Bakersfield, California Essays

  • Sexual Content in the Bluest Eye

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    High School District, has arisen in the past year dealing with The Bluest Eye's explicit content. Sue Porter, mother of an East Bakersfield High School Student objected to having her 11th grade daughter read the book in her honors English class. She believed the book was "pornographic" and inappropriate for children. She pushed to have the book banned from the California Department of Education's list of recommended reading. This started a ripple effect in the community. In the last Kern High School

  • Air Pollution In Bakersfield, California

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    One of the most polluted cities in the United States is Bakersfield, California. The 142-square miles city is located near the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley and the Central Valley region with a population of over 365,000. Emissions from industries coupled with geographical and climatic conditions make the city a hard place to breathe in due to its highly polluted air. The polluted air has had adverse effects on the residents. Of the total population, 70,000 have asthma, 40,000 cardiovascular

  • First Transcontinental Railroad In California

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    Ogden Professor Bingley California History 372 2 April 2017 The construction of railroads in California impacted the state physically, socially, and economically; and ultimately helped propel California into the state it is today. During a time when masses of people were migrating to California but were doing so in an inefficient, and sometimes dangerous way, the first transcontinental railroad provided a fast and easier alternative. During the 1850's and 60's California was booming as many people

  • Persuasive Essay For Middle School Teacher

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    After graduating college it is time to hit the real world, so it’s time to begin of what I want to do for a living. The career I’m striving to achieve is to become an elementary teacher or middle school teacher. Becoming a teacher would be fantastic, it’s a job I know I would enjoy and I’m passionate about. Being able to help young students learn new things every day would be amazing, knowing that in elementary years it is the foundation of a student’s education. Teaching in general and watching

  • Health Problems For Kern County Health

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    Kern County is located in the central valley of California. Bakersfield is the largest city in this county. According to the U.S. census in 2010, Kern County’s population contains 839,631 residents. The health of the county has been an alarming concern because Kern County is the least healthy county in California with more than 60% of its population considered obese. Kern County’s obesity rate, and the number of physically inactive residents are higher than both the state and national averages.

  • Chick In Crisis Thesis

    892 Words  | 2 Pages

    I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material: Chicks in Crisis began in the garage of the founder, Inez Whitlow, in 1997. Inez aims were to reduce the number of infants being admitted to the foster care homes, assist pregnant teenagers and women from abandoning their children by ensuring that they get medical care, counseling, housing, and other resources for them to make wiser decisions. She was the first person to set a “street team” for the people in Sacramento through giving out used clothes and her

  • Comparing The Border In Sunshine And Noir II

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    The border between the United States of America and Mexico always had been always a theme for a lot of discussions. And, in the book “Sunshine/Noir II” two authors described, through texts, their point of view about the topic. Both Juanita Lopez and Michael Cheno Wickert agree that nowadays the control of the border has become way more restrict and militarized. In that sense, Michael Wickert presents his idea in a poem form, text named “The border Is a Fight”, that describes the dramas of a Mexican

  • Latino Breaking Down Barriers Essay

    1376 Words  | 3 Pages

    Latinos Breaking Down Barriers What does being Latino mean to you? Some people think all Latinos are poor or illiterate, but that’s not true. Latinos in this country are changing the way others define us. We are taking a stand and we are defining ourselves, Proud! For years Latinos have been stereotyped by other who are uninformed of our culture, well it’s time to get informed. Latinos like Armando Perez, Consuelo Kickbusch and Eva Longoria who are making a different and making history. Armando

  • Mexican-America By Victor Valdez Summary

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Thesis: Through Valdez’s conscientious usage of racial stereotypes and satirical social criticism, he targets the American government as a result of its enmity and prejudice towards Mexican-Americans. Valdez utilizes the stereotypes to highlight on the social conflict between the brutal American powers and the poverty stricken Mexican-Americans; thus, he satirizes how in truth, the American government is a ludicrous robot that does not fathom the gravity for equal rights. Valdez utilizes

  • Latino Civil Right Movement Essay

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    only did the movement gain access for some Latinos but also it was able to secure unionization for Mexican American farm workers. This was done a 1965 national boycott of grapes that forced grape growers to recognize United Farm Workers in Delano, California that was spearheaded by Caesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta. Also grape pickers went on strike, and Chavez went through a twenty-five day hunger strike in 1968. Senator Robert F. Kennedy was a supported of the movement and showed this by joining the

  • The Imperfect Masterpiece

    1600 Words  | 4 Pages

    America is the nation of immigrants. America was founded on the principals of freedom of speech, equality, and the pursuit of happiness and this principle of freedoms encouraged people to come to America. To be an American does not simply mean being born on American soil, it means that one believes and supports the beliefs of American principles. Scruton stated that, “to inherit a culture you must identify with it; and if you cannot identify with it, then you must find a new identity by rejecting

  • Consequences of the Drought in the Central Valley

    1007 Words  | 3 Pages

    On the heart (center) of California is a flat area with miles and miles of farms and up to 230 different crops. The central valley agriculture is essential to the United States; it not only delivers almost half of the produce but also helps the economy by also giving more job opportunities (California Department of food and agriculture, 2014). Many families depend on the central valley agriculture to survive economically in the United States. It is a well-known fact that rain and snows in the Sierra

  • Hispanic Marketing in Latinos INC by Arlene Davila

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hispanic Marketing In the book Latinos INC, Arlene Davila discusses and explores many of the dimensions and elements of Hispanic Marketing. In the beginning of the book she states that the Hispanic market is a multi-billion dollar industry. This market has grown tremendously and it is most prominent in densely populated Latino cities, such as Miami and Los Angeles. In these cities the main percentage of these Latino Americans tend to be Cuban. Davila explains and argues many points about Hispanic

  • My Latino Heart by Mario Garcia and Of Cholos and Surfers by Jack Lopez

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    My Latino Heart by Mario Garcia and Of Cholos and Surfers by Jack Lopez For my essay I have chosen to go with the idea, that not everything in California is what it seems. The truth behind the idea of California and the things that you can accomplish. What is hidden is the struggles and failure of some people when they do come to California. The connections in two stories one being “My Latino Heart” by Mario Garcia. The next story will be “Of Cholos and Surfers” by Jack Lopez. The connections

  • Westward Expansion: Daniel Boone

    593 Words  | 2 Pages

    Daniel Boone was not only a woodsman, but he was a hunter, freedom fighter, explorer, and dreamer. He was looking for riches of the West. He was one of the first to travel through the thick forests and cut his way through them. He fought against British soldiers to keep expanding and exploring to the West. He was also attacked by the Shawnee Indians but escaped and kept heading west. Lewis and Clark set out on a mapping expedition through the Rockies. They were saved by a Native American girl who

  • History Of California

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    California, a state located on the West Coast of the United States is the most popular state. Its the third largest state by area. California borders Oregon to the North, Nevada to the East, Arizona to the Southeast, and the Mexican States of Baja to the South. On 1850, September 9 California became the 31st state of the United States. California became the 31st state in the Union even though it hasn’t even been part of the United States for less than 2 years. California has a total of 263,696 square

  • “Choo-Choo” Goes the Money Train

    1589 Words  | 4 Pages

    High speed rail is a great idea! How could anyone deny the unmistakable benefits that high-speed rail could offer California? Moving massive amounts of people, in a cost-efficient manner, is a marvelous idea. Taking thousands of commuters off the roads and highways would be an undeniably good thing. Lowering our dependence on fossil fuels will not only help lead us towards energy independence, but will also show benefits to the environment for our current and future generations. Who in their

  • Disney Ideology Analysis

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    From Cinderella to Mickey Mouse, the Disney culture has always been a part of our lives. A brilliant man named Walt Disney in 1923 started the Disney Company. He brought magic and imagination into our world. I loved Disney and so did my parents and even my grandparents.  I would dream about being a Princess who would someday be rescued by my very own Prince Charming. Even now that I am 20, I still love the feeling that The Wonderful World of Disney gives me. I love that children today still believe

  • California's Cultural And Cultural Diversity In California

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    California is full of beauty, a beauty that is constantly glamourized, and falsely advertised. There is a constant battle against the stereotypes presented in the media, which have created a false image of this massive state. The media presents an insufficient amount of information about California that impedes the outsiders to fully understand the beauty of this state. The media focuses on the tourist attractions of California, like, beaches, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and San Francisco. Although these

  • The Kite Runner Book Report

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    things are not the same between the two friends. Ali, and Hassan are asked to leave, after Amir frames Hassan for stealing. When things in Kabul get worse Amir and Baba flee on a truck and leave for America. Baba and Amir move to Fremont, California and Amir goes to high school and to college and eventually meets his wife Soraya. Just after they are married Baba dies of lung cancer. Amir and Soraya try unsuccessfully to have a