California Proposition 13 Essays

  • Prop 13

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    “Golden Moment” in California took place in the mid twentieth century. During the governorship of Pat Brown, a Master Plan for higher education was adopted. This plan passed in 1960, it created a three tier system and aimed at providing universal access to higher education for all Californians. It was an innovative system that brought prestige to the state and helped manage the needs of the rapidly growing state population. The growth in population was fueled by the idea that California was the land of

  • Paradise Lost

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    Peter Schrag presents the ills of California?fs current politics in an angry and persuasive tone. He says California used to be ?gboth model and magnet for the nation—in its economic opportunities, its social outlook, and its high-quality public services and institutes?h; however, California started to fade after the passage of Proposition 13, the initiative of tax limits (7). Schrag?fs work clearly shows what is the problem in today?fs California, and it is easy to understand even for those who

  • The Pros And Cons Of A Cage-Free System

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    The Huffington Post article “McDonald’s Plans To Switch To Cage-Free Eggs” addresses McDonald’s plans to complete the transition to cage-free eggs in the U.S. and Canada by 2025.1 The article not only raises concern about cage-free eggs, but also discusses whether hens should be bred in the cage-free system or in the conventional battery cage system. In this essay, I will discuss the cage-free system in two aspects. On one hand, it is morally right to switch to the cage-free system to protect animal

  • California's Promise

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    1960’s California experienced reverence through the reputation of being a promising great state. The increasing population as well as the massive publicity, contributed in highlighting this notion. However, in 2011, California no longer holds the same reputation in the eyes of its residents. With a current state deficit of $25.4 Billion, many Californians believe that the state is hopeless and can no longer regain to its past stardom. Famed Historian, Kevin Starr argues that California has lost

  • The Impact of California's Proposition 13

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    The Impact of California's Proposition 13 California's Proposition 13 had a big impact on American government and public policy because it put to vote the reduction of property taxes. This Proposition had a great impact as it swept the county and made headlines in newspapers around the world. People used this initiative process to gain a greater control over their lives. The California taxpayers stood up and said no more to excessive taxes because they were tired of out of control property

  • Municipal Budgeting and Revenue

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    of the budget. Bibliography Allan, Ian J., Revenue Collection Administration, A Guide for Smaller Governments. Chicago: Government Finance Officers Association, 1993. League of California Cities, California Municipal Revenue Sources Handbook. Sacramento: League of CA Cities, 1995. League of California Cities, Financing Cities. Sacramento:, 2000. Lehan, Edward A., Simplified Governmental Budgeting. Chicago: Municipal Finance Officers Association of the US and Canada

  • Sueños Americanos Summary

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    Negotiating Social and Cultural Identities, Julio Cammarota studies Latina/o youth who live in El Pueblo, and talks about how Proposition 187, the anti-immigrant law, is affecting Latina/o youth in California (Cammarota, 2008, p. 3). In this book review, I will write about the two main points the author is trying to get across. The two main points I will be writing about are how Proposition 187 is affecting the Latina/o community, and about how Latina/o youth are copping in the El Pueblo barrio. Afterward

  • Why Affirmative Action Should Be Eliminated

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    ” N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “Proposition 209.” The California Online Voter Guide.” California Voter Foundation, 1996. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Resmovits, Joy. “Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin Ruling Leaves Universities in Limbo.” The Huffington Post., 24 June 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Starkman, Ruth. “Confessions of an Application Reader: Lifting the Veil on the Holistic Process at the University of California, Berkeley.” The New York Times. Arthur

  • California Education System

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    Low-income neighborhoods in California are consistently known for falling behind in test scores, graduation rates, and most recently highlighted by the press: college enrollment. For decades a variety of solutions have been proposed to come up with a solution based off the belief that equal opportunity in this nation can only be determined by how hard an individual works towards success. Public school’s finances in California come from federal, state, and local levels. Many federal and state funds

  • Balancing Inequality

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    The California public school system is failing in educating children state-wide. One of the most difficult problems is budget, which affects tremendously children in poor areas. Children from these areas should have equal access to resources, programs and opportunities as those from more propitious communities. In order to close the gap of inequality, we all need to change the way California school system’s funding is allocated and put into use. First, we must increase the income tax of the richest

  • Sense and Nonsense about Crime and Drugs by Samuel Walker

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    author of Sense and Nonsense about Crime and Drugs, presented us in his book with forty-eight propositions that dealt with crime, drugs, and our efforts toward getting rid of these problems. A few of these propositions informed us on positive actions taking place in our criminal justice system, but the majority of them told us what was not working to fight crime and drugs. One of those propositions that was a negative aspect of our justice system today in Mr. Walker's eyes was the "three strikes

  • Analysis Of The Stick Up Kid

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    effects that can occur in terms of both manifest and latent functions. The video is about the story of Alonza Thomas Jr, who was one of the first people in California to be tried as an adult for his crimes, despite him being a minor. Proposition 21, which made it easier to charge minors as adults for specific violent crimes, had been passed in California months before Alonza committed his crime. Alonza attempted to rob a convenience mart when he was only 15 years of age, and even though his attempt was

  • Bilingual Education in Public Schools

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    Bilingual Education in Public Schools For the past thirty years in the State of California, bilingual education has been undertaken by all the public schools of the state. Under such system, children of non-American ethnic have had a special treatment in their early academic career. Children of minority groups have been thought various subjects in their native tongues. Such subjects are Math, History and some Science classes. The bilingual program presented the student a scholastic curriculum

  • American Dream In The 1970s Research Paper

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    Nethaniel Tuyen Ms. Cooney English 9 13 April 2018 The American Dream Essay The American Dream in the 1970s is not successful due to issues such as social events that are occurring. By example in the 1970s the American Dream was about having a happy free life and having equality. Based on social, economic and political evidence ,The American Dream in the 1970s was to gain the rights and equality of the citizens. “Movements of anti-war, civil and animal rights, and hippie culture were happening

  • Short Term Limits Essay

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    Stafford High School Term limits control how politicians work and how they view their job Christian Werner Carrara ECE Political Science Mr. Shearer Most people have known about the more recent constitutional amendment that deals with term limits. The 22nd amendment prohibits the President of the United States from being elected more than two terms (22nd Amendment 1). This amendment was made in response to the reelection of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt was reelected, for

  • Threats Of Community College Essay

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    to a university, and use the knowledge they gain to enter the labor force or promote within their current occupation. According to Austin (2009), there are 1,200 community colleges in the United States and approximately 112 community colleges in California. One of the primary benefits with taking your undergraduate courses at a community college is the savings in tuition compared to taking the same courses at a university. According to Bers and Head (2014), “every aspect of a community college has

  • Marriage Is a Commitment and Legal Contract Between Same Sexes Too

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    Same Sex Marriage Marriage is a commitment between two individuals. The definitions for commitment differ from cultures to cultures, but in America, marriage and commitment means that it is a contract and binding between two people together providing them with benefits. The question that is raise in America today is that is whether or not these rights to these benefits and commitment should be extended to the people of the same sex. This topic in widely debated in many countries not only in America

  • Relationship Between State and Local Government

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    Forms of Local Government The basis for county, city and special district governing and authority are laid out in the State Constitution and Government Code. Counties in California are responsible for providing limited services to unincorporated areas. The state Legislature created the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) in 1963 to control local government fragmentation. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) gives counties the power to tax, create special districts and annex unincorporated

  • Affordable Housing Proposal

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    These include the passage of Proposition 13 and the realignment of local government funds, which has advocated for local governments to pursue retail and business establishment over residential development. Two, the increased usage of exactions like impact fees has contributed to the existing affordable housing crisis. In order to close the financial gap caused by Proposition 13, local cities began using exactions, regulations and fees increasingly. Because

  • Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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    for overturned bans on gay marriages. (36 States with Gay Marriage) Massachusetts was the first of the fifty states to legalize same-sex marriage. 37 states had neither a ban nor legalization of gay marriage in 1995 while 13 had at least a statutory ban on it. In 1999, California passed a law allowing same-sex partners to register as domestic partners and a decision from Vermont, entitling