Donald Trump Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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The Presidential Rhetoric of Barack Obama and Donald Trump
A president’s ability to convey his message to the people is vital to his success. President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump have both used their speeches, social media, and interactions with the media to connect with their bases and respond to current events; however, the rhetorical styles they use to do these things are vastly different. During their campaigns, Trump and Obama used power rhetoric to help them succeed in their respective races. Their rhetoric styles have been on display when they address the country in times of conflict. These two presidents have shown that, despite their difference in rhetorical style, they both know how to excite their base.
Barack Obama …show more content…

This message that Barack Obama perfected obviously worked as he received the most votes ever by a presidential candidate. Donald Trump’s approach to campaign speeches was, perhaps, the exact opposite of Obama’s. Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president in a speech at Trump Tower in New York City. During the speech Trump set the tone for a campaign that would be filled with fear mongering and falsehoods. During his speech, Trump said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best… They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." While speaking about unemployment in the United States, Trump told people to ignore the unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and stated the real unemployment rate was approximately twenty percent. Trump’s style of rhetoric was unique in American politics and that is what made Trump so attractive to many voters. After his announcement speech, it was clear that Trump wouldn’t hold back in terms of his rhetoric and would always say what was on his mind. After his first primary win in New Hampshire, Trump said that in order to “make America great again” the …show more content…

A president should give the people a sense of hope, calmness, and leadership even in the face of tragedy and danger. While both Obama and Trump’s rhetorical styles may have been helpful in getting them elected, their differences have affected their ability to give the American people what they need to hear in times of conflict. After the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that killed forty-nine, many of whom were part of the LGBTQ community, President Obama stood with the LGBTQ people saying “Regardless of race, religion, faith or sexual orientation, we’re all Americans, and we need to be looking after each other and protecting each other at all times in the face of this kind of terrible act”. After the same tragedy, Trump released a statement attacking President Obama, Hilary Clinton, and the religion of Islam. Hours after the attack, Trump tweeted “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!”. Many people were disappointed in Trump and felt he did not support the LGBTQ community in the most sensitive of times for the group. The LGBTQ community is not the only minority group that Trump has neglected to support in times of crisis and sensitivity. In August of 2017, a group of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Klansmen, some of whom were carrying semi-automatic rifles,

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