Bette Midler Essays

  • The Rose - Janis Joplin and the Lonely Sixties

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    The Rose - Janis Joplin and the Lonely Sixties [1] What is it about the Sixties that still linger in the minds of the American population forty years later? For many the Sixties was a time of liberation, a time of true freedom, but it was also a time of struggle and oppression. This was a decade that prided itself on overcoming obstacles of race, gender, and even sexuality. The Sixties was an experience that many people wish they could relive, and other survivors of the decade refuse to

  • Friendship Forever in Beaches

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    Beaches is a movie about best friends, C.C. Bloom (Bette Midler) and Hillary Whitney (Barbara Hershey) meet for the first time under the boardwalk at the age of 11-years-old. Bloom grew up in the Bronx of New York City with very little money and the belief that one day she would be rich and famous. Whitney came from money living in Appleton, California where she dreamed of one day not having to follow all her high society rules and of being free to make choices and decisions on her own. The two girls

  • Representation of Women in Films

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    Representation of Women in Films In different sources women are represented in different ways. Films show different cultures. Women in the 50's and women in the 60's and 70's are seen in different lights. It was only until the 70's that women were seen more as independent. There are also many differences in the way women are seen in Great Britain and U.S.A. Different sources such as film posters, still images and films will be studied and compared to show the varieties of cultural diversity

  • Katharine Hepburn

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Katharine Hepburn Graceful, charming, hilarious, self-confident, hard-working, determined, outrageous; Katharine Hepburn has been gathering adjectives for years, adding them to her image with carelessness and calculation. In an era of changing roles for women, Katharine Hepburn was able to use her influence on the American film to stand out as an early role model of the modern American woman. She had the essence of the successful adventuress: no mater the challenge, she survived in tact with

  • Mary Orr's All About Eve

    1863 Words  | 4 Pages

    another movie. Because she was the only available actress that could play the part well, Mankiewicz selected Bette Davis as the new Margo. Bette Davis was perfect for the role. Bette Davis, like Margo her onscreen character, was a 40 year old actress who was insecure about her role in filmography due to her age. It was a common perception that women over 40 could not survive in the industry, and Bette Davis felt the same. The parallel

  • Of Human Bondage By William Somerset Maugham Summary

    1712 Words  | 4 Pages

    William Somerset Maugham By looking at Of Human Bondage, one can see that William Somerset Maugham included themes of relationships and life patterns because they played a major role in his life. He took his life experiences and put them into his books. This made him very successful, but he still seemed to have trouble finding his place in society. Both Maugham and his characters had personal struggles with family and themselves and that is what makes his books so good for all ages of readers to

  • Gypsy Rose Lee Essay

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    What is critically known as the best American musical, Gypsy provides American musical theatregoers with dynamic characters, a captivating story and extraordinary music. Gypsy is an American musical that is based on the self-written book, “The Memoirs of ‘Gypsy Rose Lee’”. It is often referred to as, Gypsy: A Musical Fable. The musical made its debut on May 21, 1959 at The Broadway Theatre in Manhattan. The characters have been subject to many in depth analysis throughout its lifetime, adding a lot

  • Celebrity V. Fullback Steak House Summary

    3200 Words  | 7 Pages

    Although there is no binding authority regarding voice under SEC 51, there are several cases that discuss the right to protect voice as a right to publicity. MIDLER V. FORD MOCO is one of the earliest cases dealing with sound-alikes. Bette Midler, a nationally known singer and actress, was approached by Ford Motor Company in hopes that she would agree to sing her song “Do You Want to Dance” from her 1973 album “The Divine Miss M” in a commercial that

  • Christina Aguilera Research Paper

    621 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cohen read a question about Pink's supposed online dispute with the reality television star that involved actress Bette Midler. “When you tweeted women using their brains not their body for attention, were you trying to throw some shade at Kim Kardashian or was that people on Twitter jumping to conclusions?” The backstory involves Midler appearing to take a swipe at Kim's viral raunchy post after social media users blasted the naked post last March. Kim returned fire at the

  • Kim Kardashian Research Paper

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    How often do you see a group of friends taking a selfie at amusement parks, concerts or anywhere in public? This happens on a daily basis nowadays. According to Courtney Seiter, nearly 300 million Instagram photos had been tagged with the selfie label in 2015(The Psychology of Selfies: Why We Love Taking and Viewing Photos of Faces). In other words, this new selfie era has become so integrated in our culture that selfies are a normal action. The main appeal to selfies is the ability to exert a greater

  • Film Analysis: Hocus Pocus

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hocus Pocus is a 1993 film directed by Kenny Ortega. It is a very enjoyable movie with a good cast. The movie genre is comedy, horror, and fantasy. The film is based on a story about Garris and David Kirchner. And it is starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker. The story follows the villainous trio of witches, who are inadvertently resurrected by a teenage male virgin. It takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. The three witches are being punished for their witchcraft in 1693 as

  • Al Jarreau is an Incredible Singer at Any Age

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    Expect world-renowned jazz singer Al Jarreau to perform his funky fresh tunes with no less vocal skill than in his younger years. Despite his age, Al has retained his credibility as a singer and performer. He incorporates several genres into his jazz including R&B, scat, funk and soul. He’s just as an impressive scat singer as ever, improvising with his nonsense syllables with eloquence- each syllable enhancing whatever the orchestra or sextet are playing in the background. Some of his scats, like

  • Bunny Briggs's Carvel Ice Cream

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    Just a few weeks ago we lost a great legend in tap history, Bunny Briggs. It all started when Briggs was three years old and his mom took him to watch his Aunt Gladys as a chorus girl at the Lincoln Theatre. Bunny was mesmerized when Bill “Bojangles” Robinson performed; his inspiration to become a tap dancer. Bunny picked up his tap dance on the streets in his neighborhood and he and a few others were formed into a youngsters dance group named Porkchops, Navy, Rice, and Beans that performed around

  • Lucille Ball

    1155 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lucille Ball 	Lucille Ball has made significant and positive contributions to the country with her comedy. Many consider her America's best female actress. Kathleen Brady, in fact, says, "Lucille Ball is one of the greatest performing artists America has produced" (ix). Throughout her career, Ball has not only been a comedienne, but also a superb businesswoman, an excellent role model, and has won numerous awards. 	Lucille Ball's major contribution has been as a comedienne. Not only was she

  • Technology Analysis: Spotify and the Music Industry

    3195 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction It’s probably not feasible to avoid streaming music services nowadays. Every smart phone on the market is able to operate numerous music streaming applications, ranging from radio-style streaming, on-demand streaming, and even cloud-streaming. Smart TVs come equipped with Spotify, Pandora, or Rdio. AT&T partners with Beats music to offer a unique on-demand music streaming service with playlists complied by DJs. It seams that with the advent of Wifi hotspots and high-speed mobile Internet

  • I've Lost My Faith in Organized Religion

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    I've Lost My Faith in Organized Religion When I was four years old, I used to stand on top of the pews and sing my heart out. I had what my mother still refers to as "a heart for Jesus," and I loved to sing. I sang so loudly and with so much enthusiasm that I was an embarrassment to my incredibly introverted parents and a "blessing" to the adults around me. I loved church. From belting "Father Abraham" to watching Gospel Bill videos to coloring pictures of David and Goliath, it was endless

  • The History Of Radio City Music Hall

    2092 Words  | 5 Pages

    A young girl steps out of a yellow cab with a sparkle in her eye. As she looks up, she sees the biggest and brightest marquee hovering over Sixth Avenue, on the corner of Fiftieth Street. Wearing her finest red dress and paten strapped shoes, she grabs her mother’s hand and smiles with excitement. Walking into the largest indoor theatre in the world, this young girl is about to experience a spectacular like she has never seen before. New York City has forever marked the heart of this seven-year-old