Rhetorical Analysis: A More Perfect Union

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A black male and a white male may live parallel lives in America, but why does one struggle to have a similar life as the other? For 300 years, racial inequality has been a struggle to overcome and surpass. There were times in history when the black community has gotten a step closer to racial equality, but as much as there is a step in the right direction, in our world, there is always a step backward. Regarding such a topic, President Obama, the first black U.S. president, presented a speech titled A More Perfect Union in 2008. This speech talks about the racial issues in the U.S. from the Civil Rights Movement to the current day. It caused much controversy for Obama when he eventually ran for president, nonetheless, it became his most famous …show more content…

For instance, Obama’s opening statement is, “We the people, in order to form a perfect union” (Obama 2008). This line is the first line of the preamble to the Constitution, the documentation of the foundation of the United States of America. Beginning with this line, along with titling his speech very similarly, demonstrates the main idea and the purpose behind his speech. Also, within the first twenty lines of his speech, he began to summarize the struggle the country has with establishing the foundations while still having slavery in question (Obama 2008). Civil disobedience was mentioned in this portion as well to describe the fight black people had to endure for their God-given rights. For those who are unaware, Martin Luther King Jr., a very well-known respected civil rights activist, is the founder of this term because his protests involved breaking subtle laws, all non-violent. Additionally, this former president brings up Brown v. Board of Education and the education system in America. The first black president says, “Segregated schools were and are inferior schools; we still haven't fixed them, 50 years after Brown v. Board of …show more content…

However, the accessibility to these schools and the education they provide is what former President Barack Obama is trying to discuss. He said that there is a systematic gap in academic achievement between black and white students because of this situation. All in all, incorporating famous civil rights events and activists like King and Brown v. Board boosted his credibility and proved to his audience the driving force behind the main idea of this speech. But, it's not always the evidence that grabs the attention of the audience; sometimes it is the heartfelt story that comes with it. Following that statement, Obama’s use of pathos is another key factor that makes A More Perfect Union speech an infamous one in his presidential career. Barack Obama’s backstory is different and unique, which makes it tie well together in the speech. As a matter of fact, in this speech, he explains how he was the child of an interracial couple (white mom and black dad) and was raised by grandparents who were involved in detrimental parts of the nation such as World War II. He has cousins of every skin color all over the world and his wife, Michelle Obama, has the blood of former slaves and slave

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