is the light that leads Connie through