Cassie Bernall Essays

  • she said yes

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    I read "She Said Yes" by Misty Bernall. The publishing company is The Plough Publishing House, and it is 140 pages long. Cassie Bernall, a 17 year old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in god. She said yes. Its a story of growing up in the 90’s, of peer pressure, adolescents, turmoil, and the role parents play; a story of tough choices and the battle between

  • Christian Teens

    1930 Words  | 4 Pages

    sense of sin. They killed innocent people, one of whom was Cassie Bernall, a devout Christian. When a Columbine gunman asked Cassie Bernall if she believed in God, she allegedly replied, “Yes, and you should too.” Moments after hearing this reply, one of the gunmen put the gun to he head and took her life. Such a strong testament of her faith in Christ cost young Bernall her life (58). Because of this strong commitment, many consider Bernall a martyr of sorts, and say that she is a testament to their

  • Cassie Talaga

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    Cassie, Do you honestly think I have no right to be angry or frustrated? For the past 3 frickin' years, I've stayed up all nights some nights thinking about you and us; and, working my ass off to show you that, though there's distance between us, that you can bet your life that my love is there and strong for you. I know what you feel when you say that you need someone and something to touch. I've finally gotten in touch with you in a way that I can hear your voice. Just as I was saying in my last

  • Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    lessons they need to be successful in life. First, the Logan children; Stacey, Cassie, Little Man, and Christopher-John, learn to be persistent and determined. Next, the children acquire the knowledge of caring for each other. Last, they become able to stand up for what they believe in. An example when the Logans teach their children strong work ethnic occurs when Papa explains the importance of owning their land. Cassie considers her father's words as she thinks: For it he would work a long

  • Analysis Of The Book 'The Secret Circle'

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    Circle Book 3 By: LJ Smith Explain how Cassie- the protagonist- goes from being a meek mouse to becoming a strong and capable leader, despite her own self-doubt. In the beginning of The Secret Circle series, Cassie is skittish about everything. Cassie hides in her shell constantly, which causes her to get herself into trouble. The first time Cassie and Adam see each other in New Salem they kiss each other. Because Adam is dating Diana, Cassie’s closest friend, Cassie feels the need to keep their kiss

  • The Secret Goldfish

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    Michael Alliant’s secret goldfish had never been a secret. The incident happened long ago, but nobody ever seemed to remember. Except for Michael. After all these years, every piece of the pain was carved in his memory, as if he was always there, always making the mistake. He was eleven, an appropriate age to start to learn things. It all started with an early evening of September, on the day Michael bought his favorite pet, a goldfish. It was nothing special as a common goldfish: dark eyes

  • Incest in Kings Row

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    they can be easily forgotten under the thick melodrama that sweeps you into the storyline. Perhaps the most disturbing character to me was Dr. Tower. I mean, really, who is this guy? From the beginning I could detect a kind of strange dynamic between Cassie and her father. After she and Parris swim together as children, she says that if her father finds out she's been swimming with Parris, he would "take a switch" to her. At first I thought maybe he was strict about her coming straight home from school

  • Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

    879 Words  | 2 Pages

    loyalty, honesty, friendship, personal integrity and respect for others. Although Jeremy Simms and TJ Avery are fairly minor people in the book, their characters are used to inforce and strengthen the themes of the novel. We first meet TJ Avery when Cassie, Stacey, Little Man and Christopher-John are walking to school. Right from the very start we find out that none of them actually likes TJ, except for Stacey. The reader sees that he is a liar, a cheat and a coward. He is ashamed of being black and

  • Personal Reflection: Volunteering To Help The Community

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    During this class I have accomplished many things when it has come to my learning. I have learned how to handle different situations and handle them differently; therefore relationships do not end poorly. I have learned how look at things from a different point of view and realize that not everyone goes through the same dilemmas everyone else goes through. With this class servicing learning has a whole different explanation to me. It use to mean donating your time and services to help someone in

  • Roddy Doyles Paddy Clark: No More Laughing For Paddy

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    Roddy Doyle's Paddy Clark: No More Laughing for Paddy Yer Name Here Poetry/Fiction Paddy Clarke Roddy Doyle's Paddy Clarke HA HA HA was a beautifully written book. It perfectly captures the mind of a ten year old boy in Ireland during the mid- 1960's. Paddy Clarke, the young boy who Doyle uses to enter the mind of a ten year old, is a boy who most can relate to. The book explores most aspects of life through the eyes of Paddy. Doyle takes us through childhood and childhood's end. Doyle is able

  • Dave Cullen's Columbine Themes

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    The book Columbine tells the true story of two small-town boys who made a very bad decision, and how their community chooses to recover from their crimes and the losses of their friends, children, and neighbors. Although it is a nonfiction book, there are still many themes present that play not only a large role in the book, but also in life itself. The main theme in the book Columbine, by Dave Cullen, is that one should never judge a book by its cover. The minds of these killers prove to be nothing

  • Jesus Freaks

    1194 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jesus Freaks Where was God on April 20, 1999 when thirteen innocent people were murdered? (Destiny Ministries 5) Cassie Bernall is a martyr for today's teenagers due to the Columbine Massacre. What exactly is a martyr? The Columbine Massacre shook the whole nation because of the students that killed their own colleagues. Cassie Bernall was a girl that stood up for her belief in God when one of the murderers held a gun to her head. A martyr is a person that defends a principle, even though

  • Desert Exile By Yoshiko Uchida

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    From the many non-fiction texts there are, Desert Exile is the next piece to be featured in describing the importance of family. In the reading of Desert Exile, Yoshiko Uchida, the author, talks about what life was like for the Japanese-Americans during World War II. They were taken into internment camps and forced to live in livestock stalls. In the text, Yoshiko Uchida talks about what the weather and how they stuck together when she says, “Shivering in the cold, we pressed close together trying

  • Malala Yousafzai Argumentative Essay

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    Everybody has doubted and had fear in themselves at least once in their life life-time. When someone shows no doubt and no fear that is when they have faith and believe in themselves. The dictionary states that the word faith is used as a noun, it defines that Faith is ¨confidence or trust in a person or a thing” it also states that it is a “belief that is not based on proof”. Common synonyms used for faith include ¨belief¨, “truth”, “confidence”, and “acceptance”. The opposite of faith is not doubt

  • School Shooting Persuasive Speech

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    as I’ve done everyday for the last eleven years. “Bye mom, I love you” “Love you too Mckynlee,” she mumbled back. (Bernall 11) I grab my bags from the backseat of my car and head inside the school.

  • Cause And Effects Of The Columbine Shootings

    856 Words  | 2 Pages

    in school, Klebold and Harris would both be exposed to ideas of faith and perhaps would have a better understanding of their peers and what they believed. Instead, they carried resentment for the people of faith at Columbine High, most notably Cassie Bernall whom when Harris asked if she was a Christian and believed in God answered “Yes”. Harris killed her solely on the premise of her belief in Jesus. In Elliot Aronson’s article, How the Columbine High School Tragedy Could Have Been Prevented, he

  • 188 Shots, 2 Assassins, and a Lasting Impact on American History

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    One ubiquitous concern of parents is that of their child’s safety. Parents go through life making decisions that they hope will benefit the child. One of the decisions parents must make for their child is where he or she will attend school. School is meant to be a safe haven, a place in which a child is encouraged to grow and prosper. Tragedy strikes, however, when that safe place is twisted and morphed into a place of fear and anguish. This was the shocking reality for parents of high school students

  • Preventable Tragedy: Overlooked Warning Signs in the Columbine Shooting

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    On “April 20, 1999”, Littleton, Colorado was forever changed (Larkin 4). Students of Columbine High School, Eric Harris, eighteen, and Dylan Klebold, seventeen, opened fire in the school at 11:19 a.m. (Larkin 4). Thirteen people were killed and more than twenty others were injured (“Columbine High School Shooting” 1). “The crime was the worst high school shooting in U.S. history” (1). The Columbine Shooting was one of the most violent and tragic shootings that could have possibly been prevented if

  • Compare And Contrast Harris Vs Klebold

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    April twentieth, 1999 was just another Tuesday for many people. But for the students attending Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado it was the day that two of their classmates opened fire on them. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, seniors at Columbine High School, murdered twelve students and one teacher and injured twenty-four others. After executing their plan, the two committed suicide. These two teenagers conducted, “the deadliest high school shooting in US history.” Eric Harris and Dylan

  • Differences And Similarities Between Harris And Dylan Klebold

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    The deadliest school shooting in the United States history took place on April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia. The two teenage mass-murderers killed twelve people including students and one teacher and wounded about twenty other people. The shooting started around 11:19 a.m. when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold began shooting students outside of the Columbine High School. They moved inside and into the library killing most of their victims here. By 11:35 a.m. all of their victims