used for a long time and the primary hardware description languages in use are Verilog and VHDL. VHDL is a VHSIC Hardware Description Language and VHSIC is a very high speed integrated circuit gate level through system design and verification. Verilog is primarily targeted for design of application specific integrated circuits. Hardware description languages are used for hardware systems because of their parallelism. This parallelism results in increased speed, which is often the main reason to implement
System architecture and design of the system of an SoC is the most important parts to be considered when developing system-on-chip applications. High density system integration, ……. Embedded computers typically have tight constraints on both functionality and implementation. In particular, they must guarantee real time operation reactive to external events, conform to size and weight limits, budget power and cooling consumption, satisfy safety and reliability requirements, and meet tight cost
in higher static power in the forms of sub-threshold leakage and gate leakage. Heating solutions for devices with high power dissipation is expensive. If FPGA’s are to be used in portable devices, power consumption needs to be reduced. -powered applications, high power consumption may prohibit the use of FPGA altogether. Consequently, solutions for reducing FPGA power are needed. In this work, I propose a programmable dual-VDD architecture in which the supply voltage of the logic blocks and routing
programmable world, FPGA and ASIC play a vital role for complex designs implementation. In today’s world most of the applications uses FPGA to process the data in the real time and prototyping. The demand for FPGA is increasing because of its performance and reprogramability. The basic building block of FPGA is Logic Block(Configuration Logic Block or Versatile). Many applications, vendors claims the utilization of FPGA or FPGA density in terms of gate counts. Generated FPGA usage report says
first time Intel presented similar announcement. Also, another CPU giant AMD has been suffered from design and manufacture defect in their microprocessors for a long time. The traditional paradigm for computer hardware is to design the specific circuit including the gates, wires and the way they connected, and built it perfectly. Perfection of the components is the baseline of modern computer hardware--a single design or manufacture defect can cause the entire system crashed. It is thought
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 1. INTRODUCTION An integrated Circuit also known as an IC or a chip, is a set of electronic circuits and components containing many diodes, transistors and resistors etc fabricated on a small plate of semiconducting material like silicon. Actually it s a miniaturized form of electronic circuit. It is called as an ‘integrated circuit’ as all the components and circuits including base material are etched in a small piece of semiconducting plate. Its not like an assembled device
IPs in many ways. They can franchise, license out or transact their IP. There are 8 different types of (IP) Intellectual Property; they are patent, trademark, registered design, plant varieties protection, copyright, and layout-design of an integrated circuit, geographical indication and trade secret. Patent refers to the owner whom is the right granted of an object, product or a process that he/she invented. This will prevents others from making, using, importing or selling the invention without
point B. The information is transmitted from one circuit to another by using electronic currents. However, the logic sequences that have been incorporated into the electrical circuit is what distinguishes digital electronics from the electronic devices from the past. Binary logic, also known as Boolean theory, implements a base two-value logic system of “true” and “false” to transport information through electric signals. The electronic gate (circuit) is the source of what makes the electronics work
the number of components on a single silicon chip also increased, reaching a point in which a complete electronic system fits in a single integrated circuit. At that moment, the System on Chip was born. This trend in electronics (and computers) can be described in evolution periods. From 1960 to 1975, it was the mainframe computer age, where integrated circuits where designed looking only on performance. In the next 15 years, the network age occurred; in this time the VLSI technologies evolved considerably
their Intellectual property. Second of all, there are eight types of intellectual property. They are Patent, Trade Mark, Registered Design, Plant Varieties Protection, Copyright, Geographical Indication, Trade Secret and Layout-design of an integrated circuit. Intellectual Property refers to the creation of human minds for which exclusive rights are recognised. Innovators, artistes and business owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets for
signal. The reader decodes the data encoded in the tag's integrated circuit (silicon chip) and the data is passed to the host computer for processing. RFID tags come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Animal tracking tags, inserted beneath the skin, can be as small as a pencil lead in diameter and one-half inch in length. Tags can be screw-shaped to identify trees or wooden items, or credit-card shaped for use in access applications. The anti-theft hard plastic tags attached to merchandise
source. In 1951, UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) take advantage of this advance and predict the winner of the 1952 of US presidential election. That time characteristic of computer by the fact that operating instruction made to order for the specific task. Each computer has a different binary-coded program called a machine language that told it how to work. This made computer is difficult to program and limited its versatility and speed. Other distinctive features were the use of vacuum tubes
testing software that tests internal structures or workings of an application as shown in figure 1.4 [43]. Figure 1.4 White Box Testing In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit, e.g. in-circuit testing (ICT). White-box testing can be applied at the unit, integration
This paper introduces the use of the voltage multiplier technique and passive absorption circuit applied to the non-isolated dc-dc converter in order to obtain high efficiency and high voltage gain. A passive absorption circuit is inserted in the interleaved flyback converter to transfer the leakage energy to load. The operation principle of the circuit is explained. This paper also deals with MPPT controlled high step up dc-dc converter. The switching element used in the flyback converter is MOSFETs
1945-Present The evolution of modern computers is divided into a few "distinct" generations. Each generation is characterized by extreme improvements over the prior era in the technology used in the manufacturing process, the internal layout of computer systems, and programming languages. There has also been a steady improvement in algorithms, including algorithms used in computational science, though not usually associated with computer generations. The following timeline has been organized
Engineering is the application of scientific, economic design and a wide range of other specialized fields of engineering. As an engineer, there are four major different areas of engineering work that I can concern about, that is chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Beyond this four, sources separate to other main branches. Based on the electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run the world, there is a hopeful future
Vertical design of double gate silicon carbide (3C-SiC) MESFET on silicon (Si) substrate ABSTRCT There is big deal of interest in silicon carbide (SiC) as an electronic material for high-voltage, high-power and high temperature applications. In this thesis, characteristics of Double gate vertical metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFET) fabricated on N/N+ 3C-SiC grown on N+ Si substrate are reported. The most intriguing electronic property of silicon carbide is that it is the only
versatile, it has many interesting properties and it can be used in various electrical and medical applications. All forms of carbon can be represented by graphene. Graphite is stacked graphene. Buckyballs (carbon spheres) are just bent graphene. Even the famous carbon nanotubes can be made by rolling graphene into a cylinder (Berger). Basically, no known material compares to graphene. “Graphene has a high specific surface area (2630 square meters per gram), exceptional electrical conductivity (mobility of
atmosphere are all natural plant nanomaterials. One-dimensional nanomaterials, such as thin films and engineered sides, have been developed and used for times in fields such as electronic device creation, chemistry and engineering. In the silicon integrated-circuit industry, many devices rely on thin cinemas for their procedure, and control of motion picture thicknesses future the atomic level is humdrum. Monolayers (layers that are one atom or molecule deep) are also routinely made and used in chemistry
mentioning clock, I mean “digital clock signal” (clk). It is basically a voltage signal which is similar to a square wave that consists of two voltage levels: High (varies with circuit necessaries) and Low (0). It is represented as follows: Many electronic circuits don’t find the requirement of the clock. Such circuits just calculate the Tp (Propagation Delay) to occur at the final stage output. Whereas, we deal with