Personal Reflection: Volunteering To Help The Community

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During this class I have accomplished many things when it has come to my learning. I have learned how to handle different situations and handle them differently; therefore relationships do not end poorly. I have learned how look at things from a different point of view and realize that not everyone goes through the same dilemmas everyone else goes through. With this class servicing learning has a whole different explanation to me. It use to mean donating your time and services to help someone in need. Now my definition is also that but with a little more added on. Service learning to me is volunteering to help the community, while volunteering people are learning new things which better their lives from experience. With having a new meaning …show more content…

It was not being rude, but that I have never been in that type of situation before. I was never around someone who had been homeless or needed support. At one point in my life I thought that everyone had the same amount of support as I did. I do not think that way anymore. I went in there with a bad perception in my mind about which these people were that were coming for help. One thing I wished I could have done better was have an open mind about what I was going into. At the end of my experience I was introduced to amazing people that were just going through a rough patch. Some of the people that go through those doors had amazing stories to tell, and they were just like everyone …show more content…

I did not talk to many people unless they talked to me. Thinking about that now was horrible, but after awhile I started to warm up to everyone. This experience made me think about how we learned that perception can affect your communication. Another time that fit into what I learned was when the man was getting upset about not being served again. While all of that was happening tried calming him down and explaining why we could not do that anymore. Using my words and instead of instigating the situation I helped calm him down. This reminded me of using helpful approaches to solve this conflict. With doing this and solving my conflict and checking my attitude, I would like to think my performance was around a seven out of ten. This fit perfectly with my experience I had with volunteering at The Denver Rescue Mission. In conclusion, doing this service learning taught me many different things. First, I should not go into any situation with a bad attitude because I do not know what the outcome will be. Second, when things turn bad, even for a little second, calm down the situation and try not to instigate anything. And lastly, volunteering and learning new things about other people’ lives has really mad me see how some people can get through anything. This experience from volunteering at the Denver Rescue Mission was a great thing and

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