Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008 Essays

  • The Benefits of Funding the Arts

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    well. With 34,000 soldiers coming back from Afghanistan as proposed by Barack Obama, there are many who consequently have mental disabilities or post-traumatic stress disorder. To cope with depression, or other symptoms, many doctors have used art programs... ... middle of paper ... ...d for D.C. museums, not for NEA and arts grants” Retrieved April 20, 2014, from

  • Donald Trump Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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    The Presidential Rhetoric of Barack Obama and Donald Trump A president’s ability to convey his message to the people is vital to his success. President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump have both used their speeches, social media, and interactions with the media to connect with their bases and respond to current events; however, the rhetorical styles they use to do these things are vastly different. During their campaigns, Trump and Obama used power rhetoric to help them succeed in their respective

  • Essay On Political Campaigns

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    Political campaigns in the 21st Century have changed over the past years, especially because of the growing presence that social media platforms have received in the everyday life of society. But what are political campaigns? - Political campaigns are organized efforts that seek to influence the decision making process inside a country. Political campaigns in democracies mostly refer to the electoral process where representatives are chosen by the society (Unknown). How political campaigns have been

  • Social Media In Presidential Elections

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    comes to presidential elections, many don’t take into consideration how much a simple factor can make a huge impact on the candidates votes. Simple things from the attire the candidates are sporting effect the voters’ opinion. Social media has changed the elections in a drastic way. Its has made it easier for anyone in America to be up to date on politics and any other important information. Social media linked Obama and his voters in 2012 election, which allow him to promote his campaign to his supporters

  • Barack Obama

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    President of the United States February 10, 2007, Obama announced his presidential candidacy at a rally in front of the Old State House in Springfield, Illinois, which was where Abraham Lincoln had given his famous "house divided" speech. The Obama campaign received a great huge amount of support from organizations, volunteers, and donors. Barack Obama was running against former first Lady Hillary Clinton wife of former president Bill Clinton. The Obama campaign developed a strategy for winning the Democratic

  • The Influence Of Social Media On Presidential Campaigns

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    during the presidential campaigns, to reach audiences and convince the masses to vote for the running candidate. (Anon., 2013) states that “many candidates and their staffs believe that the media should be used mainly to promote and advertise campaigns, What media did they use and how they used it? 1. Social media The number of people using social media is much swelled, thus the candidates saw a huge opportunity to rally voters. Social media has become a power tool not only for official campaign teams

  • Barack Obama Research Paper

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    A Man of Greatness Greatness isnt given very often to too many people. Barack Obama was a man of class, a loving father, and a trustworthy president. Growing up with only a mother in Obama's life he still stood ten toes down and worked hard to his greatest potential. “As one of only three black students at the school, Obama became conscious of racism and what it meant to be African-American” (“Barack Obama.” He displayed a strong mind by being different than everyone, but he strived

  • America's First Black President

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    their own? African Americans were viewed as less dominate people and have been discriminated because of the color of their skin. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected President of the United States making him the first black president ever. In this paper, I will discuss how Barack makes a change and if America can accept him as our first black president. Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii. He is of mixed parentage: his father, a black African born in Kenya, while his mother

  • An Analysis of the Rhetorical Elements of Political Campaign Advertisements

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    during election season; this is after all the most effective way to spread a message to millions of voters in order to gain their support. The presidential election of 2008 was not the exception; candidates and interest groups spent 2.6 billion dollars on advertising that year from which 2 billion were used exclusively for broadcast television (Seelye 2008.) Although the effectiveness of these advertisements is relatively small compared to the money spent on them (Liasson 2012), it is important for

  • Michelle Obama, The Ordinary World

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    Michelle Obama Information about her Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American lawyer and writer, she was born on 17th January 1964, Chicago, Illinois, United States. Michelle Obama is the former First Lady of the United States from 2009-2017. She is married to the 44th President of the United States, being Barack Obama. Michelle is also the first African-American First Lady; Michelle has also written 8 books as a writer and is currently worth $11.8million, according to Celebrity Net Worth

  • Celebrity Politics Essay

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    television personalities have into larger than life figures. With this much power and influence what would happen if more celebrities used their platform to influence the outcome of presidential elections. This brings me to my question "Do celebrity endorsements of major party candidates have an affect on U.S. Presidential elections"? I feel that this is an important question because celebrities have the opportunity to use their platform to influence major elections. My dependent variable is whether

  • Rhetorical Analysis: A More Perfect Union

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    backward. Regarding such a topic, President Obama, the first black U.S. president, presented a speech titled A More Perfect Union in 2008. This speech talks about the racial issues in the U.S. from the Civil Rights Movement to the current day. It caused much controversy for Obama when he eventually ran for president, nonetheless, it became his most famous

  • Race In Barack Obama

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    Barak Obama is the 44th president of the United States and also the1st black man to hold this position. He has emerged from a society of segregation to become one of the greatest leaders of the free world. He has followed in the footsteps of many great black leaders including Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These freedom fighters have paved the way for the emergence of African Americans as leaders. Martin Luther King Jr. was a fore runner in the passing of the voting rights act of 1965 which

  • Social Media and the Presidency

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    In this paper, I consider the growing role of social media in presidential politics during the current era. The research questions the extent of the political impact of social media on the president and his communication with the public. It is necessary thus to examine the properties that make social media an attractive tool to use, the different ways the president interacts with social media, and both benefits and limitations of using social media as a platform for communication. As a result, it

  • Money's Influence in Presidential Elections

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    reform the campaign finance system in the United States. It is apparent that money greatly influences American elections and it has massive effects upon the outcome of recent elections. The laws encourage citizens to participate in elections. Although it may be unknown to many, money greatly influenced the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. As a result of the court case Arizona Free Enterprise v. Bennett, it was decided that citizens should be encouraged to help in financing campaigns. When there

  • The Role of the President of the United States of America: Barack Obama

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    and its allies. Barack Obama made his history in 2008, when he became the first African American president. This essay will look at his background, his run for president, his achieves, future plans for America, and my opinion as a British citizen. Barack Hussein Obama II was born in 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is the son of Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. His mother a white American citizen from Kansas and his father a black African foreign student studying in Hawaii. Barack Sr left Hawaii to

  • Barack Obama Biography Essay

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    Barack Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961, and went on to become President of the Harvard Law Review and a U.S. senator representing Illinois. In 2008, he was elected President of the United States, becoming the first African-American commander-in-chief. He served two terms as the 44 president of the United States. While living with his grandparents, Obama enrolled in the esteemed Punahou Academy, He excelled in basketball and graduated with academic honors in 1979. As one of only three black

  • Argumentative Essay About Barack Obama

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    Barack Obama This is a biography with Barack Obama the former president of the United States. People choose to believe that different things about Obama but there are the things that I believe about Obama. Barack Obama is inspirational, hardworking, and determined because of his childhood, his education and his presidency. He is hard-working because of his childhood “he grew up on the Southside of Chicago,Illinois and that is where he met his wife Michelle” (Source A). Barack grew up in a rough

  • Analysis Of Barack Obama's The Audacity Of Hope

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    Barack Obama came on to the political stage in 2004 when he gave the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Before this momentous occasion very few people had heard of the Junior Senator from Illinois – he had only been in the Senate for eight months. He titled the speech “The Audacity of Hope” to highlight the strength and resilience of the country and to encourage people struggling to rise out of poverty and despair and help them believe in a better future for themselves, their

  • Media Influence On American Politics

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    Do the public and the media influence American Presidential campaigns? Are there any connections between politicians, especially presidents, and the media? And how exactly does the structure of US politics look like? All these questions and many more are answered in this diploma thesis. The United States are a federal constitutional republic associating fifty states. The government in the United States of America is different from all others in the world. It developed as a result of historical